MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS SHOW?


I am watching the reruns on Lifetime of Season 1, and it is great. Lots of laughter and light bickering- real cases and patients you can care about. There were two strong handsome males attending surgeons.

This last two season has Sheppard's sister running around like a psycho screaming at everyone, but she is supposed to be some great neurosurgeon. There have been physical fights and screaming between the doctors in almost every episode. Every scene with Amelia involves some screaming fit. How can she still have a job?

I never watched this show on Primetime TV until this last year. The first episode I watched was the episode where Meredith was attacked. The next week she was in the various stage of grief- crying, screaming etc. my thought was she is trying for some type of award, because she is not a very good actress.

And Meredith's self pity after Derek died when she treated Derek like garbage for the first half of Season 11. She finally screamed at him to leave and he did. Then she whined about him leaving and worried about him having an affair with someone- who was much prettier than her.


I can't agree more. Mostly with the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs.



Oh good, you're back


I agree 100%. I had to double check to make sure I didn't write this. Amelia treated him like crap, too. Then she is all upset.


I'm glad someone pointed this out and I agree with cardinal42 that killing off Derek was like a slap in the face to audience members and fans of the show and the way that Meredith treated Derek in his last season was really out of range and a bit unbelievable
given that it is "McDreamy" we're talking about here

Especially since Shonda sort of defended the decision by saying that she wanted to preserve Derek's status as McDreamy by killing him off... but then why even bother adding that possibly cheating or affair into the plot if that was the goal here? I agree though and also thought that the way Meredith was acting with Derek was unfair and a bit unreasonable it was like no matter what he couldn't win with her

It wasn't great seeing her tell him that to him, she would always be the intern he fell in love with or that fell in love with him when he had always pushed and encouraged her to do as much work as she possibly could and to do her best in whatever way she could and of course when he got a big job offer Meredith had a right to question him and it but then also it was like she always refused to ever meet him halfway for anything
it seemed like it always had to be her way or the highway... literally which wasn't even fair since her way wasn't even very clear considering she would tell him one thing but apparently really mean another.
disappointing for sure


What happened? It's a network show that's been producing 20+ episodes a season for 12 seasons. It's more like a franchise than a single show, there's been so many changes in cast, tone and themes over the years. It's had ups and downs or just been more or less appealing to different people. I've enjoyed certain character arcs and plots more or less than others. If it were the same exact show with the same character types and relationships, I doubt it would have stayed on the air very long as that would get stale.


It's not more like a franchise than a single show. Do you even know what a franchise is?


It's not more like a franchise than a single show. Do you even know what a franchise is?
Question is... do YOU know what a franchise is?


The nice thing to do is to ask myeyesbleed what they mean by franchise. That can develop into meaningful discussion instead of meaningless attacks.


You made it far longer than I did. I've been binge-watching the last few weeks, and I had to check out around season 9. I couldn't do it anymore. This once great show is just a shell of what it used to be.

Between whiny ass april, crybaby jackson, (and the terrible decision to put them together), his annoying mother, the bankruptcy, and shane getting off free after what he was just more painful to watch than entertaining.


My daughter has been binge watch this summer so I've had the pleasure of catching it here and there if I pass through the room. It's sad what a soap opera the show is now. Meredith should be in a nuthouse by now.


I must be in the minority here- while there have been stories that I have not enjoyed, I still look forward to watching every week. Of course it's changed- if it was still like it was 13 seasons ago, it would not still be on.


Exactly. I actually enjoy it more now than the early seasons. I'm an avid fan and IMO, killing off Derek was the best thing. I said good riddance and I was a MerDer fan, even though I always despised Derek separately. Season 12 was a pleasure to watch. If the show had remained the same as it was in Season 1, I probably would've quit at one point. I like how the show constantly changes tone.



Um, please don't tell me if I was a fan or not. Grey's has always been my all-time favourite show and nothing will ever top it. I liked them as a couple, but didn't like Derek as a person. It's the same in Chicago Fire: I like Casey and Dawson as a pair, but often find Dawson annoying as a character.
Yeah... 8 million viewers a 2.2 demo (being ABC's #1 drama and the #3 drama in general last season) is clearly a bad sign. SMH. Most shows would kill for those numbers. Anyway, I meant storywise it was the best thing, not ratings-wise. But why am I even trying to make a point to you?




