A comedy?!
Maybe is just me guys, but comedy would be the last genre that I would call this film. Yes, it has some comic moments, but the main message of the film is far from comedy, don't you think?
shareMaybe is just me guys, but comedy would be the last genre that I would call this film. Yes, it has some comic moments, but the main message of the film is far from comedy, don't you think?
shareI think it's a serious film hidden behind loads of black comedian lines and actions.
RIP Bradley Grant Thomas Andress
TWA (Tom Welling's Army)
I loved the film and i laughed a lot watching it. Of course it's a comedy. Who said a comedy can't convey important messages? Who said there are subjects that can't be laughed at? Anybody who says so is just a prisoner of convention. Makers of the film, that is, artists, play with your uneasiness with the way they depicted certain themes in it. that's part of their artistic creation. "Nothing is funnier than unhapiness" - that's from beckett.
shareI'd rather call it tragicomedy.
shareI agree this movie is really sad and tragic.
I have a hard time laughing at it.
Agree too. I was quite irritated by a lady sitting behind me at the theatre and laughing her heart out, at almost every scene. To me, its not a comedy and neither a tragedy, its a weird mix of genres and I expected a lot more.
shareI didn`t expect more, butt was very suprissed about what i really is after what i have heard people saying about it.
All we do is wait.
I couldn't help laughing during some parts of the movie, even though it filled me with guilt. some of the other one's in the theatre laughed too.
It's easier to laugh if you don't have to read the subtitles.
RIP Bradley Grant Thomas Andress
TWA (Tom Welling's Army)
I think it's intended as a comedy, but a thought provoking one. I only laughed once (at Adam's bible falling open) but much of the audience laughed throughout. I found the comedy mostly pretty offensive - racist, sexist, homophobic - and none of the redemptive attitude to the victim groups that other Danish black comedy has managed or excels in series such as The Office.
If you haven't read the Book of Job in the Old Testament, it's worth having a quick read of it, as it explains what the film is trying to get at.
I'm sorry, but if it isn't a comedy, then what is it? I can see that it could be a tragicomedy, but it is meant as a comedy and it is pretty surrealistic in some scenes. It's just black humour, as simple as that.
shareHey. This movie was made by Danes. And there is something important to understand about Danish humor : We never laugh more than when we want to cry.
Moðir vor sem ert á jörðu, heilagt veri nafn þitt...
Bit of a generalisation, wouldn't you say? I'm Danish and I didn't particularly enjoy the humour in this film. For a comedy, it contained very few genuine laughs IMO.
"I hope I never get so old I get religious" - Ingmar Bergman
it was almost slapstick humour gone more violent. I thought it was very funny albeit in a sick way - very tongue in cheek - and it's very sarcastic as well. Look beyond the violence etc - this film is a lot deeper than you think and I know it's being used in Danish schools in R.E lessons.....But I can see why it wouldn't be everybody's cup of tea but I thought it was....interesting.....and funny in places....I'm just a fan of Mads' - watch 'The Green Butchers' and see what you think of that....it's the same kinda genre - funny yet with lots of hidden messages .
for me it was definitely black comedy
although i understand as sometimes, supposedly black comedies dont make me laugh
this one did
even if it was a painful laughing
for instance, shooting the guy baddasley then going "i have stress"
i thought that was pretty hilarious
as well as pretty much the entire gas robbery sequence,
but its understandable
as during some parts that others were laughing at, i wasnt
and at times i was laughing at, others werent
i guess thats deadpan black comedy (and this movie is definitely deadpan in its black comedy)
Danish black humour. Danish people are a bit wierd.
I am one myself, I know what I am talking about:)
Apparently we don’t have the same tastes in movies. I laughed my ass of during this movie, and I simply love the Danish humor in this film. At first I only saw is as a comedy and was surprised it was the Danish Oscar nominee.
shareI thought this was a comedy but a black comedy. Many scenes cracked me up, and I was like "Oh, wait... was I supposed to laugh there? *scratches head*" lol I'd call it a "black fairy tale for adult" or something.
shareI think this movie gets even better if you are a little familiar with Anders' style. I've seen this movie first and I did like it. Yesterday I've see it again after watching 'Flickering Lights' and 'Green Butchers' and I absolutely loved it! I discovered more things than the first time i saw it. This movie is waaay darker than his other movies.
But there is one important choice he made. He chose to make the characters as real as possible and trying not to make them caricatures of themselves. That makes the comedy even more tragic and better in my opinion. It makes it a film that feels real, but is actually truly absurd. Just loved that! Unfortunately it makes it less accessible, that's the only minor of it...
> It makes it a film that feels real, but is actually truly absurd.
Yeah, that must have been one of the reasons why I felt a bit guilty after laughing at some of the scenes/lines. :D I thought all the actors were doing a fine job for that matter!
I thought it was comedy. Not that it does not have some deeper themes; and sometimes it's painful laughter...but there were many times when I was just laughing my head off. Some scenes are just slapstick, raw and bloody and quite hilarious - the scene where Khalid shoots the bird, for instance...I was literally screaming. And even the terrible things that happened to Ivan and his denial: in real life it would be tragic, but in a movie it's just ludicrous.
