MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Something wrong with me 'cause episode b...

Something wrong with me 'cause episode broke my heart?

Seeing Alex being led out of the hospital like that broke my heart. All those years of work overcoming his childhood abuse. And he thought Deluca was raping Jo, he didn't just hit him for no reason unless I missed something.

Also, Maggie really got on my nerves for the first time, I think. Not only does Meredith have to baby her and give up someone she has mutual feelings for, but Maggie's playing the sister card when they've only known each other for about a year, whereas Meredith and Alex have been friends for years, and great friendship can be as important as siblinghood.

I do think it's tragic if Deluca can't be a surgeon because of his eye injury, but I'm really hoping he will heal. And (as one of the seemingly few people who like Jo) I think she better tell Alex about her abusive marriage in the next episode.


There have been so many deaths in this show that hardly even made me tear up.

I was on the verge of balling at the end of this episode.


Me, too. It just totally broke my heart to see him like that. Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one.


I don't understand the writing I guess. Alex has more than earned the benefit of the doubt. Bailey reacting like he's a psychopath on PCP was ridiculous. And I agree with the earlier post that Maggie pulling the sister card and not getting the smack down she richly deserved was also ridiculous, Alex is Meredith's family. The Jo story line has been dragged out without any progress for far too long. Shonda needs to give Alex a break, she hasn't written him to be the male version of Meredith, she's immortal, he's not.

being normal is not necessarily a virtue... It rather denotes a lack of courage!


He was a psychopath. He beat him nearly to death. that is not ok just because Alex had been turned or tried to turn his life around.

"I will not be strong armed by threats against my laundry"


I was a bit choked up as well over Alex. He's a favorite of mine. I always root for the tough guy turned softy.


Jo didn't even tell her side of the story... he could have been raping Jo...


But what about that scene that Alex walked in on implied that? She was on the bed laughing with Deluca, Alex didn't know she was drunk and thus couldn't give consent, and they'd just had a huge possible-relationship-ending fight. Why would his first thought be rape when for all intents and purposes, he would've certainly thought hook up


it's certainly possible and plausible that he thought hook up but he's also ridiculously trauma reactive, list them out--- physically abusive drug addict father, schizophrenic mother, domestic violence, something like 17 foster placements, ava going crazy, izzy, he had to cut off his mentor's leg after she took his place on the place and nearly lost every who cared about him in that crash, he was shot, his addict father comes back into the picture and then dies, he had to commit his brother because he tried to kill his sister because he has schizophrenia as well---his brain is going to go with the worst case scenario every time given his history and without therapy he's managed to become a pediatric surgeon, a constant source of support for meredith, he pays the bills for his family... i've never seen him as a bad guy-he's trauma reactive with a serious fight or flight response that is totally understandable.

being normal is not necessarily a virtue... It rather denotes a lack of courage!


Ok...this is a bit of a long ramble. But just to put it out there (all just personal opinion of course).

Alex having gone through traumata in his life should not give him the get-out-of-jail-free card for every violent assault he wants to deal to anyone he dislikes.

I'm sick of (attempted) murderers/manslaughterers getting off scottfree because of their tragic sob stories about a crappy childhood. What about their victims and their families' trauma after such a criminal act on them or their family? That deserves no justice? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Even a crappy childhood should make it possible to tell right from wrong.

So, just for the fun of it, here comes another point of view:

Remember how Jo's ex Jason looked like after Alex went there "for a talk" and "found him like that"?! Seeing DeLuca's similar state after Alex walked by for a chat to then sit there once more sweating with guilt while another badly beaten colleage undergoes emergency surgery, well, it does flash an interesting new light on this also Jo related backstory. Especially the part with keeping the cops away by blackmailing the patient out of daring to report the attack afterwards back then.

His luck that both witnesses that did the life saving surgery then (one of whom had overheard the blackmail) are dead now. But if Jason were called in as a witness in a trial against Alex, I doubt he'd feel like speaking in his favor. Even Cristina and Meredith were rather convinced that Alex delivered the beating to Jason. And well.. Jason's memory might be fuzzy... he had brain damage after all and there is a medical record to prove it. It was Alex who brought him in...and then it was Alex first at his bedside after he woke from surgery- to deliver him a warning speech about not involving the police or expect life to get miserable for him at work, right there and anywhere else he might go even if he quit SGMH.

How would such a testimony work in Alex' favor?
And now there's further evidence that doesn't work in his favor either.

Plus there were multiple other witnessed incidents of violence towards others on Alex' part. He once punched his sick brother in the hospital hallway. Now Chief Bailey herself interfered then and it took work to pry him off his tumor-having-and already lying on the ground brother. He also went violent on Ross in front of others and physically had to be stopped. Before that, Alex punched his father in the face at Joe's bar - without warning.

This was not a one off of rage that resulted in (serious) harm and he's never paid for any of them. Obviously it's time that he does.

When your girlfriend giggles with another guy after she turned your proposal down and begs you hysterically to STOP beating an innocent, but you continue until the guy is half-dead? You're not protecting anyone but your own pride. (General you, not you personally). That is no gentleman's or hero act.

The least Alex should have done was to apologize to his victim for losing it like that and turn himself in. But if he tries to run from the consequence, he should be put in jail and/or get fired (or at least suspended.

