America! Are we just going to sit by while the Germans take over our spot for worst movie of all time? Think of all that we have accoplished and have yet to accoplish!
We need to get on our high horses and kick some celuliod butt!
Sure, just about every other movie in the bottem 100 is American, but as our fore fathers taught us: 'If you are not #1, everything else means sh!t'
So come on, America! Let's get those cameras rolling! It does not matter if you have a budget or not, but so long as we believe in ourselves!
We have taken over territories before, lets do it again!
problem is that america is not united when its about judging stupid things. no matter how bad something is, there will always be enough morons who think its great and vote positively for it. There are examples..
"I felt just like a baby, until i held a baby" - Jack White
I think this is one thing you don't want to be #1 in, I mean you have a movie that is the #2 spot, so that should be good enough, and I say 'you' because I. AM. CANADIAN!
Humanity is stupid, one person is smart, but humanity is stupid
The point is WE in America are so great our movies need to be not only the best but also the WORST!
This is America! We put our all into everything! And it shows!!
We also put minimal effort and half-as$ stuff sometimes too! And, boy oh, boy! does it ever show!
What we need to do is make a movie that will be a sure-fire flop! We need to pour massive amounts of money into it as well! Why not? After, this is America! We have tons of money to throw around! It must be panned by the critics! They must hate it so much that everyone who cannot think for themselves will automaticly give the movie a '1'!
This is America! Everyone looks at us to be the best at everything we do! We cannot let the rest of the world down now!
yeah i guess youre in need of some wicked ideas then! Producers! Listen to me!
five projects that potentially will bring america back on pole position:
- Jerry Bruckheimer doing a remake of "Jules and Jim". - "Rocky VI"-project. Silvester Stallone: producer, writer, director, DoP, Editor and Costume Designer - Roland Emmerich directing "12 Angry Men"-Re-remake - Pixar doing an adaptation of the "Lobo"-comic, Rated "PG-13" - "The Bible" - A Tom Green Film
"I felt just like a baby, until i held a baby" - Jack White
No, we can't do that. That would be the cowards way out. From Justin to Kelly failed in being the worst it could be, but thats ok, it tried and that is all that mattered. What we need is something freshly original or simply unoriginal. We must show all other countries that no one makes a movie as bad as America!
We Here in America do it best! What we need is a sequal to Police Academy! What number at they on right now? 37 or something? Well at least we will know if all else fails, that we have a surefire way to get back on top!
*grin* To make it worse than this movie, you have to put some effort into it. See, the main character is was participant of a casting show - a singer.
So look at the Jennifer Lopez or the Britney Spears movie as a known example. Then cut the budget down to 1% of these. Now we are getting close. Then take a downright stupid script. Almost there. And then watch out, that none of the actors has the slightest talent, if the director shows the least ambition to make the movie better, fire him. And be careful not to take an actor with charisma or looks, especially not for the main character or an important female role.
See, at Jennifer Lopez or Britney Spears you can at least look without getting a headache (actually i think them quite nice to look at), but Daniel Kübelböck makes your head hurt and Dinner does not want to stay inside of you even by just looking at him.
So all in all, Daniel - der Zauberer is hard to top, but you can do it. America has proven in the past, that they can produce crap other people could not even imagine. Keep trying!
Ah, come on, America! We had it for a while! Bob Clark, a true American, tried to bring back the bottem spot for the winning team, but he failed to hold on to it. Like the slippery fish in the Mississippi river that you are holding proundly above your head with one hand when suddenly, it comes out of your hand like the soap in a prison shower, and swims away from you while you cry with defeat. We must get back #1 spot for worst movie in the name of America! Hollywood is a vital part of American culture, we have a million directors and director want-to-bes; we must take advantage of this! Think of all the prime mates that are running around free in our grand forests without HD cameras strapped to their backs! This is America! If our polititions have taught us nothing else in the last 20 or so years, it is that flash and looks mean everything and that if need be, we can buy the grand prize! But we must try to UN approach and be fair about this as we can! So lets get out there and make us a bad movie!
I think Hollywood has allready made a lot of bad movies. For example: who the hell voted for Pear Habour? I really suffered by watching it. This should be #1. But as a German, I´m proud of Daniel. This is not the worst movie but the worst guy in world. And he IS the movie!!!
