funniest part of the movie

haha there are alot of funny parts in this movie but this is the one if laughed the hardest at...

Russell: Check it out guy, he's the alpha male of the store... chicks always go after the alpha male, they're like lions... kings of the desert. And you, you're just a little tiny fieldmouse dangling in the teeth of the lion while he's banging your chick. Oh wait a minute... boxboy, you're like the little hairy nutsack on the little hairy fieldmouse swinging back and forth while he's banging your chick...
Zack: [radio] You're metaphors are amazing and magical, but shut the hell up! please?
Russell: [radio] Roger... Just going back and forth hairy calahari style in and out with his big...


Funniest line ever - "You're like the drummer from REO Speedwagon. Nobody knows who you are."


My favorite part;

Vince: I guess I can get a little anal.

Zach: Actually I hear he gets a lot!



I'm 30 and thought it was cute, literally LOL at a lot of scenes. Sometimes even adults need a little mindless fun. Of course Raising Arizona and A Christmas Story are some of my all time favorite comedies.


I LOVED that.
Your pain makes me smile.<3
My smile brings me pain. <|3


Funniest line ever - "You're like the drummer from REO Speedwagon. Nobody knows who you are."

So true! That line tickled me.

But I'm sure Alan Gratzer, Graham Lear, and Bryan Hitt weren't quite as tickled by it. ;-)


Do they call you semi because your big like a semi or SEMI-retarded?

i laughed my ass off.


Other than andy dicks wtf, i thought this was pretty funny

Jessica Simpson: Well, my breaks almost over so I better take...

Vince: (trying to finish the sentence) Take a dump.


This is an 81 Honda HOW DARE YOU! I thought that was the funniest and the part with Lon when he says What the *beep*

Why should the world exist without me? That wouldn't be fair!


"Are you staring at my breasts?"
"I don't really know."



Everyone seems to like the Andy Dick line the best.To be honest I didn't even laugh at that scene I was smiling I'll admit it was good but it didn't make me laugh.
Parts where there wasn't even talking got me laughing a lot, for instance...

The scene where Zack and Vince are talking and Vince gives the last line "you're going down" or something then spins around in his chair with the dramatic music as if he's gonna stand him up and not face Zack anymore, then suddenly his chair makes a full spin back to Zack and he tried to play it off like he was just spinning the chair around.

I found parts like that funny.

Then there's the the Piece of **** car line.

And definately Vince trying to copy what Amy was saying like 3 different times.

There's a few more I think but I can't remember right now.


i agree toally with u, some of the bits without words were just as funny 4me, maybe even funnier such as;

where the 4 of them come back and start 2 walk towards the crowd waitin 4 congratulate vince on winning due 2 zack resigning but then andy dick starts 2 sray 2 1 side and needs zack 2 pull him back!

and also wen vince triumphs over the boy in the red top and starts 2 run back thru the mist left by the open fridge with him in his arms and starts gropin his mums arse!

also zacks tongue trick is awsome which i cud do that!!

also another couple of funny lines

russel - its alright theres no need 2 get physical no need 2 get physical

zack - well ill give u a hint he waxes his arms and lost his virginity in the boy scouts

Andy dick - uncle donny!?!?

after sami jumps on vicne b4 he can get away...

vince - oh so THATS y they call u sami


I thought the funniest part was when Jessica Simpson showed her ears and they were like huge. IDK why but that scene had me laughing the most, I mean just thinking about it I laugh. There whole dialogue I thought was funny there too.

I also liked on the special features Andy Dick's ad-libs.


funniest lines were:

Andy's reaction: "What the *beep*
"This is an '81 Honda!!! How DARE you?!?"

funniest part though, bar none was when zach and vince were in the cashier's lounge and vince spins around as if he's done talking, but it keeps on spinning. ahahahaha i laughed for 10 minutes on that one.

