MovieChat Forums > The Departed (2006) Discussion > The female was a mean person (and a poor...

The female was a mean person (and a poor character)

I just watched the movie and had to create an account because I was shocked about the female character and had to hear your thoughts about it.

My main problem is this : why does she cheat on Matt Damon with Leo Di Caprio ? We had no clue whatsoever that she was unhappy with him, she even said to Leo that her love affair was "very serious". And even if she was unhappy, then why not leave Matt Damon first, like a decent person ?

In her situation, the only thing she could have done when Di Caprio tried to kiss her was : get offended… But she didn’t and slept with him instead, which was out of tune with her character and everything it represented (a nice, caring, honest woman).

Not only does she cheat on him while moving in his place, but she has not the slightest remorse while announcing her pregnancy to Matt Damon even though she knows it may not be his baby.

I don’t undurstand why such a vicious and evil behaviour was given to such a calm and peaceful character. It was so out of place.

It would have been logical if it was a mean of saying "There are no good people, even among women". But that’s not what Scorsese wanted, because we can feel all along he wants us to side with her. Therefore, I think it’s a mistake of writing because it fits nowhere.


I think you're right. I never thought of her in a bad way before reading your post. I just noticed she is a sl.t, she is in a relationship with him, she is living in his house, then cheating on him and telling him happily that they are having a baby. And without a marriage!

That also makes Costigan an as.hole as well. He knows she has a relationship but still makes advances to her and sleep with her. What an honorable behaviour.

You're right again, Scorcese wanted to present those two as good people to audience, but actually they are 2 backstabbing immoral creatures. No matter Sullivan is an as.hole himself.

I think most women flirt on their husbands' or boyfriends' back. Nobody is perfect.


Don’t take it out on Costigan. He was a mess. He had no family or friends and emotionally ravaged with his undercover work. The Doctor was the only one he felt a connection with.

And, let’s face, what she did was unethical. Sleeping with your patient is unethical and illegal. She even mentions how she likes his vulnerability. In essence, Costigan is a victim.


>Sleeping with your patient is unethical and illegal.

They stopped being doctor/patient immediately after the first meeting in her office and then she even mentioned that again later just in case any numbnuts viewers out there missed it. Maybe if they hammered on it a third time you would have caught it? Probably not.


It doesn’t work that way.,of%20the%202%2Dyear%20rule.

“This leads us to the issue of therapists initiating (or agreeing to) sexual activity with former clients, which is a little more controversial and often misunderstood. The APA Code, Standard 10.08(a), states: "Psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with former clients/patients for at least two years after cessation or termination of therapy.” This is the first part of the 2-year rule. One purpose of the prohibition against post-therapy sexual activity is that the effectiveness of therapy can be compromised if clients are either hopeful or concerned that the therapeutic relationship might turn into a romance the day (or month, or year) after therapy is over.”


They had one single appointment that didn't even last 10 minutes. She knew nothing about him. They might as well have met in a bar or on the street. The reason doctor/patient relationships are considered unethical is because the doctor is privy to the patient's most personal intimate secrets and can use that to take advantage. Not an issue in this case.

You fucking sewing circle clucking hens, clutching your pearls, I love it! XD


I see the problem is that you are ignorant and can’t read.


Great comeback, retard! I'll never recover =(


For all you know, they had a serious but "don't ask, don't tell" relationship...
If not, well it's not like it's an uncommon behaviour these days, the misc crew always loves to explain that to people.


There is a whole bunch of criminals, several moles, the boss of the criminals is also a snitch for the FBI and you think the shrink is a bad person? You are kidding, right?

Hell yes!



yeah, why not? Does the existence of other criminals cover her mean and sinful acts? No.