Uh, because "America" is pretty much synonymous with "United States of America" everywhere in the world maybe? You "Central America" and "South America" folks are just going to have to lump it, man. Long long ago, we used to be part of "North America", but our forefathers (not content to merely be "just another America") decided to be **THE** America years ago (take THAT, Canada!) and no one complained. Now the statute of limitations has expired, and it's too late for you other Americas to do anything about it! Mwaah aah aaah!
Haha! Yeah, I think you may be right, the statute of limitations has expired on that, it's what you get in a world where the idiot who shouts loudest is right. Looking forward to 8 years of Trump, followed by a swift slide into the fiery abyss for the rest of all time. It's no more than we all deserve for not squeezing out Drumpf's tiny, diseased brains while we still have a chance, like the puss-filled zit he is.
"It's too late... Always has been, always will be... Too late."
I think he does because in the mind of an "typical" US-American the whole of north america is there territory anyway (that incluceds Canada and Mexico).
Just like they think Austria is part of Germany (because austrians happen to speak a german dialect) and Europe, *THE* Europe is somewhere near London, England; which they can never find on any map even if there life deppended on it cause it's not near Paris, France; since it's really called Great Britan and an island.
I think he does because the average citizens of the United States (at least those of whom I know) don't even know there is "another america" or anything else but america. Last week I tried to explain where the indian ocean is to someone in Kansas and it took me about half an hour (he didn't even know the asian continent).
Okay enough anti-american propaganda (I am a *beep* You won`t even come close to this movie because... you don't have anything similar to Daniel Küblkotz. The movie can be as bad as it can be without him the movie MUST be better than this one!!
You met a really dumb person. He's not a "average citizen." We're required to take geography in the 7th grade (that is, a class named Geography, we still have to know the Geography of the US by the 5th grade, since that is the only Geography that matters to someone in a country this large in a practical sense) and cannot drop out of school until the 10th, so even granted that the majority of the people in the US are high school drop outs (which is about as far fetched an assumption as they come), they still will be acquainted with the Indian Ocean. I was raised in a a very underprivledged part of town, poor as dirt, and I assure you that I not only knew the geography of Asia at a young age, but also all 50 states and capitals in the US, and most capitals in the rest of the world.
Even then, you cant say that people from the United Sates are alone in calling themselves Americans: I'm sure that when someone from Europe or Asia says they hate America that they arent refering to Costa Rica or Honduras. Calling some one from the US an American is much easier that saying United States-er.
And you cant be condescending to an American because he might not be an expert on European Geography (An the crack about London is too far fetched to be real: I'm sure everyone I know can place London on a map). Lets say I demand you place the State of Kansas on a map, or walked around the Streets of Baden demanding to know the capital of Montana. How fair would that be? But still I would say that all Europeans must be stupid and look down upon them.
You know what, while we're on the subject, why is it that when referring to someone from Brittain, commonly, just as a way of saying things, we call them "English." That's quite pretentious of them: pretending like there is only one place in the world that speaks English; or for that matter that only people from Germany are called Germans. Doesnt seem fair at all.
You know what: all you Europeans that hate America: you raped ALL the continents on Earth for 400 years, so if you dont like something about America, or Americans: you can suck my dick because I dont care.
The only reason you dont like Americans right now is because it's the popular thing to do: everyone acts by imitation, and so it becomes popular to dislike the US, and so any form of anecdotal evidence seems to prove your assumption that we're all dumb and know nothing. You're making an assumption about a huge group of people based soley on a guy you met from Kansas. It's beyond me. A hundred years ago you would probably have been quoting the Eugenics movement and saying nonsense about how all Black people are obviosly inferior because, look: they only work servile jobs. Give it a hundred more years and people will be making non-sensical judgements about everything with no shred of real evidence (only anecdotes and popular opinion) about all manner of nonsense, and will use this criteria to look down upon everyone else, both those whom they judge and those who think diffently.
[...] but also all 50 states and capitals in the US, and most [...]
Arrn`t you forgeting a few or would'nt you like to say "Mainland USA"? ;-}
> [...] Lets say I demand you place the State of Kansas on a map,
Which would be pretty easy cause it can only be in the heartland and it belongs to Tornado-alley. Since we hear quite a lot of twisters when they hid on the news over here, I think most ppl (if you don`t include ppl who watch RTL on a regular basis) could at least point the vicinity on a map.
> or walked around the Streets of Baden
Baden-what? Baden-Baden?? Shows how much you know about European geography. ;->
> demanding to know the capital of Montana.
