Thank you. I appreciate this post. I don't make it a habit of watching black shows unless they're the early 90's shows. I'll admit [white/indian or not] I was addicted to shows like Martin, Living Single, Family Matters, Moesha, and Fresh Prince when I was but a wee thing. I even got in trouble because I'd stay up late at night to watch Martin and Living Single.. however I think it shows far less class on the part of people who feel the need to point it out that there are "no people of my race on this show."
I've yet to see an American Indian or a Hispanic on this board yelling about racism. As an American Indian and brief former resident of AZ, especially the phoenix area I know that Arizona is chalked full of Indians and you never see them. I rarely go complaining about the fact that most whites on black TV shows are so stereotypical it makes the shows writers and producers look racist and prejudice. It's nice to see that not all people thing alike.