You couldn't make a hockey team out of the african - american people that featured in Mediums entire run (about 120 episodes). Is Phoenix a predominantly white/hispanic city?

There were virtually no chinese people either.

Medium = racist?


Good Lord. Are you serious with this? Come on.
there will be snark


You're a moron.


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I think it is the duty of producers of a show to be representative of the African American population of America and to actively ensure that this is featured in each episode.

Medium is hideously white; according to wiki phoenix is 6% african american, so 1 in every 18 or so people. 2 characters out of 1000 in the entire series is shameful.


There was more than 2! I remember on the last season, 7, Joe was at a bar with his coworker...all I could see were his coworkers teeth lmao! My tv settings were dark I guess lol


People would complain if minorities were featured commiting crimes!
Now they are complaining that they aren't....



Very funny. Very true.


you could have black characters playing detectives? or black kids playing students at the kid's school??

i've got feelings too, ya know


I don't think I would call it racism. I might agree with you if the show was set in LA or New York, but Phoenix is pretty white/hispanic (we have a house down there). The DA has an African American secretary and there are a few other characters that stand out but I can't think of seasons/episodes off hand.


From this post alone, YOU'RE racist. And I bet you can't see why.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.


Blacks are over-represented in movies, on tv, and in commercials. That you're whining over this program illustrates to us why they are over-represented. I think their roles should be pared down on all media, down to 14.3%.


but the fact that they are only 14.3% is because all the rest were gunned down for no reason in routine police stops, right?



Every board on IMDB seems to have its own resident troll, it would appear that "cremonese64" is Medium's.


LoL someone beat me to it, i was about to say its a show about her solving crimes. Every other show has people bitching that they show too many blacks committing crimes. And in this one all the bad people are white. Gimme a break.


The sketch artist is black. Happy now?


The fact that any posts about racism attracts sooo much attention from whites, it's obvious they are true racists. You can see it in their response comments.

Whites are so tough on the internet, They love to click up and gang from behind the keyboard, so most ethnics let them have it. while they pretty much take the presidency. lol! And I'm Irish BTW.


No, idiotic posts looking for racism when there is none whatsoever evident will draw attention from people who actually posess some common sense and have an IQ higher than the current room temperature here. That is what's happened here.


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Thanks for proving my point. I love posts from people like you. Trying to cover your tracks by stating someone else is idiotic and yourself, intelligent. It's the childish move of someone who has no content their argument. If you really had a higher IQ, as you stated, you really would've came stronger with something besides an insult.


And how do you know that every reply is from white people? Who's racist now?


Or Ariel's principal.


As a black woman, I have to say, I think it's kind of racist on our part to count the amount of black cast members, guest stars and extras on a show, especially when we would be wildly offended if they did that with the few shows we have out.


Thank you. I appreciate this post. I don't make it a habit of watching black shows unless they're the early 90's shows. I'll admit [white/indian or not] I was addicted to shows like Martin, Living Single, Family Matters, Moesha, and Fresh Prince when I was but a wee thing. I even got in trouble because I'd stay up late at night to watch Martin and Living Single.. however I think it shows far less class on the part of people who feel the need to point it out that there are "no people of my race on this show."

I've yet to see an American Indian or a Hispanic on this board yelling about racism. As an American Indian and brief former resident of AZ, especially the phoenix area I know that Arizona is chalked full of Indians and you never see them. I rarely go complaining about the fact that most whites on black TV shows are so stereotypical it makes the shows writers and producers look racist and prejudice. It's nice to see that not all people thing alike.


Judging from the pilot and Season 1 promotional photos, I think a black woman was supposed to be a regular. Not sure why it didn't work out. But Medium has a wide variety of races featured. The DA to begin with...
