Just saw this on DVD. Street Kings was action packed from start to finish, even the talking scenes were interesting. and yet the critics gave this movie the same mauling as the recent disappointing Righteous Kill with Al and bob. Street Kings was the better movie....seven out of ten.
Agreed , this is a good solid movie. People are really missing out not giving this a chance. Compared to the last two flick Al Pacino has done this movie should win a Oscar, yes I am serious. I gave this movie a 7.8
I think the critics have really done some damage to my enjoyment of movies, i ussually listen to the critcs like: if they say a movie is bad i won't watch it, as they did for street kings, but this time i took a chance and obviously this movie was awesome and the critics can go and get a life + a new job, because they can't critisize Shiout.
I was surprised by how good the movie was too. I planned to see it in a theatre last year but read the reviews and decided to skip it. It wasn't life-altering or anything like that but it was solid entertainment that would have been worth a ten dollar ticket.
This movie was brilliant and particularly because of the performances and the ensemble cast. Reeves surely hasn't acted better and Forrest's character was meant to be over the top, I thought he was superb. All the support cast were great too. I bought the dvd and one thing I realised is never listen to the critics. I think this movie has a kind of cult following because most people mist it in theatres and everyone who is watching it now seems really impressed even saying "how did I miss this?" . Forrest also says in an interview thats on you tube that this was one of his favourite parts . SO THERE CRITICS!!!
"I Can't afford to lose you , Who do what you do? You're the tip of the Effing Spear" - What a line delivered brilliantly
I think a lot of people who don't like this movie weren't willing to put in the effort it takes to watch it. It's not a movie that you can let your mind wander during or leave the room and come back. It's fast paced and packed with detail. You need to pay close attention to the dialog or else you won't really be able to appreciate what's going on. I suggest the people who didn't like this film should try watching it again, with the english subtitles on so you can catch all the dialog.
Talking smack like you are straight out of Compton. You, Sir, are hardcore. 'TM2demax' will be your new street credit name.
Chorus: Go Table-Man, go Table-Man! T to the A slidin' ova 2 the B...
Word to your mother for birthing you because I will bet she would not be impressed by your IQ dropping opinion at the family website of IMDb. Carry on, young blood. I am out of here, yo.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be truly orgasmic.
no i'm from oakland ca. torn up with gangs and all that sh it. you read about it in the news. this film might as well be shot here, but its a logistical nightmare, security-wise.
if you wanna talk like a black man to me-- a black man-- then be a black man. there's nothing more pathetic than a complete stranger who's mostly likely white/asian, created an account in order to be a fncking grammar nazi, telling other people how to behave on the internet, let alone about 'talking smack' and wording my parents. what are you, the admin. nobody gives a sh it about your posts or any of your english grammar lessons on the web.
Allow me to first state how I sarcastically love people who indiscriminately and loosely abuse the term, 'Nazi'. In effect, it just echoes how most people communicate through their buttocks instead of the proper channels like initializing the brain first. Perhaps you have forgotten what the Nazis were infamous for?! You could have simply labeled me as a 'Grammar Communist', but apparently that term is not mainstream nor creative enough to use as an insult.
If you wish to bastardize the English language - in printed form or otherwise - and dumb yourself down because you are too lazy or just do not give a hoot ... give 'er. Like I really care about you either, pal. Having stated that, I was abrasively trying to guide you straight with good intentions. Also, I ponder why you pulled out the race card, is that the last of your ammo in this purposed intellectual sword fight of wits? I just took you for a early teen chatroomer and I guess you do not mind. Nevertheless, I just had a point to slap you with and I sure did. Whether you take it down with some teenage angst or cry about it like a girl getting dumped for the first time, I honestly could not care less and I am only replying because I have mild insomnia from too many Red Bulls tonight due to studying for an exam.
So, let us wrap this up and part ways because you cause me to gain excess flatulence. This website is indeed all ages since it is a general film website. Duh. Okay, let me slice it this way; what gives you the right and express personal freedom to pockmark your posts with profanity when you do not own this website nor finance it in any way? Never mind. In closing; do you not find it odd that you have to reword your profanity so they do not get *beeped* out? Right, pretty odd indeed. Yes, Sir, you and your god-complex can eat my unholy lunch. Good day/night and please use condoms. :)
If ignorance is bliss, you must be truly orgasmic.
took you 2 months to reply to a post i no longer care, you definitely have no life. i'm gettin tired of this lousy grammar sh it and i don't give a fnck if you're a member since 2004.
i responded to this race issue, because you ''sarcastically'' talked black to me. which was f uckin unnecessary.
sure get drunk with your red bull and pass out in your fart and vomit, kid. go pass the college exam and find a JOB in this f uckin recession. go follow your passion, listen to your guidance counselor or whatever and be an english tutor, since you have this grammar ''communism'' obsession you have with the english language. be happy with 35,000 dollars as teachers salary.
that will buy you a load of red bulls if youre not paying rent..and you wont have time to pester some stranger on the internet