Well, since there arrn`t that many big cities in Montana, three guesses should do.
> How fair would that be?
Depends who you ask.
> You know what, while we're on the subject, why is it that when referring to > someone from Brittain, commonly, just as a way of saying things, we call > them "English."
Because England is the biggest part of the british isle. Which is the problem: Most ppl don`t know that there are more parts to England then just England and that it`s actually not called England, but Great Britain.
> [...] or for that matter that only people from Germany are called Germans.
What else would you call them? Hessian? Bavarian? Germans don`t generally make that destinction. -- "I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
Come on: my points weren't that hard to understand; and btw, there are only 50 states in the US, mainland and all (48 mainland). And when I said Kansas, I didnt mean the vicinity of Kansas, I mean Kansas. I'm going to assume that the average European would not be able to tell the difference between Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska on a map, and of course, the average American can guess the "vicinity" of Yugoslavia, even though we live on the other side of the world, the same way you can guess the "vicinity" of Kansas. This doesnt make Americans inherently stupid. And honestly, I dont think that with three guesses the average European would get the capital of Montana. Hell, I wouldnt bet that with three guesses the average American out of grade school would know that one. Nobody lives in Montana: Montana is just a myth.
"> You know what, while we're on the subject, why is it that when referring to > someone from Brittain, commonly, just as a way of saying things, we call > them "English."
"Because England is the biggest part of the british isle. Which is the problem: Most ppl don`t know that there are more parts to England then just England and that it`s actually not called England, but Great Britain.
"> [...] or for that matter that only people from Germany are called Germans.
"What else would you call them? Hessian? Bavarian? Germans don`t generally make that destinction. "
Yeah, good job man, you got my point: that suggesting all americans are dumb or selfish, or whatever they were trying to say, just because we refer to ourselves as "Americans" is dumb. My questions were 100 percent rhetorical, not entirely factual, used merely to make a point, to illustrate the world from our point of view to those who live on the other side of the world. But, as we all know, Europeans havent proven themselves to be adept at seeing things from other points of view; they would rather assume that everyone else is ignorant and in need of Enlightenment. Ooooh, low blow.
> [...] and btw, there are only 50 states in the US, mainland and all (48 > mainland).
ROFTL. There are 54 states: 52 real states who are allowed to sent senators and congressmen to Washington and 2 who are governd by a Govenour but not allowed to vote on the Senate or Congress.
> And when I said Kansas, I didnt mean the vicinity of Kansas, I mean Kansas.
Well, there arrn't that many states in the great plains.
> I'm going to assume that the average European would not be able to tell the > difference between Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska on a map, and of course,
> the average American can guess the "vicinity" of Yugoslavia, even though we
Since Yugoslavia doesn`t really exist any more...
> [...] And honestly, I dont think that with three guesses the average European > would get the capital of Montana.
Okay. Let me try. There arrn`t that many big cities up there. Let me see if I can remeber some... Billings (everbody knows that), Great Falls (very cute brunettes are made there , Missoula (famous Western town, movie-wise), and Butte (never been there). Since you americans have the tendency to put capitals in small towns, I`ll venture a guess it`s none of them. Since there arrn`t that many big airports up there, let me see... Where did we land there back then...? I remember the Air Force being in Bozeman. And that was close to... Helena. It has to be Helena.
> [...] Nobody lives in Montana: Montana is just a myth.
I think my uncle haveing a farm up there as a summer home would disagree.
> [...] My questions were 100 percent rhetorical,
Maybe you should learn to use smilies.
> [...] they would rather assume that everyone else is ignorant and in need of > Enlightenment.
Your name doesn`t happen to be Petin or Bush? Cause only those morons would even say stuff like that. On the other hand the both belong in the same padded cell with Bin Laden. Just knowbody seems to notice that. -- "I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
There are 50 states in the US. I'm sorry, but there just are. Honestly I dont see where you got 54. You might be thinking of including Commonwealths as states (such as Puerto Rico) and the District of Columbia, but that still doesnt make the number of full states 52. Look it up man, your number is off.
Yeah, apparently you know a lot about the state of Montana. My comments are not neccessarily directed toward you. I mean the average European. By using your knowledge of the state of Montana to prove that all Europeans are superior to all Americans is as dumb as saying that because one guy from Kansas didnt know where the Indian Ocean is means that all Americans are inherently stupid (which is what the guy I responded to did). And, honestly, I wasnt asking you in particular what Montana's capital is. For Christ's sake, what would that prove? That you have connection to the internet?
