Which was your favourite scene? I personally loved the sunrise scene with New Order, I thought it was such an artistic and gentle moment in the film and definitely the peak of the tale. And I also loved the Adam Ant affair scene simply because the music fit it so well.
For me it was the scene depicting the birth of Marie Antoinette's first child. Having a dozen or more courtiers present while you delivered couldn't have been very comfortable! To me it illustrated the lunacy of court life! I'm amazed that they didn't need to have a witness while they had intercourse!
For me, most definitely the 'I Want Candy' scene. Every time it comes on cable I wait like a giddy school kid when that comes on (Mostly because that was one of my favorite songs back in the early 80's!)
The snubbing of DuBarry. "Those are the last words I'm ever speaking to THAT woman!" That was HILARIOUS!
Any of the scenes where food was involved (The spread for MA and Louis' meals, OMG!!!) Getting hungry right now!
And the country retreat with her daughter. It reminded me of when I'd go to the country with my grandfather as a young boy and we'd lounge around and he'd teach me about the animals and plants. I get a craving to snack on strawberries and warm milk whenever I see that scene.