Season 4

Fantastic. And it was great that Hulu released all the episodes at once - so it was really binge-worthy. The plot lines, dialogue, acting, re-introducing earlier characters just at the right time, current political and social themes all at Spring Break. Transformation of Neptune - 15 years later. And Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is one of the writers. They did a really good job re-booting this because this was a really special gifted show. Sunny but very dark and Kristen Bell plays the whip-smart Veronica especially well. There is one scene (actually many) where there was a repartee between her and dad that sounds straight of a Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett conversation - something about a bunny. Can’t recall as I am writing.


Wow. I didn't even know that they had brought it back. Last the wife and I saw was the movie. Glad you made this post.


We just finished watching the season today. We watched only two episodes per day to savor it because it's only eight total. It was well worth it and we're hoping for season 5 and beyond. Your capsule review was dead on, letess. Thank you!

(Wow. I really miss IMDB's message boards. This new season would've had pages, but there's only this one lone post here. Sadness.)


i'm glad you enjoyed it. I have gone back and am watching from season 1 again before I hit season 4. Just wanted to check and make sure it was a good season before I spend too much time in front of the tv.


I wanted to watch seasons 1, 2, and 3 again before watching season 4, but realized that it would likely be at least three weeks. Plus, they released season 4 early and I couldn't wait to watch it. I hope you like it. The final episode of season 4 is very mixed.


Nothing compares to imdb blogs. When they shut down, all film discussions ended. An entire source of greatness ended.And this is what what we get.


I used to visit IMDB's boards every day. I really enjoyed reading other people's thoughts about movies and TV shows. That has all dried up now for the most part (case in point: this thread), and I doubt we'll ever have a comparable board that movie and TV fans frequent. IMDB has a corner on the market and it's too bad that they were willing to give up so many visitors to their site just because they didn't want to moderate it at all.


There's a veronica mars reddit if you're still looking.


Thank you. I am happy to find this out.


Thank you for this. ♥
Just started the show and also wondered if I would watch season 4 straight away.
Yah, I will (watch it, not marry it). ☺
