MovieChat Forums > Munich (2006) Discussion > Does anyone actually remember the 1972 O...

Does anyone actually remember the 1972 Olympics.

I was a kid but I remember it.
I wonder why so many trolls get so much mileage out of every Palestinian victim when for many decades Palestinian have been terrorizing the world because they are at war with Israel and Israel defends itself. No one in a war counts to make sure they are only killing a proportional number of the enemy. Yet day after day on social media everywhere this issue seems to get clouded by the never-ending labelling of Israel as apartheid. No one seems to get that every time Israel has to take action it is in response to a Palestinian terror action.


I was a kid but I remember it.
I wonder why so many trolls get so much mileage out of every Palestinian victim when for many decades Palestinian have been terrorizing the world because they are at war with Israel and Israel defends itself. No one in a war counts to make sure they are only killing a proportional number of the enemy. Yet day after day on social media everywhere this issue seems to get clouded by the never-ending labelling of Israel as apartheid. No one seems to get that every time Israel has to take action it is in response to a Palestinian terror action.

Very cloudy out of own memory.
As a little child I was in Munich (1972) with my family.
I remember the feelings pretty well.
Frozen shock...deep sadness.
Nowadays it appears to me as if I was in the middle of the shootings.
Due to watching many docus.

With what you said I agree! 💯​
While you surprise me, cause in my books you're a Russian troll.


I was eighteen, and I remember it being on the news--a live death-watch to see what was going to happen, then the horror when it was known that the murders had taken place. Israel is an island of civilization surrounded, unfortunately, by savages.



You're a bit older than I, but it is one of those historic moments I remember.
I find it hard to accept there are so many real people who of their own informed
volition side with the Palestinians and call Israel apartheid. I think that was
mostly Jimmy Carter's fault due to his absurd book. The one reason I don't
really mourn Carter as so many do today in his last days. I don't wish him ill
but he was clueless.

In a book I read on negotiating the author talking about Jimmy Carters stupidity
in not understanding or listening to advisors with respect to Iran. Maybe Reagan
had moles in Carter's administration misinforming him. That was a major blind
spot with JC.


I was 3 yrs old in 1972, and I do have some vivid memories from that year. Well, at least one memory. I remember the day my dad came home in the evening with this gizmo that he hooked up to our TV so you could play games on it. I was only allowed to play with it once or twice, I totally remember desperately wanting to play with it and my sisters telling me "you're too little for this, it's for us" or whatever. Apparently we only had it for about a month and then my dad sold it because nobody touched it after the first few days we had it. I had no idea what it was called for years, but now I know it was a Magnavox Odyssey.

Anyway, I don't have any specific memories about the 1972 Olympics, but I do remember the 1976 Olympics. I was 7 that year, and I knew I had seen the Olympics before, which obviously could only be 1972.

Now then, as to the other topic mentioned.

I have virtually zero sympathy for Muslim Arabs in Palestine. The Jews were kicked out of their own country by the Romans, their land was stolen from them and colonized. 2000 years later, that land was always sparsely populated by Arabs and a few Jews who never left, but it was always under the control of one empire or another and never really became anything. There was never any such thing as a "Palestinian nation" as such. The land was uncared for and uncultivated and nobody gave a shit about it. Eventually it came under the control of the Ottoman Empire and stayed that way for about 500 years. Then WWI happened and the UK kicked the Ottoman Empires' ass, which gave them legitimate control of the entire region, and they chose to give the Jewish homeland back to the Jews. Yes, this displaced some Arabs. Yes that sucks for them, but that's what happens when your side loses a war and the territory you live on suddenly belongs to someone else. You pack your shit and move and get on with your life. It's happened hundreds of thousands of times to billions of people across the history of humanity. The only reason this particular case became so controversial is because Muslim Arabs in the Middle East would literally rather die in jihad than let a Jew have a square inch of real estate.

There is no "occupation." There is no "apartheid." There is one group of people trying to live in peace in their duly reacquired homeland, and another group determined to attack them militarily any chance they get. After what happened to the Jews in WWII, I don't blame them one bit for their actions in Gaza. Israel will stop treating the Muslim Arabs in Palestine like animals when the Muslim Arabs stop acting like animals.



Lot’s of common sense here.

It’s insane that anyone could support Islam after the relentless murder and rape it inflicts on its neighbours, wherever they are in the world. Then, when anyone retaliates it’s Muslim crocodile tears… and the Left fall for it every time. Useful idiots.

Israel is showing the world how to deal with Islamic aggression. I hope the civilian casualties will be minimal but the only path to peace is for Israel to win the war.