And really, I expected no less from the director of The Green Butchers. It's dark, very dark humour, it's a little gruesome at times, but it's oh so funny.
I totally agree. I can understand everybody who is not able to love about someone being healed of brain cancer with a shot through his head, but that is what black humor is all about.
To everybody who thinks "Adams Apples" is not a comedy: what is it then? Drama, Science-Fiction, Historical Movie, Porn, Thriller, Splatter...?
SEE? It IS a comedy! Whether if you want to state it more precisely like "Tragiccomedy", "Black Comedy", "Somewhat different comedy" or whatever: it stays a comedy in the end.
Me personally, I just laughed once during the whole movie "Dumb and Dumber" while many of my frieds laughed their asses off. But of course this movie, which doesn't even makes me smile a lot, is a comedy. It is that easy!
Simon: "Is it cold in here or is it me?"share
This movie is absolutely brilliant people. You cannot call it a comedy because that would not describe the whole character of the film. It is slapstick, tragicomedy, blak comedy, and all oher types of comedy rolled into one. Above all it is a sharp snare at short sightedness and fascist thinking. This kind of movie is very hard to find in the american moviescene hence hard to grip for some people over in the us I think.(Same goes for my European companions over here) This isn't a popcorn kinda movie. Alltough lately there is a group of actors like will ferrel en luke wilson(the one from idiocracy) that are moving or at least trying to move in a similar direction. What makes Adams so funny is the seriousness by wich these people play their roles in the ludacris situations theyre put in.(think of the scene where the priest and the fascist are in the car listening to how deep is your love, hilarious) And thats what makes will ferrel and those others funny too, but I think they need stronger writers and better stories to really exploit their full potential. Stranger then fiction is the one thats comes closest to this kind of movie that ive seen in recent years. Most american comedies seem to be pottyhumour and foul mouthing and plain stupidity of characters of wich i had my fair share by now. For anyone who loved adams apples be sure to check out flickering lights and the green butchers from the same creators. I recently saw a hungarian flick called taxidermia wich takes this genre even a step further and moves close towards a tragedy and the absurdist genre but it's worth seeing for the alternative movie audience.
shareThis movie is definitely a comedy, but what people fail to understand is that the movie falls back on only one aspect of humor, and that's black humor. And one that aspect, this movie possibly contains the darkest sense of black humor.
Do trolls & haters deserve to die?
I thought "In Bruges" (with the other Ferrel, Colin) was close to Adams æbler in style and humour. It's a british-american coprodution, so maybe there's help for our friends overseas :)
shareKhalid shot the cat,who was put in the tree to get the birds.Lol! I am so sorry.I loved this film.It was sweet and sad,in such a precious way.I rented it due to Mads Mikkelsen in it,and am so glad I did.I've seen it twice now,on Netflix,and my friend also loves it. While as many say its funny,like the cat being shot,the times that Adam tries to beat Ivan to death are heartbreaking,as Adam is dragging Ivan to the infirmary.Adam is trying to get him to help because he feels bad for hurting him so badly.The second time he beats Ivan,I mean.
share1st. Grab you dictionary or open another browser with an online dictionary in it and read the defintions for comedy, black comedy, tragicomedy like I just did to make sure of what I the definitions are and I believe you will come to the conclusion I did. Adam's apples is a black comedy(The Cable Guy is a black comedy I always use as an example).
2nd. Someone made the comment it is harder to laugh when reading subtitles, I don't find it to be the case. In fact, I prefer to watch movies subtitled instead of dubbed. Also while watching any movie I have the english subtitles on and while watching t.v. I have the closed captioning on just so I don't miss anything being said.
Lastly, another someone made mention of buying a region-free dvd player just to watch this film. I don't know if this true or not, but I read somewhere all dvd players have a code specific to their brand you can enter with your remote to make the player play any region dvd. Something to look into if you can't wait for the region you are in to get the film on disc.
Just got done watching it on Sundance (never seen or heard of it before).... Brilliant! Of course it's a comedy, at least in the Shakespearean sense, in that it had a happy ending. Even though it got quite dark, the film ultimately didn't give in to cynicism, so I consider it a comedy. There were also a lot of good jokes throughout.
My first good laugh was when the woman came to see the reverend, and in the middle of unburdening herself about the possibility of giving birth to a handicapped child, the reverend and the neo-nazi are arguing about the cookies. The doctor with little regard for ethics or patient confidentiality was hilarious. Having just seen the film a few minutes ago, I don't want to get into the theological implications right now, but I found the reverend's refusal to see the bad in anything funny, heartwarming, and heartbreaking, all at the same time. Like how he purposely overlooks the fat ex-tennis player's continuing alcoholism and agrees to buy his "cough syrup", while pretending like the neo-nazi didn't just beat him up. He's like Ned Flanders that way.
It's a brilliant black comedy. I laugh throughout until Ivan is shot. Then the film's gravity really takes hold--and it becomes incredibly tender about five seconds later when the last apple is delivered. That and the pie baking/delivery always makes me cry. It's just profoundly moving.
shareIt made me laugh. Uproriously. This was my first experience of this director's work - incredible. So strange - funny, morbid, shocking even corny a times, and all within a short space of time of each other. Weird and wonderful stuff.
shareLOL, the situation with the cookies was indeed excellent and very clever!
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