Those poor girls

Even before Brittany passed out, from the time the show started, you could see that both of those girls were extremely pale and looked like crap (from lack of sleep and exhaustion.) Someone should whack those parents over the head, especially the mother. I loved her "I give up" after 1 hour of being home with the children. When do the girls get to "give up and throw in the towel"? Kids don't just pass out for no reason. Hopefully the outcry from the fans will give the girls an outlet. I hear they are both in regular school. This is great. I thought it was funny how the father chose to schedule in 30 minutes on the schedule for the girls to have time for themselves. 30 minutes a day? For 2 teenagers? What planet are you from dad? Although at least he thought of it, so I have to give him credit for that. The mother seemed absolutely rediculous. 2 words - birth control. What a b!tch!


Found them on facebook! They seem to be doing great!!!
Come on, Franklin! It'll be a fun trip!
