I watched this film last night in the English language version with Morgan Freeman's narration.
I see from the film info on imdb that the French language version is narrated by Charles Berling and Romane Bohringer.
Could someone tell me their opinion of the French version as opposed to the US one? Has anyone seen both who can compare them? (I don't really enjoy Freeman's voice-overs and was wondering if the original voices were better).
Also, was the script in the different versions a direct translation, or was it altered for different national audiences?
I didn't watched the French version, but I watched the english and german version and have to say. The English version is not that good.
The Point Of View is another one. In the german version there are more voices (male, female, child penguin) and it's narrated from their perspective either. Though the english version is no more than an Documentation.
But the most interesting point is, that in the english version they either used a different soundtrack by Alex Wurman. The german (and I think also the french version) have a soundtrack by Emilie Simon. I really really like the Soundtrack of Emilie. It's great listening even if you don't know the movie. If you know the movie this soundtrack is that great to rebuild the movie infront of your eyes, while listening to it. Can't understand they cut that masterpiece out of the english version.
Though in my opinion the english version really didn't made it.
I agree with sir Venker... but I didnt saw the english version (I'm french)
Emilie Simon is a french young ladie(maybe 30y old), coming from the electro rock school. her music is tainted with poetry and romantic accents... this is her first appearance in the credits of a movie (if my informations are corrects) she did a good job. when you re-hear her song you see the penguins... like Venker said...
the makers of "la marche de l'empereur" (french title) had the will to build something very different with their project... so they used electro-music ... and a narration at the first person witch is little disturbing but also very interresting at emotional viewpoint.
the americans distributors thought that the american people was not ready for this change of point of view. so they choosed an other music and type of narration... Apparently they know their job...and their people...
Electronic music and voice-overs for Penguins? Are you kidding me? Why ruin such wonderful footage by turning this film into some live-action Pixar. The French are insane.
The American version is subtle, complex and presents the footage for the viewer to decide. I'm sorry, but I dont need to hear Mamma Penguin talking to Baby. That's just sad.
I have to say that the french version is a lot better than the english one, even though I admire Morgan Freeman. The american version is just one more documentary, without anything original. The french version is vastly superior. Period. Commenting without having watched and fully understood the original version is just so lame...
Hello, Im from Colombia, I just watched the film hours ago, and i really enjoy it.
This is funny, I saw the trailer like three months ago, on E!, and i was capture by the narrative and the scenes, the trailer was for the american version, and it was obiously(sorry) the amercian version(the trailer), here in colombia we have the blessing to watch the original version, just in spanish language, but with the point of view of the penguins... and it was wonderfull, i just have the doubt, because in the trailer, Mr Freeman was obiously speakin like an ordinary doc narrator, but the movie i saw has soul, really, it wasnt in french, it was in spanish, but with the spirit of the original... and off course, with the wonderfull Emilie Simon music, just great... i was searching in amazon for the soundtrack, and i found a lot of music differnt from the movie i just watched, the I do a little research, and i find that the movie has two versions, the international (Dont say again the french version, because in all the world they use 3 voices (male, female, child penguin) ) and the american version, narrated by Mr Morgan Freeman, this is just like ANIME, the american distributors have to change everything to reach their audience, thank God, im not in that country, so i can have the original version of everything, anime, movies (like Danny the dog, in the US Unleashed) so... the international version is far superior... because let the images to speak in almost all the movie... it has soul.
Some people are complaining about the electro music of Emilie Simon, so they decide for the other soundtrack... I preffer emilie's soundtrack because it was the original, it was the election of the director, it's his movie, his compossition (sorry, I'm in a hurry) and makes you feel like a diferent type of documentary, not the ordinary ones tha you can see in natgeo or discovery.
