MovieChat Forums > Clerks II (2006) Discussion > I don't see how LoTR is more nerdy than ...

I don't see how LoTR is more nerdy than Star Wars.

The only thing SW has going for it is nostalgia. 30yr olds today were kids and the movie absolutely blew their minds off. Man had just landed on moon, Kubrick had made 2001, it was the space craze and Star Wars was made.

LoTR on the other hand is based off one of the most cherished English literature. Lets face it. Its way more mature and thought out. The Middle-Earth map alone has more detail and thought to it than SW Galaxy.

How the **** are they even able to travel around the galaxy at a max speed of just "lightspeed"? Light takes 100s or years just to travel from ONE star to another, lol. There are billions of stars in a galaxy. There's way more "realism" in the LoTR world. Gandalf took 18 years in his research to find out if the Ring really belonged to Sauron in the beginning of The Fellowship, because back then you only had horses and middle earth was freakin' huge.

No laser "pew pews" that always seem to go through our heroes without hurting them or bend around them. There are like countless cliche'd scenes where they escape harmless while they are outnumbered by armed and trained clones carrying laser weapons.

I've never seen Aragorn say "Oh Dear" in the middle of a fight. I have seen Obi Wan Kanobi say that in the middle of a space fight though and it was hilarious.

How are Hans Solo and others able to comprehend Chewbacca? Its like a dog barking. In ESB, "Chewbacca" lets out the plainest "RAAAAAAAAR" ever and Solo turns it into a complex English language statement instantly. Tolkien actually created a language in LoTR, if you do your study, you can actually learn to speak the language of the Elves. Lots of people in real life have mastered this language.

Frankly, Lightsabres look like they are made from rainbows.

And I could go on and on. But LoTR seems way more darker, mature-oriented trilogy. SW is the ultimate nerd dream. Laser guns, colored magic swords and a cliche happening every 5 mins lol.

So yeah...since this movie touched on SW vs LoTR debate and chose SW side I thought I'd balance it a bit. The people they chose to represent LoTR in this movie were actual nerds thought but Randal sounded like a bitter SW fanboy himself :P


Star Wars is science fiction, the most important word there is 'Fiction'
Yes, it's all make believe, not realistic at all, and that's why it's awesome.

Plus LOTR, boring as funk, 50 people had the same name and sat around debating the upcoming monster attacks for hours. Wow, yeah, that's cinema.

Signa...? No, we use Chip and PIN now.


Haha, exactly what I expected from SW-fanboy butthurt mentality. You guys need your yawn-inducing "obviously-they-are-going-to-escape-unharmed" battle scenes with laser pew pew's that never hit even if its being shot at a queen by 50 clone soldiers. So cliche'd and boring. Its aimed at children, that's why its successful. I watched Star Wars for the first time in its chronological order (from Ep1 to 6), and I see no difference between the prequels and the originals.

I still don't know why the prequels are rated like crap and the originals are in the top 250 but like I said "Space" exploration was the thing then and future shown in the movies must have been mindblowing I bet, but it doesn't work anymore. All SW movies feel extremely kindergarten type of movies to a newcomer today. Hell, the trailer for the upcoming LoTR "videogame" alone is more Mature-Rated than anything in Star Wars :

Haha. SW is for kiddies and people suffering from nostalgia, while LoTR is more intense and cooler.


I watched Star Wars for the first time in its chronological order (from Ep1 to 6)

This is the worst thing a person can do to self. You ruined the Star Wars experience and that's why you didn't like it.


Your seriously going to call Star Wars boring as compared to Lord Of The Rings. My god, how many *beep* endings did Return of the King need? That mess was ending for a damned hour. And don't even get me started on the Hobbit. A SHORT book turned into 3 movies? The first one movies slow as hell.

And you talk about people being fanboys and then you list off a trailer for a rings video game? LOLOL back to the basement to wait for mom to fix you dinner...


>>Wow, yeah, that's cinema.

Do us a favor and bash your head in with the claw side of a hammer.


Star Wars hasn't nearly the depth required to be called 'science fiction'.

It's fantasy in an interplanetary setting at most.


It's just a matter of taste. I don't think LOTR is nerdier than Star Wars or vice-versa. Randall just wasn't completely impressed by LOTR and he was getting sick of all the hype (even though Clerks II was 3 years after Return of the King). One of my friends had gotten a bit tired of the whole thing by ROTK and made some comments about it that were similar to Randall's.

