did anybody actually enjoy this movie?
it is officially the worst movie i have ever seen.
shareWell, I can appreciate both sides of the pros and cons for this movie. I happened to catch it in a non-judgmental mood and just went with the flow and found enjoyable enough but nothing to write home about.
shareWorst, no, but for me it was pretty freaking awful. I wish Cusack would stay away from movies like this.. it was worse than Serindipity. I thought Lanes performance was terrible, Cusacks a little less so. The best acting in the film was that adorable dog.
shareJust out of curiosity, what is officially the best movie you have ever seen?
I had extremely low expectations for this film, but I rather liked it. I laughed out loud nine or 10 times – which is pretty high for me. I will probably forget this movie tomorrow, but for tonight, it was time well spent. What were we talking about again?
two things annoyed me.
one, the gay guy. was that an actor or a doorman they pulled of the street? i've never seen a more-cardboard, less-human reading of lines. honestly, that's not an exaggeration. he was awful. they should have given the other gay guy the screen time. at least his face moved.
two, the cliches. the true love understands random interests, the floozy doesn't. random strangers who intrude on love life with advice. always happy gay friends. other person dating someone else when you've finally decided on them. the other girl who calls to the man at the door when he is talking to the love interest. the alternating just-missing-each-other look-back. the family who meddles in everything. no condoms when you need them. the sisters who tell you to be more slutty. the guy's friend who tells him to sleep with lots of easy women. the contrived reunion at the end. blah blah blah...
i don't mind a good rom-com, but i just wish someone would come up with an original idea once in a while. this one was tolerable at best. i mean what goes through cusack's mind when the director says "okay, now you look back, but she's going to just miss you!"? doesn't anyone say "oh really, what a novel idea!" isn't anyone embarrassed by that?
You are so right about the cliches, particularly the glances back where they never catch each other's eyes. How many times have we seen that before? Ditto for the strangers with advice, the other person dating someone else, the meddling family. Another I would add is the spontaneous musical number, where they all break out in song when they talk about a pop tune from their past.
But you thought the gay guy was cardboard? The rather chubby one? I thought he was more interesting than the leads here.
Still, as assembly-line as this film was, I rather liked it because it made me laugh – but then again, I had extremely low expectations.
If you consider this a 'bad' movie, i would hate to know what you consider a 'good' movie.
shareI thought it was pretty good. The lines at times were very clever, I thought. At those times it took my mind a second to figure out what the character meant but it was quite funny. It was cutesy but not without a realistic dash also. Her teaching assistant (?) sleeping with the pupils father and everyone lying about it. I thought Christopher Plummers Irishman was offkey but it didn't matter. His presence was enough to carry him thru'. Diane did look old though. She is still quite beautiful anyway. In fact I think her "dad" told he that in one scene (or somebody did in words to that effect)
this movie stunk
didn't finish it
I did, partially at least. John Cusack's character was just great, I mean how could you not like the scene where he and his friend Charlie are watching Doctor Zhivago and discuss the whole idea of internet ads afterwards? Almost all of Jake's lines in those awkward situations involving the dumb blonde Charlie's trying to hook him up with were hilarious ("short attention span", "I have a theory on this..."), I wonder why aren't they included in the "memorable quotes" section yet?!
share*beep* cock! I loved this *beep* Ass. Also, dildo variety pancake muttons! Bitches and windowsills, thats what cock'll sell ya.
shareBoy, do you ever need to get out more!
shareI wish people would stop using phrases like "this is the worst movie I have ever seen". You quite clearly haven't seen that many films if you regard it as the "worst". It's not a great film, but by calling it the worst is no different to saying any movie with Paris Hilton in it is better! Have a look at IMDB's worst 250 movies, pick any of them and I guarantee it will be far worse than Must Love Dogs.
shareHa! I agree.