Least favorite characters
Least favorite characters currently on the show
April Kepner, Amelia Shepherd, Catherine Avery
Least favorite that are fortunately no longer on the show
Izzy Stevens, George O'Malley
Who are yours?
Least favorite characters currently on the show
April Kepner, Amelia Shepherd, Catherine Avery
Least favorite that are fortunately no longer on the show
Izzy Stevens, George O'Malley
Who are yours?
Catherine Avery set off the legal battle between Jackson and April
not sure April ever explained to Jackson that the restraining order only came after she overheard Catherine talking to Richard about suing her for full custody
but I like seeing Catherine with Richard, I think they're cute together and both Jackson and Richard call her out on being a meddler so she doesn't bother me so much
For me at one point Bailey became a bit annoying, which was weird because I've liked her before, so maybe there are just moments where I don't
For some reason I don't like seeing how Bailey behaves when she gets angry. We've seen other characters get angry but when she gets angry it's almost like she becomes some kid on a playground and I no longer see the same character anymore. Recently, Ben became annoying to me, too.
Amelia, or Amy, I can't not like because I keep in mind that she's Derek's sister so somehow that makes it easy to accept her, even though they didn't always get along she is still his family
April at times I can see how she can seem or be annoying. For example, I didn't like how she kept getting angry at Arizona, and told her to 'go to hell' when she was being a friend to her. Sometimes April is funny though or sort of likable so she doesn't bother me so much either
I go back and forth between liking and not really liking Meredith but she is the protagonist and they created the show in a way that the audience will always be sympathetic towards her so you can't hate her
I'm not a huge fan of Jo but it's not like I can't stand her or anything
All of the Mercy Westers. Was so happy with the resolution to that storyline.
Jackson's hellhound of a mother. She's a terrible person.
April the Jesus Freak.
I've never cared too much for Alex.
I wish Arizona had died in the car crash. Or the plane crash.
In the current crop I'd have to say Amy and Jo.
I hated Erica. And Julie or Julia, whatever chick that was standing between Mark and Lexi.
I hated Teddy, at first, but when she fell in love with her husband, they were so adorable together.
I didn't care for Rose. And it wasn't just her fling with Derek. I think she was annoying and not very professional.
I loved Izzie and Denny and Izzie and Alex. And I loved George. But when they had Izzie and George...it makes me sick thinking about it.
I had a love/hate thing with Christina. She could be a nasty bitch at times. The way she shamed and treated her inters was horrible. And I will be happy if we never see April's pack of bitch sisters again.
And poor Callie? She was so cool and funny at first and then they sucked the life out of her; even she admitted she lost her way and I thought she was going to get her mojo back, but then Penny came along. And I liked Penny. But Callie uprooting herself and her daughter to move across for a woman she was involved with for a few months was dreadful. She just expected Arizona to accept it. And for all of Arizona's flaws, she loves Sophia; yes, Callie gave birth to her and Mark was her father, but Arizona was there every step of the way. She is Sophia's family, as much as Mark and if Mark hadn't died, Callie wouldn't have pulled that stunt.
Sorry, that got a little rantish.
I hated Kepner at first, then I came to love her. She's so sweet and nerdy...then they amped up her religious beliefs and I lost interest in her again.
I really wasn't a fan of Hahn. She wasn't very likeable abd treated Christina like crap.
Ross is was pretty twitchy and annoying.
Jackson is the least interesting.
Amelia is the one I've hated the most, so thoroughly, but Mer railing on her this season has made me loath Mer and root for Anelia by default.
I've just realized all my favorite characters are gone: Addie, Derek, Lexie, Callie...
A rose is just a rose.
Jackson is annoying in real life, so I hate him now. I won't watch the show again because of him and his stupid rants. (Yes, I know they don't care about me tuning out), Mer is a louse, Amelia is a mental case who is trying her best to trump Derek. In all honesty, I think the show has run its course. People are starting to dislike the characters and when that happens, it's downhill from there. All the decent actors have jumped ship or been fired by the boss from hell.
Didn't like Stark, Sadie, Hunt, Reed, Murphy, or Shane... Ugg. The Mercy Westers. When they first came, they just walked around like they owned the place and know - it - alls... That being said, I am not happy that Reed and Charles were shot and killed, no one deserves that.
April has kinda grown on me, she's grown up a lot.
I didn't Alex for the longest time. He had his moments of being really kind, gentle, sweet, and relatable...bit then he'd so something to cancel out that kind, gentle, sweet, and relatable thing that he did. He was a know it all and a bully... he and never let up on George (although, toward the end, right before George died, they had their moments... and I think that they could have been friends.... they needed a little more time, needed to grow up a bit more, and needed SOMETHING to jumpstart it). He's an adult now and grew up. He still has his moment, but all and all, he's awesome. Who knew that he would have grown up to be the surgeon, the doctor, and most importantly, the man that he is now? I didn't that's for sure.
