I heard this documentary was a secret Far-Right propaganda, made as an effort to rail against the supposedly "Liberal Decay" of the US (non-existent, might I add). This was one of the main reason I did not buy this documentary. I did not want to support nutjobs and religious fanatics.
This is a French film. It was dubbed into English from its original French. Somehow, I can't see the American religious right having any association with the French....
Don't every believe rumors -- investigate, and then go with the FACTS.
As a member of the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy)I can assure you that, yes, this was our baby. Myself and a few of my fellow VRWC'ers came up with the plan while torching an old growth forest (we were doing this to flush out the few remaining spotted owls and capture them to serve as the main course at our semi-annual "Laugh at the Poor Luncheon." In all honesty Brother Adolph was the true brainchild behind it but, after a good prayer session, we all fell in line with much enthusiasm! Our reasoning, you ask? In truth, we OWN Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, PETA and many other "do good" organizations that our lefty brethern fall all over themselves to support with their hearts, their tears AND, most importantly, their money. Brother Adolph's original idea was to be titled "March of the Homeless" but, after we had ourselves a good laugh, we settled on penguins. They're cute, cuddly and look oh so cold standing there with those eggs on their feet. Just the thing to get those emotions pegged out and the donations flowing! SUV's, "whites only" colleges, anti-gay legislation.....it all costs money. But, instead of supporting it with our own, we've figured out a way to do it with yours.
"I heard this documentary was a secret Far-Right propaganda, made as an effort to rail against the supposedly "Liberal Decay" of the US (non-existent, might I add). This was one of the main reason I did not buy this documentary. I did not want to support nutjobs and religious fanatics.