As for Jo? She saw firsthand evidence that Alex has no problem to nearly kill an alleged attacker. Why continue to keep her true reason from him? She herself may have done her own effective protection and harm towards Jason. And how is it beneficial to their ongoing relationship to keep "already married" from her boyfriend? If she were called in as a trial witness, her secret would come out or cause even more damage to Deluca if she requests him to lie in court, or if she lies about Deluca's part. And if so? Why should he keep her secret if it would cost him more than he can afford? What would he owe her to let Alex get away with this? Either way, her word would invalidate itself pretty fast as unreliable and toss her credibility on its behind.

In reality? I'd say good luck winning that case without jail time for the assaulter.

In Shondaland? He'll likely gets off in no time and keeps his job on top.

Or they do what they love to do and jump ahead in time.

5 years later. Hey! Zola will be old enough to date and become a pregnant teen.

If nothing before did Meredith Grey in, this sure will.

Drama, baby.

Ok. I'm done.


Alex didn't seem to think Deluca was raping Jo the way I see it. If you watch the finale from last season, he walks in on jo and Deluca and they're on the bed and she's giggling. Alex doesn't know that she was drunk and couldn't give consent in the event they were having sex, so it seems like he thought he was walking in on a hook up, not a rape.


I agree. The finale gave no impression that Alex thought Deluca was assaulting or trying to assault Jo, but that he assumed they were hooking up.

I figured Alex was drunk, due to his odd goofy expression when walking in, but even still, why would he assume an assault was happening if Jo was giggling and trying to stop him from hurting Deluca?

Makes little sense. Oh well, that's convenient TV writing for you.

Reminds me of when they just randomly added that Jo was still married, despite this never being alluded to before, and despite her not wanting to marry him because of his difficult ways.


I agree with you. And if Alex genuinely believed that he was rescuing Jo, then he would have said it outright to the cops or EMTs. He would have been " He was assaulting my girlfriend". He wouldn't have been so hell bent on taking care of Deluca and he wouldn't have been hiding throughout the whole episode. He beat the crap out of a guy he thought his girlfriend was sleeping with.

He deserves to go to jail and get some form of anger management. But since he's a favorite, he'll press the theory of him protecting his girlfriend and they'll give him probation or something. Bailey will make him go to anger management to get his job back but not as an attending, and Deluca will leave because everyone is taking Alex's side which is what usually happens when a popular person assaults someone less loved.


Maybe,I need to re watch the episode. Alex tells Meredith,DeLuca was sexually assaulting Jo.. Stephanie came along and told Meredith what Jo told her. Meredith tells Alex it wasn't rape and then,Alex talked to Jo..Did I get the sequence of events wrong ?

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.


You were bawling over a guy who committed a crime of assault over nothing and risking an innocent man's career as a surgeon forever?!


My reaction was "Yes! The spineless coward who was ready to run with his tail between his legs confessed! Justice prevails!"


Where in my comment did I say, I was bawling over a guy. YIKES! I didn't.

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.


She's talking to the original poster...


Ok,but it's nested under mine and that's the reason I replied.

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.


Um...okay. You even pointed out that your post never said anything about bawling over the episode. So it's pretty obvious that they were replying to your individual post in error. They were not talking to you. So yeah, why not go crazy over a misdirected post? Yikes indeed.


I don't see where jncarriere ever went "crazy" on her reply to the other poster. She was simply questioning that person. She was implying asking and was nice in her response!


I guess you don't speak snark. The reiteration of the word YIKES shows the tone. Why even bother questioning it when it was obviously not directed at that post on purpose?


I wasn't being snarky,I wasn't feeling snarky at the time. I suppose I could have put an lol at the end.

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.


I do speak snark, b/c you are doing it now. But its funny that you get so upset at the other poster when you are being snarky yourself. But that's okay, I'll let you carry on being rude and snarky!!


Sorry about that! I was indeed responding to OP and clicked on the wrong reply!

Again, sorry for the confusion! :)


Before tonight's episode, if I was allowed to undo one story, I'd have said Derek's death. (Then George's.) But now I'd say this mess with Alex.


The mess is not out of character for Alex though. He has been violent in the past and it was overlooked.

🇺🇸🇮🇪Google is your friend.🇮🇪🇺🇸


I had the same feeling watching Alex being led out of the hospital in cuffs and walking past his people.

Meredith explained it perfectly for me tonight when she said something to the effect of she didn't like Alex at first, but now he's one of her favorite people. Meredith and Alex's friendship has been a constant over the years.

There's no excuse for Alex beating DeLuca (I want to say to that extent because Alex said he thought DeLuca was taking advantage of drunken Jo). If he thought Jo was in trouble, get the guy off her. Alex was angry and he took it out on DeLuca. I'm sure DeLuca will eventually recover with lots of physical therapy. It is Grey's Anatomy after all.

An issue I'm having with the Jo portion of the storyline is, it could have been presented back when Jo beat up Chest Peckwell (Dr. Jason Myers). We could have found out about her abusive husband two or three seasons ago.

Well, I guess it's good for Alex to have a leading storyline since he's been really missing the last few seasons.


The whole "He thought Deluca was raping her" is bull. Alex was drunk (Don't even remember him mentioning this during the episode) and walked in on Deluca while he was on top of Jo, while Jo was GIGGLING. As he approached him, Jo even tried to stop what was about to happen.

Any normal dude would be angry and would react, but you'd have to be pretty nuts to full out beat someone if they weren't assaulting a woman.

The other aspect of this which is annoying is that Deluca seems incapable of blocking a punch LOL. It's not he's a small guy compared to Alex.

Decent episode though!


while Jo was GIGGLING

no she wasn't. she was crying. sobbing.

and I was crying when they cuffed Alex up and walked him out the door.
