The World's End or Shaun of the Dead?
Whenever a see a discussion on what's the best of the trilogy, it's pretty boring because basically everyone picks Hot Fuzz. So I thought it would be more interesting to compare the other two, as they're still really good movies even if they're not masterpieces like Hot Fuzz. I personally don't know which one I'd choose, maybe at the moment I'd go with The World's End, but I go so back and forth on these two that it ain't a sure thing. If anything I'll say that The World's End has much higher highs, but some real lows. I feel like a lot of the dialogue is too Marvel-esque if that makes sense, maybe a few too many quips that don't get a laugh out of me. But it also has probably the most powerful scene in the series, where it's revealed that Simon Pegg's character tried to off himself and that's why he was so reluctant to show his scars earlier. Plus, while Shaun of the Dead is just a solid fkn movie and is better paced, I don't think it gets any real laugh out of me.
And don't be that degen that says "actually Hot Fuzz isn't my favorite, I like X more". I don't give a fuck, this thread is asking you to compare the two movies in the title.