MovieChat Forums > Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Discussion > Unless you enjoy dreadfully boring black...

Unless you enjoy dreadfully boring black and white films....

... and have a strong interest in the politics and media of this era, I'd strongly recommend avoiding this movie.

As a political science major that actually finds politics relatively interesting, I still struggled to make it through this bore-fest. Scenes droned on and on. 10 minutes worth of a woman just standing there singing with nothing else happening. Extremely boring subject matter with zero tension and next to zero drama. It felt more like I was watching an old documentary on the History channel than an actual movie.

I can tell it had some merits, but it's getting a 3/10 from me and it's been a while since I rated a movie that low.


I couldn't really get into either and I knew about this subject beforehand which made this movie extremely predictable for me. I did really like the cinematography and the music scenes were a nice change of pace from the constant yapping. David Straithairn was top notch as well. I enjoyed Ides of March and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind a lot more. Also please don't give me that "go watch Transformers instead" bs. The last movie I loved was Murmur of the Heart. I like good smart movies but I also need to be entertained and engaged. Anyway I would give GNAGL 6/10. Decent film but the subject matter and script just didn't do it for me.


As a previous poster wrote: "I guess you'd have to be familiar with the event beforehand to truly appreciate this movie. . . ." Yes, that's true I would say. This film was meant to portray a chapter from history, not only the story itself but the atmosphere, the culture, habits, the politics, etc. This included the black and white screen, condescending treatment of women, the smoking, the lack of ethnic diversity (except for Dianne Reeves), the Communism fear, etc. And it did perfectly. Straithairn's portrayal of Murrow was compelling and believable.

This was the third time I've watched the movie, and I love it.


Seems like this thread was written by O'Brian. Move along


You misspelled "...". "..." contains 3 dots, no more, no less, you ignorant jackass.


What an incredible jerk you are.


I don't know about movies like that. I do, however, enjoy watching captivating, stupendously acted, well-written and superbly-crafted black & white films (and of color, of course) that can keep me engage, and this film does just that. And compared to the many b&w films I've seen, this one is relatively fast-paced.

You want something corny? You got it!