Since You brought it up though, my name is infact Petin Bush (and who is this Petin, fell btw; I'm guessing you meant Putin?). My friends call me Bin Laden for short.
And my last few sentences were facetious (about enlightenment and what not). Maybe I should include smilies to make that clearer. I just hate putting them anywhere.
And, just for my curiosity, why exactly do you say Bush should be in a "padded cell?"
No. There 54. They just don`t wanna tell you that, cause your still a little child and can't handle the truth. But maybe it`s just a myth, like Montana, eh?
> [...] Since You brought it up though, my name is infact Petin Bush (and who > is this Petin, fell btw; I'm guessing you meant Putin?).
No. I always spell this freak (Danny Pattyn?) wrong. I meant that wacked out preacher from the biblebelt. You know, the guy who says condoms are the work of the devil and only belive in god will protect you from AIDS and that you shouldn`t have Sex before your married. That freak that started this abstinence movement and gets like 7 Million Bucks a year from the White House for spreading theses lies.
> [...] And, just for my curiosity, why exactly do you say Bush should be in > a "padded cell?"
It's just seems to me that he's suffering from Alzheimers or some thing like that. Cause everytime he opens his mouth he sounds like a crazy person. Like when he talked about sitting on a Veranda sipping OJ while ppl where drowning. Or like declareing a national prayer day when all ppl need is a roof over there head. This guy just lives in his own little fantasy bubble world, somewhere in the 1950s and refuses to acknowlegde that time has passed him by and he needs to get put out to pasture and all the knifes, forks and matches need to be taken from him, so he can`t hurt anyone anymore. -- "I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
No man, you're counting Commonwealths. They aren't states: they dont have to pay taxes, therefore they dont have Congressmen, and are more or less independent. There are 50 states, which are a whole different beast entirely. And, I'm not young.
There are plenty of biblebelt preaches who beleive such things. I'm not familiar with that particular one. The only one I can name off the top of my head is Jerry Fallwell(?), however that's spelled. He may well preach such things, but most advocates of abstinence arent nearly that radical. I know from experience: was raised in the only city in the US that does not pass out condoms in class. The argument they use is a matter of opinion: that condoms have a high failure rate, and the like. That doesnt make them a freak. That means that they disagree. It would be intollerent to call someone who disagrees a freak. Not that you're intollerent, mind you.
And that's not Alzheimers.
Actually, this whole Katrina thing is quite amusing: we blame the President for acts of God now. I've been following this thing, and it's amazing the type of commentary that comes from those who havent. Here's what really happened:
The Governor of Louissiana refuses to evacuate the city; There are pictures of parking lots filled with busses, flooded, never mobilized due to the ineptitude of the local government.; Bush forces the evacuation; Lots of people are still in the city when the Levy breaks; Bush demands the Governor release control of the Louisiana National Gaurd: the Governor refuses. Do you want to know what he was doing with it? Apparently there was a section of New Orleans that wasnt flooded, known as "the West Bank" (go figure). However, to reach this section one has to cross a bridge. Here's the catch: the West Bank is a RICH WHITE neighborhood. The Governor had the national gaurd POSTED on the bridges to keep the people (mostly the poor, the elderly, and minorities: people unable to leave the city) FROM GETTING INTO THE WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD. [I know this seems far fetched, but last Saturday, NPR was playing interviews with people there; according to their testimony, the National Gaurd had orders to shoot anyone attempting to cross the bridges on site. If this wouldnt have come from NPR itself, I probably wouldnt have believed it.] All the while the President demads the governor to give over control of the National Gaurd, a request falling on deaf ears.
So, the Louisiana state Governor has completely ruined his career in a series of bad moves. So, what does he do? He blames the President, and since hating the President has been a national Institutions since LBJ, the public quickly assents, and the Governor has saved his ass.
And "act of God" is an expression. But, hell, if we're going to get picky, it would have to be an act of nature, not of science: science is merely the empirical study of nature, not able to affect a natural disaster.
And, come on, backward is a matter of opinion. 100 years ago you might have been considered "backward" if you did not believe in the Eugenics movement. Doesnt necessarily make Eugenics true. It all comes down to a matter of opinions on religious and ethical problems.
