Clooney admitted this film was a lie!!
Back in 2005, in an interview with the left-wing website, ( .html) Clooney admitted that he knew Annie Lee Moss was a Communist working in a senstitive government position but that didn't matter to him. Instead, he said that he was only concerned that Moss had a right to face her accusers.
The problem was that Moss did in fact have an opportunity to face her accusers and did face them, where she perjured herself, but Clooney purposely omits that small bit of information otherwise he wouldn't have a movie.
Anyone that wants detailed info about the Annie Lee Moss issue need only look at the records regarding her case. The most current book about the Moss case, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies ( /140008105X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1204842174& ;sr=1-1), discusses it and gives solid sources regarding the case and how Annie Lee Moss was without question a Communist operative working in a sensitive government position who was in an easy position to pass on secret U.S. government information. It was illegal for someone who was a member of the Communist Party to work in the government and therefore Annie Less Moss should have been prosecuted for perjury at the very least.
The interesting aspect of all this is that this information about Moss is not new. This was all analyzed and determined to be factual at the time of the case.
So, for over 50 years, liberals, aligning themselves with the Communist Party on this issue, are still spreading the falsehood that Moss was innocent despite the solid evidence showing she was indeed what Senator McCarthy said she was. Why liberals are still sticking with this lie is a question that only each one must face and answer.
America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".