Again. the march of the Emperor... its a documentary with soul
La Marche De L Empereur(french) la marcha del emperador (latinamerica)
Hi there, I´m from Mexico and just watched the film today. It is also dubbed with a spanish soundtrack (and from what I understand, in the french way with the penguins POV and the music from Emilie Simon) and I must say it´s just kindda irritating in parts... not the concept itself but the times when the two characters repeat their dialogues subsequently and the casting of the baby penguin´s voice (far too corny). I don´t know if its the same spanish version in colombia.. However I could deal with it by placing my attention in the great cinematography and the tratment of the doc. but not my friends and cousins (one was very irritated, another was bored and the others just thought it was a common doc. and practically a waste of money at the theatre) I thought it was a quite good film, but honestly I´d rather do either the French or even English version, since he one I heard was too distracting in the wrong way...
I saw the Morgan Freeman narrated version at theatres and felt that his voice over and the music complimented each other very well and that overall it was an excellent but brief observation of the Emperor Penguins lifecycle. Funnily enough I couldn't help but annoy my girlfriend all the way through it and occasionally give the penguins voices and say what they were thinking or feeling. I was intrigued when I later learned that the original French film did exactly what I had been doing and you actually heard them speak as well. I thought it would be quite a corny narrative device though and undermine a lot of the impact of the brilliant visuals. I have since seen some of it and I don't think its as bad as my imagination had led me to believe. Most of the comments when I looked into it a few months ago though seemed to focus more on the pros and cons of the different scores and soundtracks rather than the narration. I only wish they would release a DVD that offered BOTH VERSIONS so that I could enjoy them both. I have hundreds of other DVDs with commentaries so why not give me the French version with Morgan Freeman acting as a commentary on a separate audio track as a bonus? How hard could that be to organise?
I speak English, and not French. I saw the french version first, and even without understanding it I was mezmerized. There is incredible tenderness in the female narrator's voice that seems to match what is happening onscreen.
I have just watched the American version, and it is not even close. Morgan freeman sounds like he is trying to be James Earl Jones (I thought it WAS Jones until I checked) but all he succeeds in doing is to be boring. His reading is completely, COMPLETELY devoid of emotion.
I hadn't realized that the music was also different, but having read the other comments here I realize that yes, it is actually DRASTICALLY drastically different, and seriously inferior. The French pop soundtrack makes it seem more like a movie. -Perhaps a Disney animated movie. Their are wonderful emotional peaks and valleys in it. The American soundtrack is dull, foesn't seem to correspond to what's happening onscreen, and makes the whole thing seem more like a typical documentary. Very sad.
Even the title - what the heck? The correct translation is, of course, "March of the Emperors." Did they think Americans wouldn't know what an Emperor penguin is? The correct title has certain "noble" implications that the American title completely misses.
Frickin' Americans. No class, no culture, no appreciation of subtlety. I'm often embarrassed to be one.
I haven't seen the American version but I must say I was disappointed with the French version (I speak both languages). I found the 'point-of-view' narration irritating, especially the child, who just seemed far too 'cute'. Although I quite liked the Emilie Simon soundtrack, the fact that the words were in (slightly odd-sounding) English jarred somewhat. It also makes the choice to change soundtracks for the English-language version even stranger! The cinematography was breathtaking though - in my personal opinion I think it would have been better with more pictures, less music and less talk! (Maybe that's what the Anglophone producers were trying to achieve...)
> Frickin' Americans. No class, no culture, no appreciation of subtlety. I'm often embarrassed to be one. <
The only thing more cringe-inducing than European hauteur is apologetic, insecure Americans. Sheesh.
If it had been the other way around, and the American version had had voice-overs for each penguin, people on this site would be arguing how the American version is "trite" and "dumbed-down" for American audienecs. I guarantee it.
What's wrong with a version that concentrates more on the beauty of the images and less on narration? Isn't that what more "subtle" and "sophisticated" audiences would appreciate, as Europeans and American Europhiles claim to be?
Why not just evaluate each version on its own merits? And let those who can understand both languages appreciate their differences?
Fair dues, maybe American versions shouldn't be slaged off a priori, however they are easy targets: the main problem is the presumption to take someone else's work and changing it.