I don't wanna sound smartass but - just go on the way you're going on with all those movies you're producing and you'll end up with EVERY movie that comes out being the worst movie ever. I've been getting quite into it since, for the last year or so, I've been doing my channel's weekly movie-page. And I can tell you: Something like 50 percent of the movies I've seen over the last year were - well, not very good, to put it politely. And oddly enough, all of them were US-movies ...
guy, youre clearly not american. no american person uses the words "america" and "american" as ridiculously often as you do. it also seems like you might be a little kid, since i cant imagine anyone older than 12 writing as awkwardly as you do, and as repetitiously and in as queer a manner.
Come on now, people! There is no need for this fussin' and a fuedin'! We have to work together! When I say 'America', I mean anyone that wants to join in on the fun of making a bad movie... within the confines of the 50 US States, that is! And for those of you who don't understand what I mean yet, let me reiterate for you:
USA! USA! USA! (Thats 'UNITED States of America'!)
Seeing as tomorrow (1/4) is the day that this work of modern day American (All the Americas)culture comes out on DVD, I plan on waking up extra early to do the (United States of) American thing: Waiting in front of Wal-Mart for them to open so I can get my copy. I may even buy four copies just so I can pass them out to people so they can get patriotic about their country (Their country being US of A, of course) and see that their country should take back the title for making the worst movie ever! And hey, who knows, they may even join in on the fun of making their own film!
Well, if you will excuse me, I have to go be '12 years old or younger' and do my homework in a 'repetitious' and 'queer' manner... in the USA of course! But, while I am gone, do not forget what Uncle Sam Said: "I want you... to make a bad movie." I am certain that he said that right before he said he wanted me for the USA army.
ok, i have a plan! everyone, drink a couple of six packs, set up a camera, then grab some toy guns and start firing them while shouting incoherently and then pretend to get shot! then we'll take them all, choose the most horrendous one, assign that person as the lead "actor", throw together an incoherent script with every cliche imaginable, and have them videotape themselves reading the lines with their drunk friends. then we edit it all together, cutting out the end of the lead "actor's" audition tape (where he gets shot), add in some extremely low-budget cgi special effects, and release it. that should get us back on top!
Now I'm a Canadian, and I am fully familiar with the American obsession with being number one at everything. I'm thinking that your plan to get everyone tanked and read cliche filled scripts is a great way for the country of mediocrity to get back on top of the "Worst" list. The only flaw with what you just said is the fact that I'd LOVE to see a group of typical Americans drink a couple of six packs. If there's one thing that the rest of the world will ALWAYS waste the US in (no pun intended) it is the simple fact that Americans cannot consume a decent amount of alcohol to save their lives. Americans are the weakest drinkers on the planet!
Now if you're drinking ye olde crappy American beer that contains 2% alcohol and enough chemicals to make you grow tumours and get ulcers, I can see an average American finishing off 8 beer and then being wasted! Those 8 American beer though are the equivalent to 3 or 4 Canadian beer, and 1.5 German beer. And Canadians and Europeans definately DO NOT get trashed off of that!
Remember 1 Canadian Liver = 3 American livers AND..... 1 European Liver = 4-6 American livers
So good luck to you guys trying to finish that beer, and while you're at it, come up to the Great White North if you're looking for a REAL NORTH-AMERICAN party, or head overseas (but you might want to warm yourself up in Canada first before the Europeans get a hold of you and destroy you!)
Until then, have fun, party as hard as you can, and I'll be looking at you from up above... while you're under the table no less!
Duke_hologram - are you serious? Or are you just excited to find something that Canadians do well? Alcohol consumption is the Canadian claim-to-fame....congratulations. I'm certainly glad to see that the entire country is not an absolute and complete waste of space.
In everthing the typical Canadian embarks upon, s/he wants to be more like Americans -- now I know you'll deny it, that's what Canadians do. But we ALL know the truth. And we also know that our neighbors to the north are constantly and forever jealous of their richer, more powerful, and yes, sexier friends to the south. Canucks are always bitching that Americans are snobby, arrogant, stuck up. Well you know what - we have a right to be because it just so happens that we do just about everything better than the rest of the planet (except apparently make bad movies and drink copious amounts of beer). Yes, we do have an obsession with always being number 1 - the funny thing is that we normally always are. I have never once heard anyone say "I wish I was Canadian." I thank God every day that I was born an American. I was Canadian, I would be drinking myself into oblivion every single night -- is that where you get all the practice?
