Dane Cook filthy clerk??

Something I just can't get over is how ANYONE would think Jessica or most any woman would find someone who looks like they haven't taken a bath in weeks, hasn't a clue as to what a razor is or hasn't washed his hair or even attempted to style or comb his hair attractive?

I just watched this ALMOST funny movie but I just refused to believe someone as disgusting looking as Dane would even be allowed to work in a store like that looking as filthy as he does.

Does he even know what a razor is?

Gotta have SOME believability to a movie even if you don't like it and the idea that some disgusting looking person like that would be allowed to work at someplace like that or that a hottie like Jessica (dispite her poor acting and dumb as a box of rocks personality) would be turned on by this is just not believable at all.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


i only shave once a week
i never touch my hair let alone comb or style it attractive
i bade and/or shower regularly
i don't think i look disgusting, nor do my friends
what is wrong with you


I'm sorry but was I speaking of you? I was talking of Dane's character and I guess you missed the part about him looking dirty all the time. He looks oily in some scenes and like he hadn't take a shower in weeks.

His hair LOOKS dirty. Whether YOU comb or style you hair hasn't got a thing to do with what I said about DANE. It's what this guy's hair looks like. Dirty, unwashed and unkempt.

His clothes look like they haven't been washed and are completely wrinkled all the time.

He just looks like he smells bad, and has no personal hygiene habits at all and we are supposed to believe that first he would be hired looking like that and second that a hottie like Jessica would be attracted to someone as dirty looking as this guy?

If I had shown up for work looking like this idiot I would have a talking to by the boss because after all we deal with the public. Maybe you work in a warehouse where it's not important whether or not the public sees you.

In my former line of work I dealt with the public and looking like Dane would have gotten me fired.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


man you must have a *beep* job
ironing your shirt and/or pants
combing/'styling' your hair
putting sand in your vagina

and all that before you go to work

that's a bummer man


Typical nutjob reply.

I don't iron my pant, I don't have a slick backed haircut.

I DO wash my hair and it looks CLEAN.

I take showers and DON'T SMELL BAD OR LOOK LIKE I DO.

Got something against shaving? I have yet to meet a girl who enjoys a guy with a three day stubble making out with them or especially going down on them. Unless I guess it's the skanks you pay.

I don't go to work wearing the clothes I was wearing in bad. Which he did in the movie.

BUT you do miss the point with your idiot answer. Dane Cook in this movie looks like a dirty filthy human being that couldn't get near someone with half an ounce of integrity.

I could care less what he is like in real life, but in this movie he is a dirty filthy person who wouldn't have been hired to clean plugged toilets and we are expected to believe someone this filthy would work in a store like that dealing with the public and getting someone like Jessica?


Go back to your backyard cesspool and enjoy your swim.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety



INSULTS: The next best thing to being right

If you think your game has lag...it took Jesus three days to respawn!


Uhhmmmm....ewwww I think I'd rather work with you, Bob. This other guy sounds like a nasty guy, inside and out.
That having been said, to me, DC always looks messy, but in a kind of "studied" way. I think he's way sexy. And when he does get all cleaned up, he's even better. Look at Brad Pitt...half the time, he looks like he just rolled out of bed and went to work, nasty teeth, hair and all. WTH is Angelina Jolie doing with him? Not that I'm a big fan of hers, but she always looks like she just got out of a 4-hour hair and makeup session.
No accounting for taste, I guess.

How's this gonna work if you don't do what I say?


I can assure you that i'm not nasty inside.


You tell someone you don't even know....
man you must have a *beep* job
ironing your shirt and/or pants
combing/'styling' your hair
putting sand in your vagina

and all that before you go to work

that's a bummer man
Trust me...Everybody BUT you thinks you're nasty.

How's this gonna work if you don't do what I say?


Maybe so

but that doesn't make me wrong, it's still a bummer



I don't think so.
*beep* it, let's go bowling.


Should I assume you are not from Los Angeles? I pay $25 bucks for hair product to make my hair look like its dirty and messy a la Dane Cook. I also have stubble on my face. I bartend part time for some extra cash on the weekends and my managers have never said anything about it. I'm guessing its an LA thing.



A recent study shows girls are attracted to stubble. And trust me, chicks like bedhead hair.


To the OP, unfortunately the style now is grungy. Are you living under a rock or what?

That doesn't mean the guys aren't clean. Their hair has a lot of goopy stuff in it to make it look messy and the stubble is, well-- the style. Everyone is doing it. But the fresh faced look is also making a comeback. What is old is new again and vice versa.

Low ride jeans and a slacker look is popular now in 2008-2009 and it was really popular in 2006 when this came out.

When the clean look becomes popular again Dane Cook will look very sloppy. But for now he is right in style.

Dane's character was actuallly more appealing to me Dax Shepard. I have nephews and they all look like Dane Cook when they leave the house. Even my 8 year old grandson tries to achieve that hair look.


Does he even know what a razor is?

I won't address your other points, but I simply thought Dane Cook's character had a beard.

Some guys do, some guys don't.

I personally do (not much longer than Dane Cook's but with much more grey in it, lol) MAINLY because I think it's pure idiocy to scrape your face every friggin' day of the year! LOL

Brief trims once or twice a week and a more major beard trim about every 2 weeks.

And I've had no bad feedback about the beard from females, ever. Even about the grey. ;-)


I look like a hobo if I don't shave at least every other day. I don't like shaving. I have to. You think that makes me an idiot? Sheesh!


"I just watched this ALMOST funny movie but I just refused to believe someone as disgusting looking as Dane would even be allowed to work in a store like that looking as filthy as he does."

You must live in some Beverly Hills/Malibu/Palo Verdes Estates like area of your region. Here in the real world retailers started hiring all kinds around 1995 or earlier. Criminals, slackers, dopes, anyone that would fill a job for three days and get a federal tax break for hiring ex-cons/welfare cases. I remember when customer service went to hell. You'd be reaching for a VCR 8 foot up in the mid 90s and the five employees would just be standing around. Only way to get anyone moving is to ask where's the manager.

I went to Wal-Mart today the guy watching home and garden gate was a sweaty guy that was 200 pounds overweight and not clean shaving. The clerk gave a half effort thank you which is better than I get half the time. Domino's Pizza here has people with Nose rings and other piercings. McDonalds here will give you no thanks at either window. Just throws a bag of food in your face. Same at Wendy's. So yes this guy would be allowed to work in that store.


Yes Dane Cook does look like a smelly, dirty, hobo and I am not a fan of this look, but unfortunately it is common nowadays. It didn't effect my impression on this movie, definitely not to the extreme that it did the OP. All women have their opinion on what is attractive, lucky for us males that is the way it is.


yeah, women do find it attractive. i guess the OP'er won't be meeting any. And that's no loss for anybody i'm guessing.
