British propaganda

It is obvious that the film is anti-Spanish and a piece of British propaganda. They not only fail to depict the calmed and strong character of Phillip II, but also fail to depict his most basic physical appearance, he was blond and with blue eyes. Of course, this was not the kind of image that they wanted to give to the evil king of Spain, as he would be too similar to the "heroic" and "tolerant" English people, so they "changed" him to have a black beard with dark eyes and dark hair. It is also a piece of British propaganda. Elizabeth I killed thousands of catholic priests, so she was obviously as intolerant as anyone of the time. Of course, this is not showed in the film. It was not the kind of image they wanted to give to the "heroic" and "tolerant" English queen. Do not take this film seriously, any resemblance to any real character is pure coincidence.


OP sounds like a butthurt spaniard. You lost, get over it. It's been hundreds of years already.