Good luck with that beer drinking thing - it looks like its been a great success in Canada's futile effort to become a super-power. Hell man, Canada could disappear tommorrow and I seriously doubt that anyone would ever miss it. With hockey gone, what the hell are you guys going to do? Somehow I don't think curling is going to catapult you onto the global stage.
hey, gestuhlm, curling may not put us onto the global stage, but we DO have a movie about it, have you heard, perhaps, of "Men with brooms"? Oh, and don't forget how we ANNIHILATED the russian Hockey team 6 to freakin' one. One last thing, are you happy with your idiotic dictator?
Humanity is stupid, one person is smart, but humanity is stupid (especially the usa, they don't even deserve to be capitalized)
Gestuhlm, not badly put, but you've got some flaws with your points.
Firstly, Canadians do not strive to be Americans. That would be a step in the wrong direction! Honestly a country with George 'Dubya' Bush as the leader loses a lot of credibility automatically because of that simple fact. A man who in the 21st Century pursues imperialistic military campaigns in random countries that haven't done anything to him directly; who is opposed to gay marriage and abortion; and who is opposed to marijuana. He's a living and breathing anachronism. Go back 100 years ago when imperialism could be justified!
I wouldn't go making false claims about how you guys are "sexier". I do recall the stats from "Super Size Me" claiming that the US has the heaviest population in the world. Obviously you guys are richer and more powerful politically! You've got a population that's 9 times the size of ours, not to mention all the stuff that the US owns since its consumerism has taken a huge economic hold on the world. You guys buy everything out because you can, you have the money! And that's wonderful for you guys! But you've destroyed so many small businesses and monopolized (at the height of American power in the 1990's) over half of the world's market.
The US whether you want to accept it or not, is a power in decline at the moment. You're easily the most powerful single country in the world, but the EU (European Union) is on the rise in terms of economic power and political clout on the international stage, and Japan is making a nice recovery since their problems in the 90's. The ineptitude and backwardness of your leader doesn't help your case either. The situation in Iraq at the present moment is illustrates this.
At the same time, you're government is one of the most corrupt in the world, and your populous as a whole is very ignorant and unworldly. There are over 200 countries in the world, and while you guys go on about freedom and liberty and democracy, you feel the need to push everyone around to further you own agenda. That is a blatent example of hypocracy (a trait that you people are well known for alongside ignorance and yes arrogance).
If Canada disappeared, people would notice and would care more about us than if the US disappeared. We are, overall, some of the most respected and liked people in the world because of our peacekeeping efforts and our role in liberating Western Europe in 1944-45. I have traveled abroad and I can safely say that I wouldn't have been treated nearly as nicely had my passport been from the United States of America.
I personally like the Americans that I know and have met. While many of them are unaware of the rest of the world, they are decent good people on the whole and it's a shame that they have to be stuck with all of these stereotypes placed on them by the rest of the world which they've been brought up to ignore.
I feel sorry that you guys are being brought up with the superiority complex of a "Master Race" with Americans being at the top of the food chain. Your country is too proud, too full of itself, and that will bring about your downfall! Not to even mention the fact that you guys can't deal with being teased. Honestly lighten up a bit! I digress... If you know your world history, you'll be able to recall a name: Adolf Hitler. Sound familiar? He too, was a great advocate of brain washing and of the "Master Race" Not that American is entirely like the Third Reich, but there are glaring similarities!
I am so thankful that I am in a more socially advanced society which allows for more love, multiculturalism, peaceful solutions, a sense of humour, and many other things that Americans are deprived of. Where censorship isn't nearly as insane, and one doesn't have to fear their leader, we make fun of Paul Martin all the time! The US doesn't hold a candle to Canada socially, and that's what Canada will always have over the US, that's all we need and want, not vast sums of money and political power, we will never achieve either in the same way the US has because we don't believe in that. We are Canadians, proud and humble and with a reputation abroad that befits and benefits us! America will never measure up in that respect.
"A man who in the 21st Century pursues imperialistic military campaigns in random countries that haven't done anything to him directly"
Before WWII started, Hitler rose to power. He started off by infringing on some of the rules laid out in the Treaty of Versai. The other European countries did nothing about it. He then took it further and further and still the other countries did nothing. Something was done only after Germany started invading other countries, and by then it was too late. Millions and Millions of people lost their lives because of that mistake.
Now, let's look at Saddam. It has been proven that he tried producing WMDs in the past. He gassed hundreds of thousands of his own people. He put to death anyone who opposed him. In recent years, Russian, Egyption, British, and American intelligence thought he had WMDs or had the means to obtain them.
