MovieChat Forums > V for Vendetta (2006) Discussion > Who else watches this movie every year o...

Who else watches this movie every year on the 5th?

for the past few years i have :D and am watching it now.


Just finished.


Just finished watching it for the 4th year in a row on 5th November..


On its climax right now.
Good to know I'm not the only one who follows this tradition!


I'm watching it right now. What a fantastic film!


My wife and I just watched again- and I have had a framed picture on my wall of the poster for a year now- truly a classic film 8/10 IMO

Plainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.


I watch it every fifth of november since ive bought the dvd watching it right now


Every year since it came out on Dvd. And when I lived overseas, I downloaded it. I will never miss a year as long as I live.

Zoe Graves

"America: Freedom to Facism" and "Religulous"- watch them


Happy to hear all of you share the tradition as well :) Happy 5th of november!


I watched it at a showing at a great little indy cinema in London yesterday (the 5th) and though a slightly ropey print, the film still stands up and is as emotionally charged as it was when I first watched it in the cinema in '06.
Resonantly , if anything, the film is even more relevant and pertinant than it was almost ten years ago, what with the rise of UKIP and the far right as a political force in the U.K, Islamophobia and the end of the west's involvement in Afghanistan!

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