if you love this movie

am i one of the only ones that thinks this movie is seriously hysterical? i love this movie to death ... and i like know like every word to it ... and i have it on dvd[:

and for the people that DO like the movie,
who watched the commentary?

here is the church & here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people


omg, im with u. i own this movie as well, and i watch it on showtime every chance i can get!!! im watching it right now

baby bottle pop, baby bottle pop.... u can lick it, shake it, and dunk it


Hilarious movie! Much like "Office Space", if you've ever had this type of job, you can relate to someone or something in the story. Great fun; right on the ability level of the actors. I own the DVD and love it!

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


haha its good to know some people are with me! haha i think its seriously hysterical, watched it about a bazillion times, and watched it with the commentary like four times haha xD

here is the church & here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people


yes, but i mainly just jerk off to the slow motion part when Jessica first comes into the store




here is the church & here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people


Yeah i liked it a lot. I really dont get all the negative feedback here (except the JS ones).

I expected a lame stereotype comedy, but it was actually funny and very creative at some parts. It had a bit of an arthouse film-touch to it, which only made it better. I'd give it a 7,5.


no...i LOVE this movie!!

OCTOBER 24, 2008


i also have the movie on DVD , I laughed my a__ off the whole way,, i haven't watched the commentary yet, but i intend to.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Very funny movie. I too have it on DVD and have seen it with the commentary a few times. Im a big fan of Dax Shepard so he was the reason I watched it in the first place. Thank goodness it was funny. :)
Although, I can't even stand to look at Jessica Simpson. That was a drawback.


I love this movie too!! I think Dane Cook is adorable is this movie and it shows he doesn't have to be really crude to be funny. I own it on dvd and I am even watching it right now!! Go figure. I haven't seen the commentary but I will.


I love this movie too! Own it on dvd and watch it regularly. Dane Cook comes across as quite sincere and all his buddies are hilarious, especially Harland Williams. And what's with everyone hating on Jessica? She's hot, has an awesome rack and body and her acting really was spot on for the character she's playing. I mean, it's not like she was supposed to be Cleopatra or anything. Give her a break!


What age are you guys and/or your friends that liked this? I am curious cuz I thought it was horrendous and not funny at all, but it seems to have some big fans and also has over a 5 rating which is higher than I'd expected.

Wigga Please




> am i one of the only ones that thinks this movie is seriously hysterical?

It's a surprisingly fun little movie. Oh, it's not good by any stretch, but it is fun.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
