Worst Movie of 2008

This was by Far the worst movie of 08....Keanu and Forest together were awful. This movie was a complete rip off of the shield and in some ways training day. Total predicable ending and I love the "bad guys" tell Keanu their whole plan before killing him! Did they forget he was shot in the leg before his fight with Forest....The best part of this movie was Mohr Mustache.


they didnt shoot him in the leg, they were seein how close they could shoot without actually hittin him.


No actually they were they were shooting him to get projectiles from the bullet to hit him. They shot the ground and a piece of rock or dirt probably nailed him in the leg. So they technically did hit him but not a severe wound.

chiggity-check yourself, before you wreck yourself


What a *beep* joke, why is it that every time a cop movie is released, it is automatically a "rip-off" of Training Day? Training day was great, but it wasn't the end all be all of cop dramas. This movie wasn't the greatest, but it was entertaining. To call it the worst movie of 2008 is just asinine.


Look, I loved TD, but seriously you wanna talk bad acting? Ethan Hawke was terrible in that movie, without Denzel it would have been a *beep* of a movie.

I enjoyed TD, and I enjoyed SK just as much. The acting wasn't fantastic but it was sufficient to make a decent movie.



It is an entertaining film, better than I thought it would be, actually. And absolutely a better made movie than Harsh Times, so I felt that the director showed growth here. And I rather liked this cast.

And Ludlow's injury--he wasn't shot through the leg, he was grazed, as he was on his shoulder--wasn't bad enough to prevent him from fighting. He was a tough nut, the impression given is that he's soldiered on with worse.

"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."


I've just seen this on Sky and I have to agree - I really wanted to like it, but Keanu is so blank, and the explaining at the end was embarrassing. The "Let's play with him a while" scene equally so - have they never seen a Bond film?

I have a theory that Forest Whitaker's moustache and very strange speaking was to try and hide the fact that he was in the film. He perhaps got straight on the phone to Michael Chiklis to persuade him to do another series of The Shield.

NB. All those people that think you're not allowed to say if you think a film is bad. Utter bollocks - that's part of the point of these boards.


Not to argue, you're free to not like the film, but I didn't find Keanu "blank", his character was largely emotionally distant from his work, which he would have to be to do what he does. I thought there were a few telling moments, such as him facing himself in the mirror or remaining stoic and downbeat after the first shoot-out when the other guys were kidding around, that showed that he sees his job as necessary, but certainly not enjoyable. I saw that in Reeves' performance and quite liked him here.

The 'let's play with him' scene didn't bother me, it may have if it had been drawn out. But I got the impression that that wasn't the other character's plan, but when Ludlow began to crawl away (which they saw as silly as he was bound and not going to get far), it was their turn to be powerful over the one cop that they never could in any other situation.

"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."


No way this movie was really good not great but definitely good.


Hey guys get real!! The O.P is just another one of those trolls who have to say **Worst Movie Ever** like his insipid opinion counts anyway. I don't listen to the opinion of one idiot male or female in regards to film

Street Kings was a great, great film!! Period!!


Bah, you know, saying this is a rip off of "Training day" is like saying every undercover cop movie is a rip off of "The departed" (and I've read opinions like the latter).

My only complain is the similarities with "Dark blue". Do somebody know if both movies are based on the same Ellroy's screenplay? David Ayers said that the original draft taked place during Rodney King's incident.


My only complain is the similarities with "Dark blue". Do somebody know if both movies are based on the same Ellroy's screenplay?

No. Street Kings was based off the Ellroy novel 'The Night Watchman'.



My only complain is the similarities with "Dark blue". Do somebody know if both movies are based on the same Ellroy's screenplay?

No. Street Kings was based off the Ellroy novel 'The Night Watchman'.


Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground.


Im not sure what movie you watched. This movie was fine and remember it's a 'movie'


Your Nuts! Just Look At The Score On Here. This Movie Was Great!

R.I.P Heath Ledger


it's "great" to kill people because one is convinced they're in the "wrong"?


this is the worst movie of all times.


Um... Did you see the same movie as the rest of us? I have watched it 5 times and I'm trying to find the things that made it the worst movie of 2008. Perhaps you would care to enlighten us instead of just rendering an opinion that isn't very well informed?
