if she wasnt actually a prositute by profession-a common one in japan- she lived a totally irresponsible life. i have firsthand experience with this sort of person...years ago, my mom and i ran a daycare, and one of our first children was an adorable little boy named Josh. his mother was a barmaid, with insane hours. she would drop Josh off with us mid afternoon, but we never knew when she would pick him up. it was never earlier than 10p, but often it would be 24 hours or more before she would show up. she paid us lavishly, more than our rates, but we always worried. it was quite a while before we heard from her neighbours that she actually had something like 7 kids, all with different fathers, and even she didnt know who fathered which. i never heard what happened to the other kids during the times she was gone for a day....i fear now that it was likely much like the life of these poor kids. anyway, one day, she didnt come with Josh, and when we called her neighbours, they said she had suddenly moved, and we never found out why.
its been something like 40 years since i last saw little Josh, but ive never forgotton him. i have a little photo of him on my fridge still, and i will always wonder about him, and miss his sparkling personality, and always worry that he grew up safe and happy.
"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"