Here's the part that confuses me. Countries such as France didn't want to do anything about it. The same France that face a similar situation at the start of WWII. I just don't get it at all... I'm at a loss for words. People say that us Americans are blind and brainwashed and don't know that anything exists outside our borders. But I think that our nation learns from history and from mistakes. We saw a threat, and took action. Maybe the French are the ones that are blind. Afterall, their leaders were bribed by Saddam to vote against us in the U.N. Money that should have gone to aid the people of Iraq instead went into the pockets of some French aristocrats.
You saw money to be made, nothing else. Saddam was only a threat to the rightwing US politicans who made money off him in the '80s SELLING WMD to him in the first place. Knowing that he could expose and blackmail them they ousted him.
> and took action.
Well, then you should have acted more radicly and much more foresighted. It would've made you a total outcast in the world as a whole, but it would've been efficend. But you didn't have the balls to act as you could've and should've.
> [...] Money that should have gone to aid the people of Iraq instead went [...]
These things (cause there not 'people') live of foreign aid for 50 years now. And what do they do with it? They buy explosives and guns to further there fundamentalist world agenda.
"You saw money to be made, nothing else. Saddam was only a threat to the rightwing US politicans who made money off him in the '80s SELLING WMD to him in the first place. Knowing that he could expose and blackmail them they ousted him."
The reason that France and other European countries didn't take part was because they were making money off of Saddam. And, please explain, how is the U.S. making money off of this war that's costing us billions of dollars?
"These things (cause there not 'people') live of foreign aid for 50 years now. And what do they do with it? They buy explosives and guns to further there fundamentalist world agenda."
Are you saying that every Iraqi citizen is an extremist and/or terrorist? Why not take it a step further and just stereotype the entire muslim and middle east culture.
>> [...] them they ousted him." > The reason that France and other European countries didn't take part was > because they were making money off of Saddam.
Yes, thats true also. But they where better in concealing it and so didn't have to worry to be exposed.
> And, please explain, how is the U.S. making money off of this war that's > costing us billions of dollars?
Maybe not the public in general. But the ppl in charge (like Hallyburton) make a lot of money.
>> [...] explosives and guns to further there fundamentalist world agenda." > Are you saying that every Iraqi citizen is an extremist and/or terrorist?
To me personaly? Since this is a personal issue: Every muslim is one.
> Why not take it a step further and just stereotype the entire muslim and > middle east culture.
Again, this is a personal issue I tend not to further disscus on a puplic message board, but 1. IMHO they have no 'culture' and 2. I was speaking as the third world as a whole, not only the CFs and 3WAs.
> Are you saying that every Iraqi citizen is an extremist and/or terrorist?
To me personaly? Since this is a personal issue: Every muslim is one.
I've read that you won't discuss this any further but what leads you to think that every muslim is an extremist? I've already met many muslims in my life, sure there are these ignorant thugs but also many kind persons who don't agree with these extremist views from any islamists in third world countries. And why do they have no culture? The Islam is an offspring of Christianity and you certainly won't say that you have no culture.
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>>> Are you saying that every Iraqi citizen is an extremist and/or terrorist? >> To me personaly? Since this is a personal issue: Every muslim is one. > I've read that you won't discuss this any further
So let it be then or PM me.
> but what leads you to think that every muslim is an extremist?
Personall expierence.
> I've already met many muslims in my life,
So have I.
> sure there are these ignorant thugs
> but also many kind persons who don't agree with these extremist views from > any islamists in third world countries.
Say like this, do like this.
> And why do they have no culture?
That is again a personal opinion. It would take a length of time to explain why I think this. But in a nutshell: Anyone who likes to live in the 12. century and refues to acknowledge very basic scientific knowledge, moral groundrules and socity based facts has no real culture. (And this includes nutjobs like Denny Pattyn, the Pope, Osma Bin Laden, the better part of the roman cathlic church, President^^^^King GWB I. aso.)
> The Islam is an offspring of Christianity
You don't wanna tell me about Isak and Ishmael, now? Cause we did this in Confirmationclass, Relgionclass and Moralclass at school. I have studied religions (ALL world religions) quite extensivly in my travles. I had the honour of living with a Hasmedij Jewish Comunity for a short while and learnt a lot from the Rebbe there, who I still greatly respect; as much as the Amish community who toke me in for about 3 weeks once. Still dosn't change that I'm against any form of religion. Science is the only true religion. The church had more then 2000 years to prove there faith. So far they havn't done it. If they give me God's phonenumber (I have a lot of grievances I would like to put him on trial for) then maybe I'll start beliving again. Or if he can give me back my wife and daughter... that be a start of some kind of healing. But until then...
