MovieChat Forums > Flightplan (2005) Discussion > the most ridiculous criminal plan in the...

the most ridiculous criminal plan in the history of movies

oh wow where to begin?

Kill a guy, make it look like suicide:
Hmm, ok but pretty risky.

Predict that the widow would fly the dead body home, on the exact airline and flight you will be working on:
Ok this is already retarded.

Somehow make a girl disappear on a busy flight without anyone noticing:
Possible but extremely risky and definitely not something you will rely on for an elaborate scheme.

Predict the mom will go crazy enough to sneak into the storage cabin to open the coffin which contains the bombs:
Yeah right

Pretend the woman is demanding money without her finding out and know for sure they will give her the money:
Come on!

And if all this goes well (everything will have to go perfectly way for this to work) you move to some island and live happily ever after without the authorities wondering how you suddenly obtained millions of dollars

I put the odds of all this going perfectly well at 1 in 100, AT BEST which is way beyond the realms of suspension of belief.


I'm trying to imagine the Marshal, the stewardess and the morgue manager having these conversations about how winning a huge amount of money with a rather complicated plan involving a fake suicide, unnoticed and sleepy children, engineers turning crazy, bombs in a casket and US authorities on the Canadian territory accepting to transfer $50,000,000 because a marshal told them to do it. And one of them is asking:
"What if the girl isn't quiet and all the passengers see her?"
"That can't happen."

The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


Zhow yours is now officially my favorite comment on this thread so far. Brilliant.


know "for sure" they will give her the money

yes, that's really extremely retarded!

But when i watched , i didnt' even bother to think so....

movie work like this, one gotta forget what should and will happen in real life.
That's the norm.


retarded beyond belief. I felt insulted as I watched this, that the writers actually thought an audience would buy this as plausible


I agree. This takes bad writing to a new level. Wile E Coyote could plan a highjacking better than the guy in this movie. I kept waiting for a anvil with Acme written on its side to drop on Jodies head.


fierstein: I too felt insulted by this story. I literally almost could not believe what I'd just seen.


In addition to everything else:
. . .These plotters must have assumed they could easily vanish, because the trail of clues would have surely tipped off investigators that something was fishy.
Had no idea so many people were so down on this movie. I was entertained, but I'll be the FIRST to admit: I'm easily entertained.

HOWEVER, having said that. . .

These threads are fascinating to me, in that there's a rabid core of folks complaining about these "plot holes," but an equal number of people who give intelligent explanations for them. Followed by echoing silence from the originators, until a new thread erupts, hydra-like.

I'll break the pattern and NOT supply (AGAIN. . .most of these have been addressed) answers to your non-plot-holes; however: it's worth pointing out that your final observation is spot-on: any of the "weaknesses" in the plan that would've tipped investigators after the fact are meaningless. The bad guys would've been Long Gone w/the money.

"Personally I hope they make all the gods black and change it from Valhalla to Valholla!"


With all due respect, you can only be a complete idiot if you even try and defend the stupidity of this films plot. At no point does it make any sense, but if that`s what entertains you, then so be it.

"Come on, Doc. We`re not talking about a band-aid or a tube a Ungentine"


With all due respect, you can only be a complete idiot if you even try and defend the stupidity of this films plot. At no point does it make any sense, but if that`s what entertains you, then so be it.
. . .this is me Not responding to a post that (a) ignores/misses what was said (b) makes absurd ad hominem attacks.

See how it's done, kids? Go forth and emulate.

"Personally I hope they make all the gods black and change it from Valhalla to Valholla!"


I didnt miss anything. Not only are you easily entertained, but seemingly easy confused.

"Come on, Doc. We`re not talking about a band-aid or a tube a Ungentine"


These threads are fascinating to me, in that there's a rabid core of folks complaining about these "plot holes," but an equal number of people who give intelligent explanations for them.

...this is me Calling You Out, storagge.

Using any one of the many posts that compile a list of the inconsistencies and improbabilities in this wretched excuse for narrative, find an equal number of people who give intelligent explanations for them, thus rendering each point consistent and probable, so that we may scratch them from the list.

Hell, let's make it easy. Give me JUST ONE example. One.

And while you're at it, please try not to be so condescending to us "kids".

Go forth, add that to your hominem, and smoke it.


I watched the movie earlier today, and I've read several threads so far. I haven't read anyone explain away the major plot holes. Some of the critical viewers have gotten carried away and listed more supposed problems than they should have. The major plot holes, and they are numerous, are undeniably problematic for the story.


one of the worst films ive ever seen. the camera work was awful too

and yes you are currently reading my sig


I'm trying to imagine the Marshal, the stewardess and the morgue manager having these conversations about how winning a huge amount of money with a rather complicated plan involving a fake suicide, unnoticed and sleepy children, engineers turning crazy, bombs in a casket and US authorities on the Canadian territory accepting to transfer $50,000,000 because a marshal told them to do it. And one of them is asking:
"What if the girl isn't quiet and all the passengers see her?"
"That can't happen."

LOL.... perfect summary of the idiocy of this movie. The rest are borderline stupid, but the magical disappearing child combined with some sort of mass-memory-wiping dust just takes the cake.


If the girl had...

- gone to the toilet
- had a simple conversation with her mom
- made a random noise (as sometimes children do)

during the first hour of the flight - that's the END of their massively complicated plan.

I reiterate - whoever thinks IT'S NOT A HUGE PLOT HOLE is an absolute idiot.

From this forum alone, I realize how many morons there are that still staunchly defend this film as 'believable'. I can understand if you enjoyed it despite the plot hole, but there's NO WAY this plan is remotely plausible.


The bad guys are planning a huge mulit-zillion dollar scam heist. However, their plan relies on so many things taking place on time and in order that are out of their control, their odds of success are essentially zero.

And yet the premise of the film was never "this is what happens when idiots plan crimes", it was more like "look how convoluted a plot this is".

If I employed the same kind of planning for a bank robbery, it would go like this:
1. Plan the bank robbery for a night when there's a huge football game.
2. The game will go into overtime, and when there's a score in overtime, all the phone circuits will be overloaded, and the power system will be overloaded, causing a blackout.
3. Presto, the vault's electronic lock will be disabled, just as I planned.
4. So I'm inside the vault but it's still difficult to get 2 tons of cash past the guards.
5. Exhausted from their overtime football celebration, they all fall asleep. Phew. That was close, but also part of my plan.
6. It's still difficult to get the tons of loot up some stairs. Conveniently, there's a juvenile delinquent cruising the bank vault areas after hours who has perfected a new matter transportation device and wants to try it out. He transports the loot into my getaway car and wishes me well.
7. I buy a Caribbean island and live there in luxury. No one comes after me. They have been distracted by an alien attack and the threat of an asteroid hitting the earth.
It's pure genius. The basis for the script of FlightPlan II?

"Spock! Form an away team! You, me, Bones, Scotty and umm... Ensign Smith!"



Suspension of disbelief has to be earned. This movie did not earn it at all.

It threw in a HIGHLY IMPLAUSIBLE SCENARIO that the entire plot revolved around (vanishing girl that no one around her remembered, despite having multiple opportunities to do so), and expected audiences to swallow it wholesale.

