MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > Will King William V reign over an Islami...

Will King William V reign over an Islamic Britain

in circa 2040?


Perhaps not King William in 2040, but more likely King George circa 2070. The Church of England will have been replaced by the Mosque of England by that time.


don't you have an EDL meeting to go to?


I am ready to nickname that isis beheader, the "British & 21st Century Benadict Arnold"!
PS: I did not capitalize or spell/type the religion name, on purpose!


Here's some population stats for England in 2011(bold mine):

85.4% White
7.8% Asian
3.5% Black
2.3% Mixed
0.4% Arab
0.6% Other

For the UK (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland) in 2011:

87.1% White
7.0% Asian
3.0% Black
2.0% Mixed
0.9% others

In the UK, "Arabs" don't even rate a mention. Not bloody likely, as they'd say.


Not all Muslims are Arabs. Many are Asians, Blacks, and some are actually classed as white. Furthermore, these are official census numbers which tend to undercount nonwhites percentage of the population.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


Yes, of course you're correct, but I didn't explain my point well. Until 1948, when the Britain began to import blacks from the Caribbean, the total non-white population of Britain was around 20,000 people. That's 20,000 people in a nation of ca. 40 million people, that's hardly a blip on the cultural radar. Even now, nearly 70 years later, the UK is 85% Anglo-Saxon and that isn't going to change much at all. The idea that the current Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is going to "reign over an Islamic Britain" is absurd.


Have you been to London or Londonistan as of late? Hardly any indigenous Anglo-Saxons left in that city outside of some affluent enclaves and the historical sites. Of course, places such as Liverpool, Edinburgh, York, and Chester almost all are entirely white. But the face of Britain is changing as the number one name for baby boys born in the UK is no longer Jack. Its Mohammed. Yeah, overall the UK demographics still look pretty good compared to the multi-racial nightmare in the States.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


The #1 name is Mo simply because Muslims have no originality when naming males, every other baby is called Mo. If 50% of Anglo-Saxon babies were called Jack then Jack would be #1 by so many magnitudes of margin.

You do know that by spreading this sort of crap where you distort facts and figures just to smear your bile in the face of more people you come across as a hate-filled bigot. Yeah, that's right - if you want to tarnish all Muslims with the same brush then you are really no better than Isis.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


The #1 name is Mo simply because Muslims have no originality when naming males, every other baby is called Mo. If 50% of Anglo-Saxon babies were called Jack then Jack would be #1 by so many magnitudes of margin.

Even taking that into consideration, the fact that Mo is the #1 name for new born infants in the UK is rather telling as to the demographic shift taking place throughout Western Europe. According to Time magazine, the Islamic populace of Britain will be at around 9.8% by 2030. And that, of course, is an official conservative estimate.

come across as a hate-filled bigot

If telling the truth about reality makes one a bigot, then that is a badge I'll gladly wear with pride.

you are really no better than Isis.

Are you really that stupid??? Pointing out the truth does not make one a terrorist...

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


Even now, nearly 70 years later, the UK is 85% Anglo-Saxon and that isn't going to change much at all.

Actually it will change, because that 85% is not evenly spread across the generations. The oldest generations are whiter than that, while the younger generations are less white than that.


It's not just "Arabs" that are Muslims. In the UK the people called "Asians" are mostly from Pakistan and tend to be hard line Muslims. Six years after this thread began how are things going in Englandistan?

As for the original question, no of course William won't reign over an Islamic Britain. When Britain becomes an Islamic State they will get rid of the old monarchy and install their own caliphate.


