MovieChat Forums > Grey's Anatomy (2005) Discussion > Most missed character? Spoilers

Most missed character? Spoilers

Only put spoilers in the title for people who aren't up to date with the show, like at all lol. With all the ppl that have come and gone, I feel like I miss Sloan the most and I never thought I would. I remember being shocked when O'Malley died but not really sad. And with Lexi I was super bummed cause I really liked her. I shed a few tears for Sloan and Derek, but I think I miss Sloan the most. Well maybe Derek and Sloan are tied. Idk. I would love for Burke to randomly show back up too, for whatever reason. How bout everyone else?


I miss Teddy, and I'd love for Christina to pop in just to say hi. Addison.. And I feel like they should have been at the funeral and I'm bummed as hell that they weren't.
My number one most missed character though? Izzie. What I wouldn't give for an episode related to her or a special appearance but I know it's like a 0.000006% chance of hat happening.


Izzie is my most missed character as well. She is a central to Alex's character as Derek is to Meredith's.

I have read a few articles that KH is open to come back but SR pretty much won't have her back and that SR does not have a great reason/story for Izzie to come back.

If SR is unwilling to bury the hatchet she could always give KH a big FU and recast. I would hate to see the character recast but I want the character back more. But even long running shows have recast central characters (think daytime soaps) and have gotten away with it. If you have a good enough actress it could work. They could even throw in some little joke about how she looks different (ala Roseanne).

As for a story line now, or soon, would be a great time to re-introduce the character. Izzie would help get Jo out of the picture, and help Alex through this battery storyline. Then it would be set up for Izzie to begin the conversation of being a mother and getting her eggs, which in turn means interaction with Alex about being a father.

In an ideal world this would happen.


I do get annoyed when they change actors/actresses, but you're right. I would be good to have Izzie back, especially for Karev. Jo is just not the one for him!


Cristina and Derek


Teddy (and her husband!!) so sad how that ended up. Also Miss Cristina way too much


I miss Mark. He was a point of difference in the show, much like Christina was, and now that he and Christina have gone, the rest of the character's are all kind of blend together.

Mark was a note of funny that they've lost in the later seasons.


#'s 1-2: I am still upset that they were killed off, so that not even an unseen relationship can can continue. For those who feel the need to tell me it's just a tv show and they are not real... I know. Let's not state the obvious.

1. Lexie
2. Mark

#'s 3-4: The show would have been better and the characters would have benefited had they lived.

3. Susan Grey
4. Henry

#'s 5-9: The show is worse without them.

5. Cristina
6. Thatcher
7. Addison
8. Teddy
9. Derek

#'s 10-13: I liked their interactions with the characters and would like to know more about them.

10. Dr. Finn the vet
11. Molly Grey
12. Matthew (April's Fiance)
13. Nurse Tyler

#'s 14-16: Am sad that their gone although they were not my favorite characters, and often time were my least favorite characters.

14. Callie
15. George
16. Izzie

#'s 17-19: Liked the characters and their interactions with others although they were not developed enough for me to miss them very much.

17. Heather Brooks
18. Leah
19. Dr. Wyatt

Although I was not a Burke fan, I do think the show was better during his days still on it.

20. Burke


I still miss Nurse Tyler. As for the others I would only count the ones alive who could come back. Finn would be great as he was a good fit for Meredith, but not sure if I want someone else to play him and Chris O'Donnell is in NCIS LA, so I don't see that happening. Teddy could cause problems for Owen and Amelia, but really Christina is the one who needs to make a return visit and someday Callie. I see no purpose for Thatcher as Meredith really wants nothing to do with him and it was Lexie who had the connection to him. Addison would be great (but I heard that KW has no interest in returning) because of Amelia and also Derek/Meredith. Don't care for Burke and was only mildly interested in is return if only to facilitate Christina's leaving. Izzy-no way. Besides the bad blood, I never really cared for her. She was not cut out to be a surgeon. Too many emotions. Maybe psych or something where it was ok for her to show feelings for her patients., Matthew would be too weird and uncomfortable. He was very hurt and betrayed with April leaving, so I can't see him coming back to relive that unless he shows up with a new wife and kids and throws it in her face


Christina for sure!!! It's still odd to me that they don't reference her very often. Just every once in awhile for Mer to be like, "Christina told me on the phone last night that....." or something like that. It seems like at first they did do that, but then it just sort of fell away.

I'm glad she got some mention in the last finale even if it was Amelia accusing Mer of not wanting her to marry Owen because of Christina (I forget the actual words that were used). I just wish she'd make an apperance but part of me wonders now if it'd be too weird to have her return? Even though it was Christina, dynamics do change among actors and for her to return, the writing, acting, etc. would all have to be absolutely perfect for it to really work.

favorite food: milksteak
favorite hobby: magnets. just magnets
likes: little green ghouls, buddy!


I'd love Cristina to come back, I really miss her interactions with Meredith. Things would never be the same though because it isn't Cristina's life anymore. I'm sure Meredith is the only one she still has connections to in Seattle, but all of these people used to be a part of her life. I'm sure it would be incredibly awkward having Meredith's sister in law married to her ex-husband. Or Maggie being Meredith's sister. A lot has changed since Cristina was there, I don't know if she would just fit back in anymore.

