The Remake

They should remake this with Jake Gyllenhaal & Scarlett Johansson in the leads with Paul Bettany as the husband and Keifer Sutherland as the detective.

It should be rewritten slightly so that the ghost bits at the end are more scarier and darker, as I found them a bit boring. And BinJip should escape from Prison using his newly discovered mutant powers.
The pace should be quickened cos at times the film dragged.


lol obviously a joke topic..

"It should be rewritten slightly so that the ghost bits at the end are more scarier and darker, as I found them a bit boring. And BinJip should escape from Prison using his newly discovered mutant powers."

lets jack it up with explosions too yo!


He wasnt dead, therefore he wasnt a ghost, therefore the scenes shouldnt be scary, therefore this film should never be remade. It is a genius work of art that could never be recreated, especially by an American studio. How do you think most American moviegoers would react to the two leads saying a combine 3 words total? ("I love you"). This is not Ju-ON or *beep* Ringu, this is a perfect movie that has a perfect setting, perfect backdrop, perfect cast, perfect director.
*beep* REMAKES

PS: look how recent remakes turned out.
1. Chainsaw Massacre=glorified *beep* on a stick
2. Hills have eyes=see above
3. Every J-Horror flick remade

ON a tangent, if an American studio tries to remake Audition, I'll flee the country.


He wasnt dead, therefore he wasnt a ghost, therefore the scenes shouldnt be scary, therefore this film should never be remade.

Seriously though man, that little Bin-Jip dude is such a ghost.
You're winding me up? Yeah?
The film doesn't make sense if he isn't from another dimension or something, like Quantum Leap or sommat?
How can you say, in all seriousness, that any scene with monsters/mutants/shape-shifters/what-ever should not be scary? Do you even watch films?
It's no wonder this film bombed at the flicks.
Actually if he is a ghost, how did he eat noodles at the end? Ghosts can't do that. Or touch things.*
As for being remade, of course it should. This film should be remade SO THAT IT MAKES SENSE.
Remove subbies
Increase the pace
Crank up the volume
Maybe their could be an explosion as he breaks-out of the Maxium Security Stockade for a crime he didn't commit.

*Correction, Ghosts can touch things, Patrick Swayze & the Pot.

Infact this could be remade as "Ghost 2 : The Da Vinci Quantum Mystery"
Where Bin-Jip solves the puzzle of his mute dead wife (or what ever she was) using his Ghost Talent & Shape Shifting.


Increase the pace ! @&$^^%#!%#^ that idea ! I'm doubting have you seen all Kim Ki Duk's movies ?
And @$^@*$^!*&$^*@!& the idea of remake as well
Have a nice day !


I'm doubting have you seen all Kim Ki Duk's movies ?

Is this the final part of a series then?
Maybe thats why it didn't make any sense to me. I didn't realise I had missed out on the backstory!
I'll look up the earlier parts and get them ordered. Can you tell me if the earlier parts explain how he got his mutant powers? Does he get training off a master (a la Splinter)?

Your help would be most welcome.


this is most definitely not a "great" film. it's clever and it has an interesting idea but again, to say that it's great would be an over statement. execution, execution, execution......the story lags.....becomes boring at some points and simply stalls.... doesn't hold the viewer's interest because of a major character flaw - neither of them speak to proclaim their's not possible for a viewer to hold sympathy for a protagonist if the protagonist is not trying to improve their disposition....they simply turn into an idiot and the viewer begins to lose not speaking to the police they cause the viewer to not care....instead it is replaced by a smiling arrogance, which simply doesn't add up - neither does this power of disappearance make any sense comes of out nowhere...the movie loses its focus by changing gears too abruptly.....there is no transition.....again, poor execution....




i can't believe what it is being discused here! goshh... a remake? scarlett johansson?? scarier and quicker? gosshhh you haven't understand anything and you don't deserve to have watched the movie...this is one movie that hollywod shouldn't mess up with!!!!!!



"my sincere apologize to the rest of humanity but
aren´t you just taking up space and air? "

apology is really in order dude. he's obviously young. that doesn't make him less a person. just someone who has a long way to go.. and yes he has a very long way to go.. but at least he's not antagonistic.

no need to insult the entire american continent. this only serves to highlight your own immaturity.

btw: you may wanna look up the definition of irony again.. irony is more like a child telling another child that he's childish.



One should always enjoy a movie as is, as the story-tellers tell you. Remakes are such a bore. It shows how one is totally uncreative.

Take Ring for example, I find the US version a poison. Sure it had more SFX, but so what? It is a movie filled with atmospheres of lingering horror, not one of SFX.

The movie 3-iron is as such a movie where things that needed to be known is basically told through excellent acting and atmosphere. This is a movie for the those of us who understand each other with without expressing in words.


LOL at everyone who takes this thread seriously.



there is no need for a remake,especialy if hollywood makes the remake.
