A scene from Dakota that fell flat...
I can't believe I just said that, because over the years, it has seemed virtually impossible that Dakota could turn in a weak performance at any given time. She is almost incapable of being false. However, I have watched this movie numerous times, and I always cringe at her big crying scene near the end with Queen Latifah. Just watching her go down to the ground and start bawling...it seems flat and unconvincing. She was able to get the tears out, and the message of the scene was powerful, but I just didn't like Dakota's performance there.
However, that is probably the only complaint I have in Dakota's otherwise phenomenal acting career. I don't mean to be rude at all, because I am a huge fan of her work, and I still think she's going to turn into the Meryl Streep of her generation. I was just wondering if anyone noticed the same thing I did with this particular scene.