Harry Potter would have been an easier target, maybe Smith should have chosen that. And if Clerks II was made now it would be Twilight.


Lord of the Rings sucks. Stuff actually happens in Star Wars. Randall pretty much laid it out. LoTR is three extra long movies of people walking. And Sam and Frodo were totally gay.

Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!



LoTR on the other hand is based off one of the most cherished English literature. Lets face it.

Uh, WHAT?! LOTR is hardly "one of the most cherished [examples of] English literature", maybe among the dorky D&D type crowd but that's about it.

I wouldn't even rank Tolkien amongst the greatest writers of the 20th century, let alone all time. You seriously need to read more.

..or maybe not, lol -



The bible is the highest selling work of fiction of the 20th century. Rings is boring as hell, not that Star Wars is much better.



why don't you explain, to those of use who have been laid, what's so exciting about lotr?



Agreed. Basically, LoTR is awesome whereas Star Wars is lame


The Star Wars Trilogy rocks and Lord of the Rings sucks. Get over it already.


LOTR is dull.

There's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't of the King, it's of the Jedi.


Holy ****!!!!!! There are so many nerds here lol!!!!!!! It's like I accidentally walked into a Star Trek convention or something haha. Honestly, to the alpha nerds in here, you guys need to get laid. If this is a normal conversation in your eyes, you need help. As far as movies go, Star Wars beats LOTR. Both are good series, but Star Wars is better. Randell hit the nail right on the head in Clerks 2.



I'm baffled by what worldofbong said.

I'm not even a fan of Tolkien myself, but what world have you been living in? Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is in the top 15 bestselling books of *all time*. That's not a matter of anyone's opinion. That's a fact.

Here, various sources:



To all the LOTR fans, here's how you can shut up a Star Wars fan, with a few simple words: Holiday Special, Jar Jar, Midicholorians.

Math class is like the movie "Inception": Convoluted, long, & boring.


im not taking a side here just stating a fact:

Star Wars is no longer a trilogy, sorry it just isn't. the moment they made episode one. sorry, its just not ok to look the other way on what has been done, you cant erase movies; sequels or prequels.

*end of discussion*

"I find people who look like Jesus tend to be stoned anyway." - anonyanonymous


Shut the *beep* up, Go-Bot.

The Dark Tower heptalogy grinds both works to dust.

I elevate to a meta-state, I'm aware of my flaws,
but I'm weary because.. basically.. I'm staringg at god.


You post regularly on an internet message board. You have no room to laugh at nerds.

Cynicism is easy.


If they're talking about Star WARS why did you write Star TREK convention? My god, at least get it right if you're going to insult us.


I'm a fan of both the Star Wars original trilogy and the LOTR movies. I like them both for different reasons... Star Wars is fun, a little bit over the top and ridiculous, and yes maybe the nostalgia factor is there too. But that doesn't take away from me liking it and it doesn't make me a worse movie fan.

I like LOTR because of the journey... it's very interesting to me and the battles. In the movies actually I am very focused and involved in Aragorn's story whereas in the books I don't like him as much. Anyway, the point of the LOTR movies is to see the character relationships and how they change through the journey. This is why I like them.

I think I am equally a Star wars and LOTR fan, and I think it's okay. There's no reason to argue over which is better because they are totally different.


LotR as a whole is superior to the original Star Wars trilogy, however in my eyes Empire Strikes Back is better than all of the other Lord of the Rings movies.
Want another argument why LotR is superior? Count up the amount of Academy Awards compared to Star Wars
Boom. Roasted.


Academy Awards are very weak arguments in my opinion because Peter O'Toole has never won one and he is arguably the best actor of all time (to be fair, most of the people who won instead of him fully deserved it... but they chose Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine over his role in Venus?! Ridiculous).

Anyway, that has nothing to do with your opinion... sorry for the rant!


Wow, reading this thread is just like eating lunch next to the D&D table in high school. Nerds showing off who is nerdier.

However, since there is a little bit of nerd in each of us, I'll give my two cents. I'm going to admit these two trilogies can not really be compared. I mean they're two different things. One is fantasy, the other science fiction. It would make more sense comparing star wars to star trek and Lord of the rings to harry potter. I think they are both great films. I'm talking about the original Star Wars trilogy by the way.
I don't think LOTR was just walking because there was a lot of action and good special effects. But I have to admire Star Wars because that trilogy was made before CGI was possible and affordable.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for what I am not ~Kurt Cobain
