in terms of world-class native culture, all england has given the world is shakespeare, and then olde willy borrowed the bulk of his inspiration from mainland european history, especially the mediterranean/latin world, making shakespeare a totally 'derivative' personality..
thus it follows that such a culturally barren land, such as england and the uk, would have very few world-class unesco world heritage sites of its own to showcase.. i.e., england is merely a land of 'derivative' inspiration on the fringes of european culture.. in other words, a mere satellite of europe, especially in the 16th century, a time when mighty spain ruled the globe and the major art centers in europe, while england could only watch from the fringes of civilized europe and drool with envy from afar.. 😨
sad but true.. <gasp>
it wasn't the fall from her 16th-floor penthouse that killed her, it was the landing