Movies similar to this one?

Hi all!
Since I really like this movie I would be glad if you could give me a few suggestions of which movie resembles this one - Not in plot but in the way it keeps you smiling all through the film. I believe endearing is the word I'm looking for.



Cool Runnings


Soul Kitchen, it's a feel-good movie. Once, Sing Street, Amelie, and Angel-A are others. Safety Not Guaranteed leaves you with a warm feeling at the end. Also, Silver Linings Playbook was a feel-good movie.

The Dish was a very inspiring and optimistic movie, as well as The Intouchables. Source Code isn't all the way through, though the ending leaves me with an optimistic feeling every time.

These are all kind of different from The World's Fastest Indian, but they all keep one smiling after the end!
