Closet Homosexual

I read many posts on this board that kept calling the guy a closet homosexual. And all the posts tried to show how they had an insight into homosexuality or something. Closet homosexual means a person who is secretly a homosexual. Someone who carries out homosexual activities in secret.
This guy said that he WISHED he loved men as he got along better with them than women. How is that closet homosexuality? He was not ashamed. He wanted to be attracted to men because it would make things easier for him but he just WASN"t attracted to them. It was the huge irony in his life. He was attracted to women but didn't get along with them and he got along with him but wasn't attracted to them.


He definitely was very sensitive, and you don't have to be homosexual to be sensitive.


You also don't have to act like a woman to be sensitive. He acted like a woman.


Gay......He just couldn't or wouldn't accept it. He hated himself for it and ran to be with the bears so he didn't have to deal with it socially.... In reality he had no real reason to be doing his bear thing... He was helping them how? The bears weren't in any danger to begin with! He made up a cause to submerge himself in, probably couldn't hold a real job.. In the end he didn't save any bears but got 2 killed and was a total pain in the ass... The things he was doing were his way of trying to be a good person with a purpose but it was all for himself. He hated himself so much this was his way of balancing the scale after a life of drugs and homosexual feelings. I'd bet money he was teased a lot about his sexuality and it messed up his head. In a way his sexuality had everything to do with what he was doing. In the end he got exactly what he wanted... We are talking about him.


He was obviously gay-c'mon. He was crazy gay and repressed, like Michael Jackson gay and repressed-seriously. "Ghost, you get back here with that hat! Oh my God, Oh my God, you better have not taken it into a DEN!!!" (Starts freaking out like my drag friends do when their Yorkies rip up their copy of Variety)-It doesn't really matter now, does it, but I feel like the people(myself included) who are commenting are trying to get a handle on who this guy was, and why he made the choices he made, and that, to me , is obviously a big part of it-RIP Tim


Yep he was a homosexual


Rod Serling is a legend for making The Twilight Zone.

-Rick Grimes


In this case, it is a very pertinent question if his attempts to closet himself resulted in his and Amie's deaths. It's arguable that he chose his lifestyle to hyper-accentuate his masculinity, and in taking Amie with him in an attempt to try and maintain a heterosexual relationship, or at least appear heterosexual to his social circle, they both died because of it.

It gives the film a different slant, though it seems Herzog addresses it in showing the clip of Tim talking about homosexuality, interestingly the director himself claims to be ignorant of people's sexualities - just recently he announced that it had only just occurred to him that John Waters was gay after having been close friends with him for 35 years.


I agree, he may have struggled over understanding his sexuality. The part where he rambles about how "easy" it is for gay men at truck stops and bathrooms was very strange. Although most of his ramblings were strange, so it doesn't necessarily stand out at first. He's self-reflective about his sexuality but his conclusion that he is indeed straight feels inauthentic, like he knows he is lying to himself a bit. This fits with his pattern of thinking overall, where he has moments of clarity like "if I'm not careful I could be killed" or his history of substance abuse. He is honest with himself about his issues, but in the end he always chooses denial and fantasy as a coping mechanism.

I think his confusion about his sexual orientation was just one of his many personal demons. Living in the wilderness was a distraction from sorting out his identity and his problems as part of "normal" society.




he sure acted and looked like he was gay

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