Izzie. Ugg. She could be nice, sweet, funny, could make her patients feel comfortable and at ease... maybe she should have really been a medical school worker or a patient advocate. She over stepped WAY too many boundaries both professionally and personally. From having that party where she invited half the party without asking Meredith to doing that autopsy with Cristina (which actually turned out to be a good thing), to falling in love with Denny, a patient. Then he leaves, goes to Alex, then back to Denny (literally leaving Alex in the area where the ambulances come in)... Then she pits his life at risk and the life of someone else on the transplant list who needed a heart just so she would;t be alone, dragging Meredith, Alex, George, and Cristina into it, putting all of their education and careers at risk, not to mention Dr. Bailey's and Dr. Webber's careers and the hospital standings... they all rally around her when Denny died and when she was trying to figure out what to do... she was never nice to Callie, never supported the relationship that George and Callie had, never supported their marriage, flirted with him while he was married, said I love you while he was married, and then totally dimmed and downplayed what happened between them. Then she gets back with Alex. She gets sick and doesn't want to let anyone know that she is, they all rally around her (again), Meredith pushes up her wedding, then gives it to her. George gets killed and she not only laughs at his funeral, but makes it pretty much about her... then she leaves Alex in a note without saying goodbye to anyone who gave her love and support, comes back expecting to be welcomed back with open arms, then she leaves again, and this time she leaves Alex with all of her bills... I think that the nice, sweet, funny, relatable girl who helped make her patients feel comfortable and relatable was part of her, but all she did to others was her true charter. Ugg. (And I have a feeling that if she pulled all of this and George was alive, I can see him meeting her for coffee or something and have him tell her off about everything that she did with Denny, how she treated Callie, what she did to their marriage, how she treated him, how he treated Cristina, how she treated Meredith, Dr. Bailey, and especially Alex.)
Derek could be awesome, but... he could be condensing, arrogant, cocky, manipulative. He didn't tell Meredith he was married or separated until after Addison showed up, but even though he was trying to get back with Addison, he kept after Meredith.... she kissed him on the same day Addison did and that made him happy. They had sex at the prom. He always threw Amy's addiction in her face. He wouldn't give Callie the credit that she needed on their project.
Meredith could be awesome with patients and could be a good friend and a good colleague, but... yes, she didn't know that Derek was married, but... she threw herself at a married man, kissed him, had sex with him. She can be selfish and she can be immature despite having children. She hags out with her friends and gets drunk. She came from a good spot, but by switching the samples with the trails for Alzheimer's study. She down played Cristina's work... She voted against Alex when it came to him getting the shares that Cristina left him... Derek had a once in a life time opportunity to do the work he wanted to do in DC and she said that she didn't want to move. She didn't call Derek's sisters or mother when he was dying when he had told her that he wanted all of them there if he was ever in a coma and it was the time to let him go.... and I don;t like she's doing with Maggie or how she has treated Amy, either. She has every right to be angry, upset, and fall apart. Derek was her bother and the male figure in her life, was there when her father was murdered...
I don't like Jo. She's... I can't put my finger o it. I think that there's so much more to her story that seems so rehearsed. It's like when she does the 17 Foster homes, lives in my car, I worked my butt off, i went to Harvard and to Princeton, all I had was Ms. Schmidt... blah, blah, blah, it's almost like she has this list and she has to say it, like she got all of them checked off. She can be violent she admitted to putting people in the hospital and she beat up that other guy a couple of seasons ago and all she cares about with Deluca is that he keeps her secret. Ugg.
Some people seem to not like Adele because of her personality, but she loved Richard and had to live the life of a surgeon's wife, of a chief's wife, never knowing when he was going to come home, if dinners, holidays. vacations, other events were going to be canceled... and he had to live with the knowledge of his having an affair.. She was tired that might have to do with her overbearingness... I felt sorry for her especially when she got sick and then Richard all but forgot her until the end.
Cristina had her moments of being awesome and being a bitch, but she was the Queen if Sarcasm, and could be really relatable and understanding.... even with kids. She was cold and harsh and standoffish, but at the end of the day, she brought fun, laughter, humor, was a good doctor and a good surgeon.
Some people don't like Geogre. Some only because he cheated on Callie and think that he didn't deserve any happiness or success I don't agree with cheering, but then you have to say the same thing about Addison, Derek, Mark, Callie, Arizona, Meredith, Alex, Izzie, Richard (twice!), Ellis, Owen, and everyone else who had an affair and cheated. I don't find him whiney or needy, but even if he was, there isn't anything wrong with that, we all are at times. They use his awkwardness and his lack of confidence against him (again, what's wrong with that?). He might have been a little more immature, sheltered, and inexperienced than the others and he wasn't cold or hard like Alex and Cristina. He wasn't perfect and he knew it and he made mistakes both personally and professionally and he knew that, too, and then tried to make things right. He was always there for Cristina, Meredith, and Izzie. He was the only one who could have helped Dr. Bailey when she was in labor. He would have been there for Alex, too, had he needed him, despite how he treated him. He was kind, sweet, funny, calming, centering, comforting, gentle, and relatable. He was Bailey's favorite and Meredith said that he was "the good one". He wasn't given the time that Alex had to become the doctor, the surgeon, and especially the man that he was supposed to become. He was supposed to do so much more as a doctor, as a surgeon, and especially as a man, he just wasn't given time to do so.
I didn't like Burke. Yes, he was a good teacher and doctor, he took George under his wing and gave him that support and encouragement that he needed, but at the end of the day, he was cocky, arrogant, kind of a bully, manipulative, he thought he was the best thing out there, he lied to manipulated Cristina with that shaky hand of his not only putting his career at risk, but Cristina's, the other doctors and nurses who worked with him, the hospital, Dr. Webber, and most importantly, his patients, and when he got published and won the awards, not once dud ge mention or than Cristina.
I can't stand Catherine Avery and Owen Hunt is just boring. In the past, I couldn't stand George. He came across as rather whiney and like a spoiled brat and he wasn't as sweet as people thought he was. I don't know, his character was just not my cup of tea. Sometimes I watch old episodes and I see him whining or bitching at someone and I wonder why people adored him?
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