Given that the Dutch woman was a hired assassin who had murdered their friend in cold blood, and might equally have murdered any one - or all - of them given the opportunity
Being a hired assassin, while a vile occupation for sure, does mean that nothing is personal. Any killing (not murdering) done by a paid assassin is done for money, hence not personal at all - everyone understands this in a mafia movie, so it shouldn't be hard to understand in this story either. The lady would
not have killed any of the others if given the
opportunity, only if she had been
paid. There is a moral difference in the motives. Neither are praiseworthy, but there is a difference nonetheless.
In fact, if the Israelis had wanted, they could just as well have hired the lady. It was the Israelis who were making it all personal, not the hired killer.
And yes it was a very sad scene. I found it incredibly sad that when the lady was shot and she knew she was dying, the first (or last) thing she did for was go to her cat, to hold it a last time. But even that last comfort was not to be. In fact, I was almost surprised the Israelis didn't kill the lady's cat too, just to show how personal, revengeful and hateful they were.