where would you go?
if it was your last holiday where in the world would you go?
shareParis...always Paris. Walk along the Champs Elysées at night with cool breezes, hand in hand with my love, sip wine at an outdoor cafe.
But I plan to do this before I get my brain tumor cat scan results!
Budapest and Bangkok, Thailand!
Massive Attack, Gorillaz, M.I.A, NIN, Manson, A7X, Rob Dougan,The Prodigy
Probably New York, or London.
Future Tony Award Winner! :P
on a killing spree
I'd go to New York, I guess. Ain't it the best city in the USA?. And I'd stay at the most expensive hotel there. Then I'd go to some European country (don't know which) and I'd stay for a few days there too. I won't stay in just one hotel, I'd try to tour the world.
sharewhere would i go? by the time I had finally made up my mind i would be dead...lol!
no, i wouldnt go anywhere, but i would do a lot, use my last bit of money to put up all my web sites and get them started so i could leave my sister an internet empire. do and say all the things that couldnt be said for fear of being destroyed. get the first stages of goals for my non-profit completed.
find a nice home for my cat is probably the most important thing, really the only thing when you get right down to it.