MovieChat Forums > The Departed (2006) Discussion > Mark Wahlberg Was The Hero of the Film

Mark Wahlberg Was The Hero of the Film

Wahlberg, sorry, I mean Sergeant Dignam, was the hero of this brilliant film.

His straight-talking, no-time-for-political-correct-niceties, action-ready, tough guy attitude won out in the end and defeated the super-fake, pretend-goody-goody college boy Matt Damon, sorry I mean Colin Sullivan, when others failed, like goody-goody liberal Martin Sheen, sorry I mean Captain Queenan, was too weak and unable to control his boys, and supposedly professional Alec Baldwin, sorry I mean Captain Ellerby, the pretend-professional who seemed to say all the right PC things, but was in fact turned out to be an aggressive, trigger-happy hot-head, and PC 'save the world' liberal Leo DiCaprio, sorry I mean William Costigan Jr. didn't have the stomach to do the things Wahlberg, sorry I mean Dignam, was prepared to do to the scum of the earth.

Anyway, a great film which showed us all that Wahlberg, sorry, I mean Dignam's approach to life, was the way to go in order to thrive and survive. 😁




And the only one with a good Boston accent.


Dignam acted mean & stuff & cussed a lot. I didn't like him. No one was likable actually.


Ah, What's the matta, smartass, you don't know any fuckin' Shakespeah?


Had the best line of the film.

"I'm the guy doin' his job, you must be the other guy."
