MovieChat Forums > Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) Discussion > Should Strathairn have won the oscar?

Should Strathairn have won the oscar?

Do you think that David Strathairn should've won the best actor oscar in 2005?


After Hoffman


I love Strathairn and I love this movie but no.


in that order...really strong year for best actor performances.

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


I love Strathairn and I love this movie but no.

in that order...really strong year for best actor performances.

Those were some damn good performances too. For me, it was too close to call, all of them were brilliant in their roles but I think most had it with Hoffman, Ledger or Phoenix with Howard & Strathiarn being the wild cards.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.



I just watched it again and it's remarkable how good he is in the film. In a normal year he'd have an excellent argument to win the Oscar, but 2005 was the year of Hoffman's Capote, and Ledger in Brokeback Mountain, arguably two of the better male performances of the entire decade. So no, as good as he is, it's not quite that good. But I don't know who could have done a better Murrow, really perfect casting.


As great as Strathairn was in the film, he just simply had too much competition that year between Ledger/Brokeback Mountain, Phoenix/Walk the Line and of course the eventual winner: Hoffman/Capote. I do hope he eventually wins the Oscar, as I consider him a dynamically talented and underrated thespian, but I can't argue with the Academy's decision that year. Hoffman just got lost in his role and was well deserving of the ultimate accolades.

However, if it's any credit to Strathairn, I do have Good Night, and Good Luck on DVD whereas I don't have that for Capote  (even though I think Capote is a great film in its own right)

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


He delivered an incredibly strong, fleshed-out performance that got the recognition it deserved. Much better nominees that year they say, but his performance is possibly my favorite.

You want something corny? You got it!


What a year for great performances by lead actors.

Chilling to think that two of those men have now passed away.

If I were voting, I would have picked Heath Ledger w/o hesitation. Such a difficult role. Heath made me weep for that tortured cowboy in Brokeback. Absolutely brilliant portrayal of a very complex character.

I actually met Capote a few times. Hoffman was very good, but not as twisted and tortured as the real Truman. Perhaps PSH & the director discussed that if he portrayed Capote as f&c7ed up as he actually was, it would have turned off the audiences. Capote was often inebriated to the point of near blackout in public. Not to slam a person who is no longer with us, but it was not a big secret at the time what a struggle Mr. Capote had w/substances. People in awe of his extreme writing talent were quite frightened for him as his addictions absolutely overpowered him. Amazing that the same thing happened to Hoffman. May both great men RIP.

...& Heath OD'd on drugs too...agh...

Too sad.