I'm not sure whether the makers oversaw the writing and development of the English version but that's beside the point, their arm was probably twisted for marketing reasons so their film could be sold in English-speaking countries.
I grew up watching dubbed films (mostly American) in Italy and I always perceived them as an insult to the work of actors, sound recordists/mixers and directors. Every film is complemented and completed by its soundtrack. Whether the resulting film is better or worst (purely subjective judgment) is irrelevant. I also disagree with people who think this makes the film accessible to others who can't understand the original version, subtitles are as honest a translation one could hope for without violating the original version. If someone took a Picasso painting and made a sculpture on the canvas I don't think the quality of the sculpture would be an issue but rather the loss of the original intention of the artist.
My final line is: if there must be a translation in a documentary without sync dialogue then it should be as close as possible to the original intentions of the filmmakers' version otherwise it's more like a found-footage project (with copyright lawyers' blessing)...
PS I have only seen the English version and thought there was too much music and Morgan Freeman was boring, would have preferred to just watch/hear the penguins. Maybe I would have thought that the French version was a load of cr#p but I still feel deprived of the real experience (i.e. the film made by the filmmakers)
"Frickin' Americans. No class, no culture, no appreciation of subtlety. I'm often embarrassed to be one."
I'm not the most patriotic American, especially these days - it's very difficult to be proud when your government continues to do you, and the world, wrong...but come on. We have class, culture, appreciation of subtlety...you just have to look harder because we've only been around for 200 years. Just try to compare that to the 1000 year-old capital of France. How can America possibly compete? So please, try not to be so ignorant.
I really agree with cableaddict's POV. I saw the French version first and LOVED it! I was dying to share this passion with my husband without knowing that the ones you rent from Blockbusters are the Morgan Freeman version. I was SHOCKED, totally shocked when I saw Mr. Freeman's version with my husband. It's soooooooooooooooooooo drastically different from the French version. Mr. Freeman's version was no different from a common documentary on Discovery or NGC. It's so sad to me that the majority of the Americans only saw this version and thought that was it. If only they had seen the French version... if only... :(
Hey there, Cable A., high 5! Enjoy your perspective on "frickin' Americans", afraid you have hit the nail on the head for a lot of us "foreigners"!
Naah, seriously though, the version we saw in South Africa had the French soundtrack, subtitled in English (thank goodness, after what I read on this forum about the US soundtrack version). Liked the music, one of the handful of times in my life I ever noticed music in a movie. But I also have to agree with an earlier poster that some of the narration did get just a bit corny. Aah well, directors and writers have to have their "freedom of expression", n'est ce pas?
This may be a bit O/T but if you have the DVD i really suggest watching the thing where one of the french cameramen/explorers talks about the trip. It was all in english and done quite well. I actually mistook it for the actual movie because it was interesting and i hadn't yet seen "march of the penguins". I didn't realize it wasnt the movie until i realized that morgan freeman wasnt anywhere to be found. This special feature seems more like a regular documentary than the actual movie.
Sorry - but it wasn't the writer (Jordan Roberts - who I know quite well and can therefore attest to his non-right wing motivations/credentials) or studio's fault that a bunch of deluded NeoCon Bible-thumpers with way too much time and press coverage on their hands completely missed the point and intent of the narrative which clearly states that the penguins had been making the trek documented in the film for MILLIONS OF YEARS - at least a million or more years than any lunatic 'creationist' theory would dictate; or that, in fact, the father(s) at the end of the movie moves on to a DIFFERENT family (so much for 'family values') thereby, abandoning his (their) families; not to mention that recent evidence not only proves that many penguins are gay (admittedly not mentioned in the movie but then why would they when they had no idea those born-again nut-cases would attempt to hijack it to advance some insane political/religious agenda?) but that the gay ones tend to keep the neatest nests (of which Jordan is well aware and finds quite amusing and ironic in the aftermath of all the religious right nonsense). Besides, while not a fan, generally-speaking of American 'remakes', I would emphatically state that eliminating the dreadful and already-outdated Bjork-wannabe soundtrack and the moronic talking baby penguin voiceovers could only make this a better movie and a true documentary. The ORIGINAL was the Disney movie - this one trimmed away all the sentimental anthromorphic fat! Next time, renzopiano, you might wish to fact-check before you begin spinning absurd theories, criticizing people, and believing everything you read in the tabloids no matter how much you want to believe them to further such a narrow world-view.
