What I didn´t like

*I posted this in a thread and then decided to create a new thread*

I liked the first half of the movie, before everyone started getting murdered.

One thing in specific that I didn´t like was how Lindsey met Slevin at the airport after she knew he was an assassin. It was out of her character and very unrealistic. In real life, a self-respecting female professional like that would never abbandon her life and take off with a killer, and anyone who argues this point never has met one.

Though what I really didn´t like, one point I haven´t seen anyone else make (it actually disturbs me slightly the quantity of people who say they really liked the movie and that it had a brilliant plot) is the following:

This type of film promotes murder if there exists a ´just cause´ for the murder such as revenging the murder of loved ones. This brings to mind the quote ´an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind´. It´s films like this which are one part in creating a pro-violence popular culture which perverses the minds of impressionable people (especially, but not limited to, children).

We have US and NATO soldiers murdering innocent men, women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan among other countries. I believe that the pro-violence popular culture is one of many culprits of this terrible loss of human life, not to mention the agony that follows. Senseless violence in movies, at some level, condones senseless violence in real life.

The heroes of the film are portrayed as bad-ass icons who plan a masterminded revenge. Some young males will look up to this and imagine themselves doing the same. What was really revealed at the end? A mindless and exaggerated murder spree in a massive act of revenge. Great message to our children, all so they could create a ´hip and witty´ action/suspense film and hope to bring in a profit. I ask myself how much time and money they wasted on this instead of creating a piece of real cinema.


I do understand your point - and the points ot others answered to this post.
But what was not mentioned and what is also a bit of a problem for me: They killed
an innocent man, Mr. Fisher! I mean, come on, Slevin will revenge his family which was killed and was innocent and therefore kills Mr. Fisher. So who will revenge Mr. Fisher?

The other thing is: I was never really emotionally attached to Slevin. He was just way too cool. Nobody could ever hurt him even when they did. He was an empty character for me.


LOL at the OP.

Why work when, you can vote Democrat instead.


Wow get over youself it's a movie, movies have been killing people for years.



"In real life, a self-respecting female professional like that would never abbandon her life and take off with a killer"
Good thing this is not real life then, it's a movie. And it wasn't really out-of-character, when in the beginning of the film her neighbor goes missing what does she do? She start poking around, trying to start an investigation and *beep* This just shows how she's bored with her life, and imagines a big conspiracy just because her neighbor had gone missing.

I'll just disregard the rest of your post since it's full of nonsense. "Great message to our children"? Did this movie was published by Disney and shown on Cartoon Network? No, it's was a film for adults, so I dunno why you bring up how this hurt our children.


Ok ok ok. I wrote that post years and years ago and you've just repeated what like a half dozen people have already said.

Thanks so much to all the people passionately putting forth their different points of view. I've reflected on and learned a lot from all the different comments.


heh, sorry, it was right on top of the first page and I didn't even noticed the date.


Spoken like a true Christian god fearing man would. You don't want this movie ever shown because of how "unreal" it is in your world. You don't believe murder is good. I agree it's not but it IS just a story and it does HAVE really good writing and really good actors. Who cares if she goes with him or not or if he murder several hundred people for his parents, just sit back and watch and enjoy it for the writing and the acting.


What nonsense. Read some history idiot. Wars murder and revenge have been taking place since long before movies were invented.


So if someone wiped out your entire family, all your loved ones and left you alive and got away with it you'd turn the other cheek, let bygones be bygones and forgive and forget, water under the bridge and all that?

Yeah thought so.

Me personally, if I had the means and skill, would kill thousands in connection.
