Funniest Quotes In the Game? (Obvious Spoilers)
For me it's.....
Pox: (sometimes if you choose to upgrade your saucer) Here's the keys and do be careful with this one Double Oh-I mean, Crypto
For me it's.....
Pox: (sometimes if you choose to upgrade your saucer) Here's the keys and do be careful with this one Double Oh-I mean, Crypto
or " When do I get to blow things up!" or may be " Its a good day to die you prestaly varmet!"
sharei like when you read the town crazy's (turnipseed farm) mind and she goes "*BEEP* you crawford! your not my mommie dearest!"
shareWhen pox is explaining why they are invading earth:
"we need an infusion of furon energy so we can clone. We cannot reproduce due to a complete and total lack of genetalia"
Crypto "I am NOT green"
Silhouette "Do you think America is the only civilisation on this planet?"
Crypto "Well all the Americans seem to think so"
Pox "Crypto, the humans are trying to sabbotage the tape! KILL THE BA5TARDS!!!"
Cryto when he sees the robo-prez "That. Is. Seriously. Messed. Up"
Crypto "What do you know about a downed Furon scout ship"
G-Man "A what?"
Crypto (sarcasticly)"I'm sorry let me put it in baby talk. A flying saucer"
Cop "Bill of rights? Who the hell needs a bill of rights? I'm Bill and I'm right."
I can't remember it exactly, mostly down to the fact Crypto is mumbling, but it goes something like this.
"I have the rescue him. ME!. He has to rescue ME (Paces around then pauses) WHEN DO I GET TO BLOW STUFF UP!?
Someone mentioned it a bit further up, but it's great.
Also the way Pox says "Armquist" in the first Capital City mission, just sounds really evil!
"Hey Earl. I wanna catch that pretty red dot on your back..."
All those are indeed great. Here are some more!
" Orson Welles was right!"
"Come and get me you Commie piece of crap!"
(Policeman when looking for you) "I just want to help you, heh hehe he ehe he (quietly) yeah right."
"They come to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and they're all out of bubble gum!"
Soldier Cortex Scan "What do they mean he can look like anyone? Who is this guy, Lon Chaney?"
That's all I can think of at the mo!
Levitating guy (from the city levels): Oof! Careful, I have a fused vertebrae!
Pox (On Mothership, idle): You know, I am not accustomed to being ignored. It tends to aggravate me.
Pox (On Mothership, idle): Any body there? No? Well, take your time. All the time in the world. Lots… and lots… of time. *snores*
Pox (On Mothership, idle): Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just a fictional character in a simulated universe after all. I have nothing better to do really. I’m just a bunch of electrons floating about inside your console… and a few kilobytes of data stored on your DAH disk… DON’T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!!
Cowboy (PKed): I’m levertaterenen!
Suburban woman: Oh well. Back to my pointless suburban existence.
Giant robot (PKed): Have you ever seen bionic puke? It’s naaaasty.
Giant robot (PKed): Impressive. You work out?
Giant robot (PKed): Do you have any idea how much I weigh!?
Giant robot (PKed): Oof! I think I just slipped an exo-disc.
Giant robot (PKed): Woah! Déjà vu… memories… flooding back! Throw me again, mommy!
Majestic: Now what did I do with my gun? It’s not in my holster… it’s not in my pants… oh wait it’s in my hand.
Irish cop (PKed): Dispatch! I’ve got a 10:52, officer being levitated! Send back-up!
Irish cop (PKed): Oh yeah? Well you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to wave at you ineffectually with my nightstick!
Irish cop (PKed): God, I hope the other cops don’t see this.
Irish cop (PKed): I feel so powerless! It’s… turning me on actually.
If your life's free from failure, you're not taking enough risks...
for me its:
oh, i must stop watching human T.V.
i porpesly died so i could hear that again!
There are several good ones. The one in Santa Modesto where the Majestic agents are talking about bringing in the army:
Agent 1: "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm NOT hanging around here waiting to get abducted."
Agent 2: "Keep your panties on, Mary. The Army has a whole column right outside town...WITH tanks. All you have to do is lead them in."
Agent 1: "Thank God!"
Agent 2: "No...thank Majestic!"
Some that people say when scanned:
Woman: "Just keep smiling! Only an hour 'till I can get home to Mama's little helper!"
Cop: "Nightstick? Check. Sidearm? Check. Taking money from the local mob boss? Check. Self-satisfied and superior morality over these civilians? Check!"
Crypto: "Don't get mad, get sadistic!"
Pox: "Sleepy Ernst!" I love how he says that.
Armquist: "No beat eating, vodka swilling, Trotskyite son-of-a-bitch is going to interfer with our God given right to watch television...not on my watch!"
I have a couple of favorites.
One is:
Crypto:If one of those majestics lay one hairy finger on me i'll rip them a new a$$ hole.
Yes-I'm a girl and I love video games.
Scan a Majestic Agent: "I have a meeting with Hoover today, please God let him be wearing pant this time!"
on the bert withers mission, scan the correct majestic dude and he will think, "why does Sihlouette give me all the crappy missions. Was it because I hit on her at the Christmas Party? No, wait, scratch that thought, no ones supposed to know that sihlouetts's a chick."
and the gay townie "Rock Hudson is a dreamboat! Did I just think that? Ummmm....aaaahh, lumberjacks, football,uummm...ahhhhahhhhhhhhh. That's better."
lmao rofl
never trust a bunny
Farmer(When levatating): Put the farmer down, dag-gomit!
Farmer: 'Catch me a varmit!
Male Civilian: We've been invaded by E.T.!
Male Civilian: I've gotta golf club and I'm not afraid to use it.
Cop: You have the right to get your arse kicked!
Cop: Look at the badge, bi-otch!
Armed and Dangerous