Whether you liked the way the movie was done or not, that's none of my business. I would ask that you don't criticize the beliefs of half the world's population. I'm, of course, not going to do anything to you if you don't, but it just seems mean-spirited of you to go insulting the very meaning of life for so many people. Whether you think I'm smart or dumb for believing in Jesus Christ or believing that the world isn't a bazillion gagillion years old, I'm still asking as a person that you don't insult my God or my belief in creationism. No problem expressing opinions, but it doesn't help you case if all you do is call the other side of the equation bad names. Most people don't take my question, and instead reply with more mean-spirited comments, but hopefully you will act differently. As for theories being absurd, my theories (which I believe fully) are backed up probably by as much as yours. I'd be glad to discuss the backing with you if you want, or, of course, you have the option of assuming that all backing I have is either non-existant or false and just bash me some more. Not saying that's what you'll do, but that's what most people do.
Whether you liked the way the movie was done or not, that's none of my business. I would ask that you don't criticize the beliefs of half the world's population. I'm, of course, not going to do anything to you if you don't, but it just seems mean-spirited of you to go insulting the very meaning of life for so many people. Whether you think I'm smart or dumb for believing in Jesus Christ or believing that the world isn't a bazillion gagillion years old, I'm still asking as a person that you don't insult my God or my belief in creationism. No problem expressing opinions, but it doesn't help you case if all you do is call the other side of the equation bad names. Most people don't take my question, and instead reply with more mean-spirited comments, but hopefully you will act differently. As for theories being absurd, my theories (which I believe fully) are backed up probably by as much as yours. I'd be glad to discuss the backing with you if you want, or, of course, you have the option of assuming that all backing I have is either non-existant or false and just bash me some more. Not saying that's what you'll do, but that's what most people do.
I was reading posts in this thread and found this one to standing out for a reply. I hope that you are joking, but I have made that mistake before when reading posts in favor of creationism. Anyway, assuming you are serious, you appear to be replying to a post that was in fact really criticising the politics of some conservative Christians. Unlike you, I did not find the comments to be criticism of Christianity in general, and nowhere did I find any insult directed towards God. Your post actually seems to be adding evidence to the points made in the post to which it is a reply, about how conservative Christians take things the wrong way.
If one takes Christianity as a large umbrella including Mormons, JW's, and all the other sects, the percentage of the world's population is not half, but about 33%. Most of the Christians of the world do not believe in creationism. It bothers me to see you apparently equate Christianity with creationism, something rather common among creationists. I am a Christian but not a creationist. There is no real scientific backing for creationism, especially young-earth creationism, but vast evidence in several sciences that evolution has taken place. There also is a lot of evidence that the earth is of great antiquity.
Geode - all I can say regarding your remarkably insightful response to the previous poster is:
I couldn't have said it better myself. Sometimes I'm really amazed by how people like 'Nightscape Acolyte' interpret statements and are so quick to judgment and to take offense. I'm an atheist but I feel no disrespect towards anybody who is Christian, Muslim, Hindi, Buddhist, etc. - as long as they do not show disrespect towards me. It's the old 'golden rule'. You are free to believe what you like. However, one thing I will state unequivocally - there is NO debate regarding evolution vs. creationism - this is a false framing device (not so intelligently-) designed to force fringe beliefs upon the vast majority of the world who recognize that whether or not there is, in fact, a God, S/he/It did not create this universe/world 6000 years ago. Any God(s) out there would themselves find fault with such patently transparent nonsense.
But - hey - Nightscape Acolyte, you're free to believe whatever gives you comfort. And I'm free (for now) to express my opinions and will not be honouring your subtly repressive request to still my tongue/pen/keyboard.
