One of the sweetest, funniest musical comedies I've ever seen
Anytime I see this film, it just leaves me with a huge smile on my face. Everything from the cast to the writing to the direction to the music choices. It's a perfect comedy. Juri Ueno delivers her greatest performance, Tomoko is the madcap leader of the whole thing, in the wrong actresses hands she could come of very annoying but Ueno plays her just right. Also special praise for Yuta Hiraoka who plays the only guy in the band but isn't there to be the romantic lead but he's the loveable fool who just wants to play music. The whole cast is fantastic to be fair.
I also love that they actually play the music in the film, that's a extra touch that makes this film great. It's also a film you could make in any other country and it wouldn't lose it's comedic value. The last 10 minutes of the film, will put a smile on anyone's face. You can see why it was such a huge hit in Japan.