Dakota's first on screen kiss

Is it just me or did she look like that was the first time she ever kissed any one. And i think it is a little creepy that they had them kiss. she is like 14 and he is like 18 or 19. but whatever. it looks like she needed a little more practice.


she did fine for this. she doesn't need no practice. this is just an actress. i know what i'm talking about. i'm sure this was her first time kissing a guy.
did u not know that in free willy 2 it was jason james richters first kiss to that girl in that movie on the screen as actors? same here for dakota for this movie. it's normal if they wanta get the actors to follow the script.


So... first screen kisses have to be first real kisses? Is that what you're saying? How does that work? Do kid actors have to wear Hannibal Lecter masks when they're not acting? And what about re-takes? Do they have their memories erased?



Put your trust in God.Your ass belongs to me.


Dakota's first on screen kiss was in Sweet Home Alabama. I think she was 7 years old, and the boy she was kissing was 10.

Besides, like the poster above me said, it was Lily's first kiss, so it was suppose to be awkward.

I say what I want. I do what I want. I get what I want. End of story.


Dakota is 18 now but in the movie she might have been 14 and him 19?


Dakota is not 18. She's 14.


ah yeah I checker her b-day!




Your knowledge horrifies me.




May I just say that this post and the two above made me laugh to effing hard.

Thanks for that.

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance"



She is 14... her birth year is 1994


Is it just me or did she look like that was the first time she ever kissed any one.

It totally looked that that. So forced and unnatural.

Even when she licked the honey off his finger, I was cringed. It just didn't look right...

"...'Cause they made us hate ourselves and love their wealth..." Kanye West


Hmmm... you say
"Is it just me or did she look like that was the first time she ever kissed any one."

Duh?! could it be...
1. it was Lily's first kiss and Dakota is doing a thing we call "acting"
2. Dakota is 14 and not a slut like some of her recent child actress predecessors


she might as well have given him a lap dance

...and the Award for Best Picture goes to... WATCHMEN




dont worry. that kiss was only a peek. im sure dakota's going to be a very normal 17 year old. she was raised well and is a very sensible teenager.


he was way too old for her!! or she was too young for him...I don't know..



I think after her first on screen rape, the kiss is not really news.



First kiss or not it was disgusting! She should be proud of herself to join the ranks of white trash in hollywood. I bet her father is soo proud. lol


Well after reading the 1st kiss forum, I've decided to not watch the movie,I can't believe all this over a kiss. In fact you may all have turned me off movies forever...:)


First kiss or not it was disgusting! She should be proud of herself to join the ranks of white trash in hollywood. I bet her father is soo proud. lol

What do you mean?

Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper.....