Come what may, I will love you until my dying day- Moulin Rouge


When Vince was trying to finish Amy's sentences haha :)

....Take a dump?.... All....okay?.... Jinx.... You owe me a coke can't talk till I.... It's a jinx.... Buy low, sell high.... That's not what you were gonna say.... See you later....alligator....

or the "Yeahh, pink like vaginas" line haha :)


My two favorite parts of this movie were:

-When they were at the kid's party and Zack pulls the popper thing and Lon screams "WHAT THE *beep*


-When Vince was sitting with Amy during her break and she started to say "My break is over so I think I'm going to go take---" and Vince tries to finish her sentence and says "Take a dump?"


lol the best line is when he is like we need someone to take whoever's place as an outfielder anyone.... and that lady in the wheelchair raises her hand... anyone.... lol and she like is wavin' it around like crazy lol its the best


I liked when DC is on the mini-bike,lol,i laugh so hard everytime i see that part.

Hallelujah Hollaback!
A proud supporter of the "Make Underworld 3 a Sequel Campaign"



The funniest line was when Jorge and Vince were in Zach's house and Jorge pulls the knife out when Zach's Grandma walks in and Vince says (in a shocked tone)"I though you were Mexican.... not Puerto Rican!" That just cracked me up...


Yah. The Puerto Rican at school tried to kill me after I laughed at that. Scarrrryyy. =)

--Emilie AKA Emo Barbie =)


The funniest bit i thought was when the store manager guy (the gay one) is playing with those men barbies in his office..
it just made me laugh hehe


I love the whole Uncle Donny part. the men barbies were funny too.

" Are you staring at my breasts?" " I don't know"

Granmda seriously; " Don't forget to wash your balls"

" No this is glasses in about an hour"

" These muffins smell like ass"

" How many kids do you have IckBalls"
" Just just 22"

He waxes his arm hair and lost his virginity in the boy scouts. Uncle Donny?


yeah lol orrr when hess like

"so howss that employee of the month thing workin outt..?"

they all laught a little"
then andy dick goes as the thing is shot at him

"what the *beep*


When I watched it with my boyfriend we got to that part with the man barbies and he was like, "What the hell is this??" I laughed for like 2 min.

Your pain makes me smile.<3
My smile brings me pain. </3


Other than stuff thats already been said, I liked it when Zach and his mates are all walking into the ceremony at the end in a line and suddenly Andy Dick's character can't see which way to go and starts walking off to the side and Zach had to pull him back.

Also i can't remember the exact scene but when the someone said something about the colour pink and Vince shouts out "like v****a's!" i jus thought that was pretty funny. I know its real imature but it was a great all round funny mindless movie that everyone needs to watch once in a while, and also cus i worked for 3 years at Kmart when i was in high school and some of the situations are pretty relateable.


"Other than stuff thats already been said, I liked it when Zach and his mates are all walking into the ceremony at the end in a line and suddenly Andy Dick's character can't see which way to go and starts walking off to the side and Zach had to pull him back."

irotir, I just watched that part and yah, hilarious.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


Jorges uncle had a bull.....
do not talk to me while im online


There were a few funny moments. If I had to pick one off the top of my head I'd go for Lon's response to the lady who says "Are you lokking at my breasts?" Lon's reply "I really don't know". Great stuff.


my fav dialogue is when vince is trying to roll on the heelie's and he falls down, and jorge is like: "don't cry boss, i'll cry for you"

and vince responds with "find me someone who speaks english..."



"don't forget to wash your balls"

Andy Dick - "WHAT THE *beep*

Vince completing Jessica's sentences

when the boss is giving the speech and the guy farts and when it's over he whispers something like "why would you do that...?"

Vince - Pink... like vaginas..
Zack - ...nice try, Vince (or something like that)

Last Movies Watched:
Hot Rod (7/10)
Spider-Man 2 (10/10)


When there in the hut coming down and Zach says he going to be employee of the month and behind.

And behind hin is Vince and he says "Having fun I hope you used protection".
At the end in the car at maximart
Really Dax made this movie for me without him it wouldn't be half as funny.


OMG!! I lauged so hard as soon as Zach grabbed his radio and contacted Russell's radio - and then his comment was hilarious!! "Your metaphors are magical..." -- classic Dane humour, in my opinion...

How about the Bureau of Magic and Spellcasting?