I just watch last nite the english/american version after the original french in the theatres here in Brasil and, in comparision, looks like two differents movies! The french version, with te actors voices, it's much better, the electro songs are great and makes the movies sounds unusual than the average natgeo/discovery kind of doc. If you can choice, prefer the french version...
I saw the movie in the theater, and just got the DVD. Is the French version, or part of it at least, on the DVD? I'd like to check it out for myself before I pass judgment. When I first heard about the penguin voice-overs, it seemed to me like another example of the weird French sense of humor. You know, like how they think Jerry Lewis was the greatest comic genius.
When I first heard about the penguin voice-overs, it seemed to me like another example of the weird French sense of humor. You know, like how they think Jerry Lewis was the greatest comic genius.
I don't want "la marche de l'empereur" to sound like a France/Usa fight, but why do you american people think whe love Jerry Lewis??? that's always make me laugh... a lot... I heard once, I think it was in Dawson's Creek, that french people praised Mickey Rourke... where do you find these ideas??? it's so funny!!
but I agree: saying Us have no class or culture is mean, false and pointless... I guess we're just angry that they "erased" Emilie's wonderful work from the movie...
I live in Quebec Canada: thus, my native tongue is French and I also speak fluent English. Which means I was able to compare both the French original version and the translated American version. My conclusion: the American version just misses the target. Completely.
I have always been very touchy regarding translations: I always watch American, British or Canadian-English movies in their original version, since the OV is the true version the movie was meant to be seen in. For people who don't have the chance to understand two languages, I think many companies do great jobs with translations and adaptations. But in the case of this stunning movie, I think American distributors completely screwed it. First, in the FOV, the story is sort of told by the penguins themselves, making it their story. And it is told by the mother, the father and the baby (three different voices, making it three characters). How can one pretend to replace a three-character tale with a bland documentory-like narration made by one person? I don't know whom the idea came from, but it completely denaturated the movie.
Second, the wonderful original music was composed and interpreted by a young French female singer (Emilie Simon). She sounds a bit like the Islandic Bjork, and her music gives a unique atmosphere to the movie. And, important detail: the songs in the soundtrack are in English. Now, why did the American distributors decide to completely erase the original and replace it with some pseudo-Vangelis-like deja-vu music? I don't know. And honestly, I don't want to know.
You want my opinion: the American distributors wanted to americanize the movie, making it their own. They failed. The fundamental problem is that Hollywood big shots have never been able to recognize that something great can be done by someone other than themselves. And moreover, they didn't understand this movie. English-native speakers also are intelligent and can appreciate beauty and art. What saddens me is that, unfortunately, you were denied that possibility by people who decided for you what is in your (their?) best interest.
I speak fluent French and English and totally agree that the French OV is much better - both from the narration POV AND the soundtracks. Only thing I find disturbing is the overuse of metaphor in the French OV. But the American version soundtracks are completely off-putting.
I did not watch the french language narration but I did watch the spanish narration and then I watched the english one. I must say I liked the spanish narration much better, the voice was much more likeable.
I have to say that much as I enjoyed the photography in this film (French version), I thought the voice over was terrible, especially the 'cutsey babies', and the songs were absolutely AWFUL!!! Some of the instrumental music was OK (the egg laying bit springs to mind), but not enough to redeem it. 3 out of 5 for photography alone. Like I told my flatmate, best off watching with the sound down and Classic FM on the radio. Would still watch the Morgan Freeman one though...
The man's voice just exudes wisdom and calmness. I haven't even watched the French version narration. Maybe I'll get to it later today. But there are very few actors that could've pulled off the V/O the way Freeman did in this production. It was like God, Himself was narrating the piece.
Other actors who I think would've done a great job too would be Keith David, Patrick Stewart, Peter Thomas, and of course, James Earl Jones.
Portuguese here... had to watch it in French with subtitles... the voices were pretty anoying... but well.. the footage ..gosh ..gorgeous! really made up everything else! love penguins now.. such a clumsy/funny/cute creature..