I just think they should have created a new show for the stories that are such a departure from what the show began as. I don't like being tricked into a show that is so different.



It could not still be on because they ran out of real doctor stories. The show should have ended a long time ago so they could create a new show for the stories. As it is, I have made the commitment to myself that I must not start watching any more Shonda Rhimes creations. That solves the problem for me.


It's sad what a soap opera the show is now
You obviously do not know what a soap opera is actually like, eh?

Meredith should be in a nuthouse by now.
Perhaps YOU should be in a nuthouse. Does she reminds you of yourself?



You obviously don't if you think Grey's Anatomy qualifies as a soap... 



Grey's Anatomy is not a soap.



A soap opera is a show that has almost daily episodes and typically shown during the day. Grey's doesn't have daily episodes and airs on prime time.




by cardinal42 » 1 hour ago (Thu Aug 25 2016 14:03:39) Flag ▼ | Reply |

IMDb member since July 2015

Post Edited: Thu Aug 25 2016 14:04:50

Again? Your OPINION dumb witch. NOT FACT! I have watched Soap Operas before and I KNOW what they are. You better watch your mouth honey. It is NOT good and Excellent is not even CLOSE. Just look at the ratings MORON. THey are going DOWN not UP. My god you are stupid. Did you get your head beaten one too many times by mommy and daddy? Not that I blame them! What a gem they raised. Wow.

You wouldn't know a good show if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. Bye. You are out of here.

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Again? Your OPINION dumb witch. NOT FACT! I have watched Soap Operas before and I KNOW what they are. You better watch your mouth honey. It is NOT good and Excellent is not even CLOSE. Just look at the ratings MORON. THey are going DOWN not UP. My god you are stupid. Did you get your head beaten one too many times by mommy and daddy? Not that I blame them! What a gem they raised. Wow.

Ratings have nothing to do with what a soap opera is. Just because Grey's has dramatic storylines that doesn't make it a soap opera. It's like calling Grey's a sitcom because it has comedic moments. It's not a soap opera.


For the last time, season 12 saw a resurgence in their ratings. Name one show that is pulling in over 10 million viewers on any network. It's not happening because of the many other platforms offering shows now.

Many thought the show would have a hard time recovering from the death of Patrick Dempsey’s character Derek around this time a year ago, but the opposite seems to have occurred. And here’s where the increased opportunities to watch a show may be helping.

“With McDreamy (Derek) dying, I think there’s a lot of nostalgia,” Heimann said, “so the combination of new viewers watching online and maybe some lapsed viewers checking back in has made the show hot again.”

"I am who I am, no excuses."



Oh man I'm not sure which of your comebacks is my favorite right now! It's between insipid old shrew and frustrated baboon, although brain dead Rose Nylund is pretty awesome (and I wonder if she will actually know who that is).

"I am who I am, no excuses."


cardinal42 loves watching bunk'd on disney and she likes too watch Toddlers & Tiara's on TLC and she worships Duggar family.


No. I think it's YOU know who is blinded. You don't see that the show has turned into a MAJOR soap opera. And the fact that you think the show is ANY good anymore is frightening.
LMAO!! If anyone is blinded, it's clearly yourself, dumb bitch that you are. The show has not turned into a soap opera and you clearly do not know what a soap opera actually is. The show is more than good, it's excellent. Even at its worst, it remains better than most shows on tv. What's truly frightening is your narrow-mindedness and sheer stupidity.


Must you be so crass and crude? People are free to have their own opinions and that's what's great about having discussion boards but the minute you start insulting people and name calling you've lost. I would tell the people you've ridiculed that it says a lot more about you as a person than what you've said about them. However I'm sure you're making some therapist very wealthy. It's people like you that keep companies like Pfizer in business.


It's sad what a soap opera the show is now.

