Would you have had the courage?

I wouldn't.

I visited Sophie's grave this summer when I went to Munich (I also visited the Dachau concentration camp). I almost cried, and I told her: "Sophie, I wouldn't have the courage to do something like that, to die because of my beliefs. May your soul be blessed in eternity." I knew her story but only vaguely.

I am asking you, if something like the WW2 happened again, would you risk your life by spreading fliers in which you are criticizing the regime???


It depends on which is stronger, conscience or fear.

I would have stood up against the regime but I dont know if I would have gone so far.

I am born into a democratic peaceful germany so it is easy for me to say "I would have stood up". That is why we never know what we would have done because we do not think anymore like those people back then.

Most important is that we do not repeat history and use our conscience always above law!

And this was the message from Sophie Scholl.

Thanks to the resistance, rest in peace.


I wouldnt,not death for some papers..its like those guys in England in the 16 century that were burned on account of them not recanting their catholic faith..

I never really understood why,when on top of a fire ready to be lit its so hard to just say " I recant my Catholicism":P

I would *beep* scream it haha



I am asking you, if something like the WW2 happened again, would you risk your life by spreading fliers in which you are criticizing the regime???

What scares me most is that I very likely *would* act like her in a similar situation... As I have been known to speak my mind at a cost to myself.

Maybe it wouldn't be so much out of courage as such, but out of defiance, deep feeling of injustice, or something like that... So I truly hope I will never find myself in exactly that kind of situation.


Being an American I'm used to being able to speak my mind so I might but only out of ignorance and an inability to recognize I no longer HAVE that right rather than courage. As for Sophie Scholl she was deeply Christian and truly believed that God was waiting for her after death. I think this kind of true faith, versus the kind of lip service most Christians give to their God, helps some stand up for their beliefs even in the face of death.


I doubt I would have the courage because my fear of physical suffering would be too great and the actual suffering would break me. I admire people who die for pro-humanity beliefs and resist despotic governments and dictators but I think it is a very difficult thing to do for most people. I think you need a special kind of mindset to do it.

"You will renounce this / obey; or we will decapitate / hang / electrocute / burn you alive."

My desire to not be tortured and killed would probably override my desire to openly live and defend pro-humanity ideals. BUT - the example of people like Sophie could encourage more people to be self-sacrificing than if we didn't have examples like her.

~"Chris, am I weird?"
~"Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird."


I really, really want to go peacefully in my sleep, so I am gonna go with a big, fat hells no!


In Europe of today, yes, because I know I could count on the help of others and the sympathies of millions more.

In the morally corrupt atmosphere of prewar Germany, no. I would have left and taken part in a propaganda campaign from abroad.

What Scholl did was naive, beautiful madness.


I did willingly deploy to afghanistan more then once,but Im not sure I would have had Sophies courage if placed in the same situation,one of my grandfathers fought in the norwegian resistance in ww2 during the german occupation...

And the few times he really opened up he described how they had been hounded by the gestapo and if caught subjected to torture teqniques that makes gitmo look like disneyland ...several young men and women chose to rather dive trough the 5th floor window in the gestapo HQ onto the pavement below..rather then be subjected to more sadism.


Let me assure you on that, I definitely would. I have been through this, the point where a decide whats up forward, a couple of times. I know where my beliefs stand, and I can die for those.

My Favs: Hurt Locker, A Beautiful Mind, Schindler's List, Inglourious Basterds
