funniest part of the movie

haha there are alot of funny parts in this movie but this is the one if laughed the hardest at...

Russell: Check it out guy, he's the alpha male of the store... chicks always go after the alpha male, they're like lions... kings of the desert. And you, you're just a little tiny fieldmouse dangling in the teeth of the lion while he's banging your chick. Oh wait a minute... boxboy, you're like the little hairy nutsack on the little hairy fieldmouse swinging back and forth while he's banging your chick...
Zack: [radio] You're metaphors are amazing and magical, but shut the hell up! please?
Russell: [radio] Roger... Just going back and forth hairy calahari style in and out with his big...


I'm not sure why...but when they were at 8 balls kids bday party, and andy dick was talking smack, and Dane cooks character pulls that party popper thing,...andys reaction is classic.



oh yeah the party poppers at the party, that was freakin funny too! probably the second funniest in the movie


This should be a short thread unless this board is full of 15 year olds who idolize 30 year old losers working as stock boys and cashiers at Costco but hey that’s just my opinion

Well there's a 20 year old here that found the movie somewhat entertaining, but you're right, maybe I should have gone into this movie and taken it seriously.



the credits.


"the credits."
ae_badass_girl, cliche, but still classic. Nice One.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


Yes and a 14 year old. But I guess next time I go out with my friends I will try to pick a movie with an epic battle scene... sorry i wanted a few laughs, maybe next time I should just pop in my lord of the rings extended editions. oh yeah that's the way to start a party...



Heyyy... how about 13?? =)

--Emilie AKA Emo Barbie =)



Once a goddess, always a goddess.


Firstandten....get off of your horse dude!!

Since when is someone a "loser" for working at Costco? Do you fly the spaceshuttle or perform heart transplants?

Losers are people that don't pull their weight in society (crime, over consumption, have too many kids, debt, bankruptcy, etc..).

I work at Costco and I do pretty well thank you very much. What the hell makes you so superior?


hahaha i definitely loved Andy Dick's WHAT THE *beep* line but i also laughed so hard at the end when Zack and the guys walked in slow motion to the ring-off and Andy Dicks started walking the wrong way cuz he couldn't see.


or there could be people who find this movie mildly entertaining, and want to share about the funny parts on the message boards for said movie. you probably shouldn't take a movie starring Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson, Dax Shepard and Pedro Sanchez that seriously. (just my opinion)

Last Movies Watched:
Hot Rod (8/10)
Good Luck Chuck (5/10)
Meet The Spartans (1/10)


the whole movie was funny. I laughed all the way through.


The end is hilarious..when Jorge is the one driving the car and he takes Vince beyond the mile radius of his parole...hahaha!



I like it when Vince rang up the "piece o' (bleep) Honda", and it was HIS Honda. He sold his car for twenty bucks.


the security guard with his repeated " I dunno" lines. that was freaking HILARIOUS.

As was vince trying to complete jessica simpson's sentences.


Andy Dick's reaction to the party popper had me laughing my ass off.

Do you believe in Jesus?
Yes, Sir I do
Well, You're gonna meet him


Ahh... it wasnt a spectacular movie, but there were a few funny moments..

One that sticks out is the party at Iqbals... and Andy Dicks reaction to the popper, been said a few times already..


haha that was a good part. i like when andy dick is woken up by Zach and.. well, here's the dialogue:

Zach: sleepin buddy?

Lon: no, i was just... adjustmenting... (looks at watch) gee is it time to close this bitch or what?!

Zach: no, we still got another hour.


My favorite line by Harland Williams character at 8-ball's kid's birthday party "... where the hell are we anyway - Chucky Cheeseastan?" Cracked me up...


Lon: Things arnt really working out for employee of the minth hu zack? *laughs*

Zac: *grabs party popper and blasts it at Lon*

Lon: What the Fu**!!! (0


I liked that one too.

Your pain makes me smile.<3
My smile brings me pain. <|3


My favorite part has got to be the party poppers. Andy's reaction is so funny. The thing with that is that Dane did it one time, and Greg (the director) decided he wanted it in there. So, they did it until they got the whole thing just right. I do like the part you're talking about too. Another good one is when Semi plows into Vince after he showed the footage of the competition. To FirstandTen, I just want to say something to you. I'm 22, and I love this movie. I especially love all the things that Zack does to at least try to get the better of Vince. Like making him sell his car for 20 bucks so he wouldn't get a complaint. I love Dane's character, he's sweet. The character of Zack isn't what most of Dane's fans are used to, and they may not agree with it. I think it's better than Dane's stand-up and his other roles in films. Although he's funny in his stand-up and the other films, he's really foul-mouthed, especially in his stand-up. I just like seeing the sweet side of Dane as opposed to the side we usually see.




Hey, thanks. I own the movie so all I have to do is put it in and skip to that part, but at least I know if I don't feel like doing that, it's on youtube lol.


This is an 81' Honda! HOW DARE YOU!

