Dakota's first on screen kiss

Is it just me or did she look like that was the first time she ever kissed any one. And i think it is a little creepy that they had them kiss. she is like 14 and he is like 18 or 19. but whatever. it looks like she needed a little more practice.


Dakota's first on screen kiss was the beginning "flashback" scene in Sweet Home Alabama.

In this movie, it is Lily's first kiss, and your first kiss is not going to look polished. This was a pretty good representation of a first kiss. If you notice how Zak leans in and Lily responds. Much credit to both of them making it look very natural and awkward as that was the intention. Little things like that (Dakota she doesn't know how to kiss) is why Fanning is one of the top actors. It's not always about diaglogue, sometimes its more reaction and the little nuances and traits an actor brings to the character.

Another example is Dakota in Dreamer, when she is eating pie, and I believe the director mentioned this in the commentary. Dakota in character and Cale Crane does a thing with a spoon licking the pie off of it or something, and in the commentary it was mentioned it was completely Dakota's idea.

Everyone knows she can act, and people get upset at the fact she's basically wise beyond her years. I guess to some that can be creepy. She was really good in this movie. What makes her good is how natural she flows in every scene she does...not very many actors can do that consistently. Of course, she'll have bad performances, and chose bad roles, but so do other actors.

However check out Latifah's performance, it was very very good!








I just gotta say, that "kiss" is nothing... she barely pecks his lips when she gets pulled away...


so it's alright if the kiss looked awkward. She was acting the way that she was supposed to. If you had read the book you would have known that this was in it and that Lily had no idea what she was doing. It was also a very nervous experience because she knew that she shouldn't be doing that considering the views of people with interracial relationships in the 1960s. Therefore, i thought that the kiss was appropriate and completely perfect.



Finally, a voice of reason! A young girl being a pro at kissing would creep me out and make me look beyond the acting if that was the case.


I Am Sam
She kissed Sean Penn. Her FIRST screen kiss.
Age 6/7

The world does not revolve around Dakota Fanning.




Wow, some of you are real morons. I'm only repeating things others have said at this point, but seriously, it was MEANT to look awkward. It was MEANT to look like her first kiss. I mean, I'm assuming it was (her CHARACTER'S first kiss, that is. Yes, Dakota was acting. She was playing someone who isn't herself-- amazing, I know). It was exactly how a young, inexperienced kiss would look. And even if the guy was older than her, it's acting. It's basically their JOB to be kissing. It doesn't mean anything.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.



Yeah, it was Lilly's kiss she was 14 man, she wasn't a pro. Zack maybe, Lily I don't think so. But do you thinj that he meant it? I mean after the kiss he never was around her sense.


I thought that both actors pulled it off well as well.

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
