MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man 3 (2007) Discussion > The street dance scene is isn’t THAT bad

The street dance scene is isn’t THAT bad

This movie isn’t as near as bad as people like to say it is, and this scene also isn’t so bad. It’s not even the worst dance scene in the movie!

There are SO many scenes in the film that are cringier than the street dance scene. Why does nobody mention the stupid scene with J Jonah Jameson and his vibrating desk? The quick scene where Harry hides under the table in the pie restaurant to look myserious? The goofy moment where Jameson bribes a child for her pink camera? Or the ACTUALLY bad dancing scene in the jazz club that goes on forever and has nothing to do with the plot? At least the street scene is quick and important to the plot and shows how, for the first time in his life, Parker has confidence and swag. What makes me even more irked that people seem to think the scene was meant to be serious or something, but notice how everyone else in the scene is cringing just as hard as the audience? Almost as if...hmm, it’s supposed to be lame?


The quick scene where Harry hides under the table in the pie restaurant to look myserious?

I laughed out loud at this picturing James Franco hiding under the table as the bus drives by. And while I was a little disappointed by this film when it first came out, I've come to really enjoy it since (like it better than either of the Andrew Garfield films for sure).


I remember seeing it when I was about 15 and I enjoyed it. Sure I didn’t like some things but who cares.


I agree that the street dancing scene wasn't that bad. However, there were many other larger problems in the film such as the inclusion and terrible casting of venom, crappy CGI, the whole drama between MJ and Gwen, and Sandman's dramatic music every time he is on screen. We get it, he's a bad guy. I think it gets panned slightly more than it deserves because most people really liked the first two films. Personally, I didn't enjoy it at all.


I still don't understand the buzzing desk gag. That went on forever and there was no pay off for it.