Would be awesome though if there was some experimental heart surgery case and Cristina came back to Seattle to perform it. A two episode story arc would be cool. Though I don't know of Sandra Oh would want to come back even for a short term.

As for any other previous characters, I don't think there's anyone else that is really want to come back. I hated Izzie, so I'm glad she's never come back. I also didn't really like Addison, seeing a bit of Private Practice was enough of that character after Grey's.


I miss so many of the above and I'm still sad about a lot of them but I have to choose George as my heart still hurts... him spelling out 007 So. Damn. Painful. 😖


I miss MAGIC. I wonder what could have been, not only for their characters, but as a group as well. I'm not a big Izzie fan, she had her moments, but I think that her true colors came through and hurt what too many people in the process, but it would be interesting to see what happened to her, how she ended up, who she is now (maybe became a general practitioner, or a medical social worker or a patient advocate or maybe she opened a shop for her knitted items and baed goods). It would have been interesting to see them and what would have happened had they stayed together a little longer... like who would they be as people, as doctors and as surgeons. They were a group and they didn't get to "dance it out", they didn't get to finish as a group...

I miss Cristina. She show has lost some of its rhythm and comic timing since she left. She made a lot of strides... she gained some understanding, some sympathy, and empathy... Her reaction to Henry's death was heart breaking and to watch her start making connections have even having fun with Meredith's kids and with Sophia was amazing.

I miss Mark and Lexie. Who knows what would have happened had they not have been in that crash and lived or they were in the crash and lived? Hmmm.. Especially Lexie... she didn't have a chance to really show that she had a gift in something, a calling in a specialty. What kind of surgeon would she have become? What kind of doctor would she have become? Would she and Mark have gotten married and had all those kids and stayed together or would have gotten married and a couple of kids and then have the marriage not work out (knowing Shondra....) and I think that it would have been interesting to have seen Mark survive his injuries and move on without Lexie... Like with Cristina, the show seems to have lost some of it's rhythm without him.

I miss Teddy and Henry and I think that Teddy's friendship and relationship with Cristina was underrated. I miss that between them and what they brought to the show together...

I kind of had a like/dislike with Callie... but she hasn't been gone long enough for me to miss her yet.

It would be interesting to see Finn come back... maybe for a guest star for a couple of episodes... they had a connection so many years ago and now with the fact that Meredith's a widow, they have that connection as well, as two people who are together who have lost a spouse... so they know what it's like to miss and love someone or think about someone that is no longer here, and would understand if they need to talk, have a memory, have an emotion for that person...

I wasn't a big fan of Burke. Yes, he had his moments. He was a good doctor and saw something in George and became a mentor and advocate to him.... but he was what Dr. Bailey said to him in one of the first episodes, he put patients, doctors, nurses, and the hospital at risk with that hand of his... and I think of what he did to Cristina both before he left and after he left. That being said, I think that the show did lose something after he left... although I can't picture any episodes or storylines that he would be in... seeing him in the episodes that he was in before Cristina left... was strange and unexpected.

I miss Joe the Bartended, Nurse Tyler, and even Nurse Olivia. They all bought a bit of fun and joy to the show...

The doctor that I miss most is George (like Dr. Bailey, he was my favorite).. he didn't have time to grow up and become the man, the doctor, and the surgeon he was supposed to be. He needed some more time and some more guidance and support to grow up and find his place and footing in the world, which he was finding right when he died. (Alex was given that. I mean, who knew that he would have become the man, the doctor, and the surgeon that he became... working in Peds?) It would have been interesting to have seen him in the shooting episodes (like have him be there with Lexie instead of Mark and they save Alex or have Alex and Lexie save him or have him with Meredith rather than Cristina and have him save Derek or have him get shot instead of Owen..., when Callie had her accident and was recovering, when the plane crashed (maybe being on the plane or maybe he went with Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber to Idaho to help everyone one home and then helped everyone after they got home) for example. He's been gone longer than he was on the show and I can see him in certain episodes (but can't see him in others) and know that he would have been a fantastic Uncle to Tuck (maybe he would have been one of the men to talk to him after the bullying), to Zola, Sophia, Baby Bailey, and Ellis, that he and Alex would have been able to have become friends (they needed something like the shooting to really become friends), and he would have been there for Meredith when Lexie died, when Cristina left, when Derek died, and when she was attacked.


Yes! Lexi was Meredith's best half sister! It's like they tried to replace her with Maggie, but I STILL cannot stand her! I thought maybe a season would get me used to her, but it hasn't. She's just really annoying and it's unbelievable that Meredith would be okay with her and that attitude. Sure Lexie was a little bubbly at first, too, but she bonded with Mer over their dad.

I definitely miss Sloan and Lexi as well as Cristina. I was so frustrated that they couldn't at least give us a little of Mark & Lexi back in a strong relationship before killing them off! Mark was also great with Derek. Derek's death hasn't really phased me as I thought it would. Could also be b/c it all happened in like one episode and then they moved on like it was nothing big. Maybe b/c toward his ending, they really weren't as into that couple as they were in the beginning with the whole cheating/getting together situation. George was more of the comic relief and I loved him then, but he's another that I really haven't missed as much.
