Did anyone else cry when Colonel Faris died near the end? I'm a guy and I ain't ashamed to admit that I did cry, I know other people did as well.
For me, the last 10 mins of this movie are very emotional, it's what separates this movie from being just another action flick, I thought it was awesome.
I got a little teary...but mostly so pissed!! It´s not a redemption death like Boromir´s or Bana´s Prince Hector in Troy.There was no lesson to be learned or any hope in sight...He was such a rightous and good man,that...Ok,I guess the point was to make us feel something but rewatching it yesterday,I just got furious that the screenplay was constructed in a way that they had to off "the last good muslim"(not saying that is true,of course)..but he was fearless,man.He kicked some serious ass in that last scene...R.I.P Colonel.
There was a lesson to be learned, that if we work together (Muslim and non-Muslim) we can stop those radicals who want to hurt us ALL for no reason other than their own selfish reasoning. Friendship, love, is what is needed, not hate. In the story those two set out what they accomplished to do, yes the ending was terribly sad, but if more of us reached out to each other I believe things could change.
That´s true.It might be a bit cliché but it´s a good cliché,it inspires.One thing I think The Kingdom achievs much easier then other movies who try alot harder;it gets the "All muslims aren´t terrorists."-point across.
We all KNOW that most muslims aren´t terrorists,of course.But Al Ghasi carries himself with such dignity and is so determined to catch these criminals...we root for him,we respect him.
Fanatics are brainwashed and have no honor but as long as we have men like Al Ghazi around the world can and will be a better place.
But when I saw him playing with his kids....I had a feeling things weren´t gonna turn out too good for him. Great actingjob by Bahrom.
I didn't cry and didn't really feel that sad but I gotta agree that I'd rather saw one of the team members die, Faris was a really good guy and had a big family, he should've lived.
There was liquid from my eyes when Foxx talked to Faris son. Im such a fag crying to a US propaganda movie. Well played hollywood, you got me. *claps hands*