It's always been a soap opera. As prime time medical shows go, Grey's has always been more about the romance and melodrama than the medicine.
The primetime soap operas and drama series of the 1990s, such as Beverly Hills, 90210, Melrose Place, Party of Five, and Dawson's Creek, focused more on younger characters. In the 2000s, ABC began to revitalize the primetime soap opera format with shows such as Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, Ugly Betty, Private Practice, and more recently Revenge, Nashville, Scandal, Mistresses, and formerly Ringer, which its sister production company ABC Studios co-produced with CBS Television Studios for The CW. While not soaps in the traditional sense, these shows managed to appeal to wide audiences with their high drama mixed with humor, and are soap operas by definition.


They could have created more romance with Jo and Alex but instead they just create drama. That is all they know how to do.

I really don't like the way they got rid of Derek. A successful surgeon such as he would not be so stupid.

Speaking of stupid, the doctors are the stupidest doctors. It took them so long to get the idea that they could buy the hospital. Well, doctors are not stupid like that in real life but for this show the drama must go on.


I guess i'm part of the minority that still loves this show even 13 seasons in

yeah, like every show that runs for so long - it has it's fair share of poor storylines, poor characters, infuriating death scenes that make die-hard fans quit, repetitiveness, a change in tone, more drama etc
But I doubt it is easy trying to come up with 22+ episodes of stories every single year

I still get excited for it - for a show in it's THIRTEENTH season - i still look forward to new episodes, like the development of certain characters, love the performances of certain actors (Emmy bait or not, Ellen Pompeo has been killing it for 2 seasons now)

Supernatural is going into it's 12th season and people still manage to get excited about that so why is it so bad for Grey's fans to still love it? it's definitely more interesting and more consistent than SPN has been for the past 5 years

ER lasted 15 seasons and seasons 9-15 pale in comparison to the first 8 - but it was still a brilliantly written show



ER focused mostly on the medicine with a bit of other stuff thrown in

Not in the later seasons - it was VERY Shonda Rhimes like - it had a lot of disasters later on in the shows run that killed off characters (like Ambulance explosions, and helicopter crashes) and it focused heavily on drama and relationships too

Grey's is the opposite and I agree that Derek's death made no sense.

I didn't say it made no sense - i was one of those that liked the episode and the death scenes - it was tragic, such as life - and it annoys me that people say they want realism but when a beloved character such as Derek gets killed off - they say 'that was dumb' when it wasn't - it was more realistic than the hospital shooting - but because no beloved characters died in that two-parter, it was beloved, but if Derek succumbed to his bullet wound - i can guarantee that the episode would be rated just as low as 'How To Save A Life'

That is why I don't buy that PD approved of it. Because that is not what he said originally.

PD wanted off the show - i'd rather he be killed off than leave Meredith for the UMPTEENTH time

His death was rushed and made no sense. At lest George died a hero. Derek? Just died being an idiot

his death may not have been perfect, but it was heartbreaking and if you were more concerned about the logistics of the death than the emotions of Meredith's discovery and her pulling the plug - then you're watch the wrong show my friend - Grey's has VERY RARELY been realistic - look at ghost Denny, in fact look at the whole Denny storyline in general - look at how dramatic George's death was - look at the Plane Crash, look at the Musical Episode - suspension of disbelief is needed in shows like this - you want realism? watch a documentary (which are also dramatised TBH)
Oh and Derek just saved a bunch of people prior to his crash, that seems very heroic to me mate

We all know you (Cardial42) don't watch the show any more, you just troll the boards and spew the same garbage over Derek's death every chance you get - get over it - ironically season 12 was the best season in a while (Critically acclaimed with some of the best episodes the show had to offer) but you're too stubborn to watch it over a beloved death

I loved George - he was my favourite character, but i would not dream of dropping the show just because a character i loved, died - i find it ridiculous - like the 100 fanbase - get a grip and stop trolling the boards



I still love the show especially when it focuses more on the patients. However some of my favorite characters are leaving. Christina,Derek and now Callie,I really hope Bailey doesn't leave. I have followed Patrick Dempsey's career for ages,I loved JFK Reckless Youth. I wish I could find 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,but so far no luck. I'm going to see Bridget Jones's Baby next week.

I just wish they had put Derek in a coma,so that like Christina and Callie a door is still open to come back. I had read after his character death he wanted to do more racing. IDRK,hope hes having fun,but I do miss him.

“imperfection is an altogether attainable human goal,” and “love is acceptance of imperfections.
