MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > The SJW nonsense is really getting out o...

The SJW nonsense is really getting out of control...

GA always has been very...left leaning. That is fine, to a degree.
But recently I wonder what I am watching, because what I witness reminds me of pure leftist propaganda trying to push an agenda, not a medicine-related drama series.

- The cringy talk Bailey and her obedient man-toy had with tuck about "making it home alive" (because all cops shoot all the black kids all the time for no reason, don't forget that!)

- The "girl power!" topics that happen more and more now, most recently April becoming a slu- "strong and independent women".

- The artificial and enforced LGBT topics, like the transgender guy wanting some new vagina.

In theory I have nothing against any of that, but it feels like it is rubbed in my face and that is getting on my nerves. The series should have ended years ago anyways and I only watch it out of curiosity, to get mild entertainment or to see how ridiculous the next season finale is going to be, surely again establishing the 'fact' that being a doctor at that damn hospital is the most dangerous job in the world with a work-place mortality rate that's going through the roof.

To other sane people: Are my observations accurate? Does it annoy you as well?
I just hope it won't continue this way...


Why do you see it as propaganda being shoved down your throat? It sounds as if you have some personal conflict with the choices made by the showrunners. Do you know that the television and web choices, not to mention a plethora of video choices, are the broadest ever. Not to mention all the damn books out there. Too many to ever read. You could try one of those if Grey's Anatomy is not to your liking. Personally, I think Bad Reputation (14-21) is a really fine episode.


But everyone keeps pushing that political agenda on tv/movies nowadays and it's getting really annoying. We're not watching these shows and movies to be taught about political correctness, we want to be entertained.


I personally like entertainment that mirrors the real world. All of the above mentioned things are real world issues.

Also, if the person wants a vagina, as stated in the OP, that would make them a trans woman, not man.


[–] ItalianBuju (50) a year ago
I personally like entertainment that mirrors the real world.

Ffs. Most of the surgeons are black or women.
In the real world only 4% of doctors are black and only 20% of surgeons are women. What world are you living in?


I get your point, but none of the issues above are political issues. They are just snapshots from the news of the day put into standard soap opera form. There's plenty of other stuff to watch. Just remember, cops shooting black kids is not a political issue. A dude wanting to be a woman is not a political issue. None of these things are political, they are simply topical.


"Why do you see it as propaganda being shoved down your throat"

Because it's a hospital show. If it constantly preaches its views on certain social issues, it's shoving propaganda down people's throat.

"Do you know that the television and web choices, not to mention a plethora of video choices, are the broadest ever."

And also the least interesting ever for the reason mentioned above. I would advise the OP, however, to simply stop watching.


It's a soap opera first, and a hospital show second.


Well actually, it's a propaganda platform first.


I think it was the first ep of the current season, the doctor makes a comment about the patient who has gotten something stuck in his butt. She makes a comment "That is straight man stupidity. Gay men know how to put things up there" imagine if someone said "Gay man stupidity"?

But well before that it had already reached gross stupidity levels.


Although I have watched every episode, I completely understand what you are saying. They are definitely pushing agendas to make it seem like it is absolutely normal. While that may be true for some, I prefer not to see all that. I don't want to see that with heterosexuals either.

Having "The Talk" with young men of color is absolutely a real thing. While it may not be happening daily I think it is something that should be taught to all adolescent males. I love having the police available when I need help. The actual environment for police being there to protect and serve has evolved into power and fear. They are no longer shooting to injure, the moment they are in fear they shoot to kill. It is sad, but I get it. People are out to hurt them now.

I am all for encouraging women to find their voices and to be successful both in the home and in the workplace. I am not for the women who believe that men can be replaced. This "girl power" is fun to say as a kid, but as a woman... I want to be treated as one. I do not want to be in competition with my husband nor will I threaten his man hood or disrespect him the way Catherine Fox treated Richard. That really sickened me.

Thank you for posting this.


If it's getting on your nerves, as you say, I'm guessing you're not as open-minded as you claim.


Just because I am not susceptible for every piece of propaganda means I am not open-minded?
Your logic module is broken, go have it checked.


Again, if you see contemporary social depictions in Grey's Anatomy as "propaganda", those depictions bother you. It's okay. Change is very hard for some people.


So in other words, I am wrong and you are right because feel-feels.
Okay, got it.


Well to start with it doesnt seem like you know what propaganda means. None of the storylines you mentioned are misleading to the truth.....

They are handling real world issues and by the sounds of it, you are the type of person that needs to hear it.....


The show is clearly pushing the current political narratives and views of one political side, trying to influence the viewers to accept them. That is exactly what propaganda means, it doesn't need someone in a brown uniform to make it propaganda. Maybe don't tell others they do not understand the meaning of a term when you yourself don't understand it.

I disagree with these "real world issues" (nice dead-beat argument, just skip the whole debate and call your beliefs "truth" to shoot down anything your opponent says...) and I do not need to be confronted with these artificial issues non-stop to shift my political views or general opinions on things. If I wanted that I'd listen to politicians debating each other, not watch a hospital drama series.


The things they are talking about are human rights, not politics.
Its not propaganda because there is no lying happening. Humans of different races and genders and religions etc exist, that is just a fact, its not politics.


What a petty straw man.
Not impressed.


I agree with everything you’re saying. And this idea you can just change the channel is b.s. because the commercials are worse than the shows and you get no warning before it’s in your face. What I’ve started doing is taping the shows that aren’t pushing the agenda and then I watch later and fast forward thru the commercials




"What I’ve started doing is taping the shows that aren’t pushing the agenda and then I watch later and fast forward thru the commercials"

I would do that if it there were actually shows out there that aren't pushing the agenda!





Oh I join your club then? Okay.




Okay *shrug*


What season does it start to get out of control? I'm in season one and I'm sure I'll end it long before it gets out of hand.


Oh man, hard to remember and of course subjective to a degree. But the early seasons are all pretty fine. The focus is so much more on the characters and their personal issues, free of all this bullshit, so don't worry about it, really.

Early GA was a respectable, entertaining TV show, not gonna lie.
Over the top and all, but that's kind of the point of it.


K I'll see how it goes.


“Wahhhh I’m a giant manbaby who whines over tv shows airing storylines about things that actually happen.”

I bet you use the term “snowflake” a lot, and have zero self awareness.