> and you certainly won't say that you have no culture.
What makes you belive that I'm christian? Okay, your right that I was once (I was christend as a baby in what you americans would probally rate as protestan-lutheran) but the very 1st thing I did on my 18th birthday BEFORE picking up my german drivers licence was to go to city hall and resign from this faith. Those bozos even sent me a nice little massprinted letter entitelted with "Did we do something wrong?". Belive you me - I answered them quite extensivly. A week later the church banned me from ever entering ANY church again. So you can think for yourself what I wrote them... >@;-> As a side note: They house I live in is just across from our towns church. Consider the irony there. '->
Now I'm an atheist. I've seen to many things in my life and had to do to many things that no one who remotly insists on calling himself a member of the human race (with I don't btw) ever should do to still belive that there is some all powerfull being that controls life - or my destiny. -- "I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
ok, I can't change your personal experience then and argue about religions in which you seem to know much more about than me. As I'm an atheist myself I mostly agree with everything you wrote above. I'm also very contra-religion but I still respect other people's view of life, if being an slave of an religion makes you happy then I won't stop them being one, even if it's an step back into renaissance...
Not to rain on the USA v. Canada v. Bad German Movie parade, but Superbabies 2: Baby Geniuses is currently #1. America. . . wins?
To clear something up: as an AMERICAN (not a United Statesian) when I refer to the United States, I say America. When I refer to the United States and Canada and Mexico, I say North America. Not that this makes any sense (and sometimes I feel sort of bad about it) . . . but it's just the way it is.
> We in the US can easily regain the top spot if we let John Travolta make > that Battlefield Earth sequel he's been talking about.
I actually liked that movie. It still gets high spins on my HC, because its a perfect HC-movie. Just like Armagedon. They are made for multichannelfan.
> Sequels are usually worse(if possible)
Beeing a sequelfan I disagree. -- "I used to be Tommy Verceti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
America the beautiful, from sea to shining sea your mighty and powerful country is the only remaining superpower and worlds strongest military power. Your omnipresent film industry rules the world. 90 percent of the movies shown in german cinemas come from the US. Can't you just be fair and leave our small country in the heart of europe, stripped from any true power since 1945 this one small victory? Plunging Küblböcks nightmare-movie down the bottom 100 to be the worst movie of all times? If you could only imagine the sheer horror this evil apparition, this pink bouncing gay flubber (bisexual, yeah..) leprechaun from the deepest vaults of Bavaria is to my people. He wasn't even ashamed to fail at jamesdeaning the german nation by having a decent car accident and was too stupid to get killed (he drove without a driving license). So please let us bring him down to number 1 where he truly belongs for all eternity, considering the fact that you control nearly the entire remaining bottom 100. And if begging isn't enough perhaps we should try to threaten you! Yes you have aircraft carriers, stealth bombers and Minuteman missiles. But we have KÜBLBÖCK! Imagine an ICBM with Küblbock as warhead! What a powerful WMD. Imagine the end of civilisation as you know it.
That would be mercyfull - to him and us, cause we would finally get rid of him. And if that think would hid Cleveland - who would care?
> [...] Imagine the end of civilisation as you know it.
Chances being that little maggot of a cochroach would actually survive it. He is one of the few lifeforms able to withstand a direct hit by an ICBM. I'll go down to my ABC-shelter and close the lock now. See you in 30 years... -- "I used to be Tommy Vercetti, now I'm Phil Cassidy."
First of all: I´m German. Second: Why are you so keen on having the worst movie ever coming from the US? Third: If you had seen this embarrassing movie, if you could call it that, you would think of sending Care-Packs to Germany after 60 years again. Fourth: YOU THINK WE GERMANS ARE PROUD ON THIS *beep* "DANIEL" STUFF????
A nice idea, indeed. If only everyone, who voted "10", may be forced to watch this movie - or at least listen 30 minutes to Daniel Küblböck. I`m sure you admit, that nothing, really, nothing compares to this "real life version of kermit the frog".
This is no movie..its pure torture and deserves at least a spot in the bottom ten.I'm sure there are worse movies out there I've yet to see, but this thing is an atrocity to mankind.