Not to mention she was a Dr/therapist who had sex with an extremely vulnerable patient.


jensmile, you said..."Not to mention she was a Dr/therapist who had sex with an extremely vulnerable patient." I say... "I thought I axed you NOT to mention that!" L0L I watched a LOT of comedy growing up! It helped me keep a SOH about life! So far so good... :P


Great answer wlan! Notice how a woman will try to cover for another woman's bad behaviour, but anyone (male or female) who can think for themselves will agree with you! (BTW...not that many can think for themselves nowadaze). I research 'truth' a lot, but I like to ESCAPE reality by watching these "distasteful" movies. BTW... "Art does NOT imitate life". (It's the other way around).


My main problem is this : why does she ? We had no clue whatsoever that she was unhappy with him, she even said to Leo that her love affair was "very serious".

She wasn't exactly happy. You can see that when Billy asks her if she loves her boyfriend and she answers that they have a serious relationship (she doesn't answer ''Yes, I love him'', if she had been really happy and in love, she would have said so).

Colin was very distant, he never told her anything about his life nor work and every time she tried to talk important stuff he jokingly avoided the issue. He was charming, had a good job and no psychological problems (unlike Billy) but he was too cold and didn't show her real love or connection. And don't forget when she tried to hang a picture of herself in his appartment and he didn't let her, all in a jokingly-no-big-deal- kind of way but we can see by Vera Farmiga's acting that she didn't like that very much. On the other hand, we have Billy, who saw her picture over a desk or something like that and, without asking her, hung the picture for her showing he did care for her and her past.

So, Colin was good on paper but it was just a convenience thing, there wasn't real love. Billy was a mess, but he was real, honest and did show her he cared for her. She didn't leave Damon's character just because, as I said, he was the right option on a rational level. Which answers:

And even if she was unhappy, then why not leave Matt Damon first, like a decent person ?

Not only does she cheat on him while moving in his place, but she has not the slightest remorse while announcing her pregnancy to Matt Damon even though she knows it may not be his baby.

This was either a director's mistake or she was so excited, she didn't think it could not be Colin's son. Also, who said Billy and her didn't use a condom?

Edit: I found this on the Trivia section: At the end of the movie when Billy brings the tape to Madolyn, we can deduce that the child is not from Colin Sullivan but from Costigan. She wants to tell him something but he leaves right before she does.

So maybe she did wanted to tell him after all.


This movie is a remake of a Chinese movie. Many think the original is better. I watched both and enjoyed both but there were some differences especially the ending.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


chicago85. Hi! I'm a HUGE Bears fan too! I remember 1985-86 like it was yesterday! I used to be a Hawks fan, before the Kyle Beach incident! IIRC, that Chinese movie was called "Internal Affairs"? I saw that somewhere online a few days ago, but I haven't seen the movie! Jack Nicholson STOLE every Departed scene he was in and he MADE this movie! Jack is one of the Top actors ever, and he is Tops in my books, maybe my FAV! I just love his facial expressions in this flick! He comes off as a 'tad' psychotic, as he does in many of his characters. I saw "Cuckoo's Nest" at the theater in Edmonton just after it was first released! (1976ish?) Jack's career has aged like a FINE wine! Looking at his movies in chronological order proves that!


Etxpeme, "Mz Professional" wants to tell WHO something? Billy C. or Colin S.? Her character's name is Madylyn, and the actor's name is Vera Farmiga. BTW, this was a RIVETING movie, and why it got an 8.5 rating on IMDb. I've seen it 3-4 times now,(over the years) on Netflix and on BluRay.
TBH, I empathized with Colin S. bcuz he looks like one of my family a lot! (I'm also Irish background). I was rooting for him instead of Leo DiCaprio! lol I wish their roles were reversed! See how we become biased out of familiarity?


I have to agree. Deep down, she was just as big a POS as many of the other characters in the film.


“Just as big a POS as many of the other characters in the film,” how do you figure that? Yes she cheated on her boyfriend, and this is both wrong as well as shitty but to fair her boyfriend was a lying, manipulative, control freak, and was most likely a psychotic sociopath, who btw was unable to please her emotionally as well as physically.
So she let her guard down and ended up fucking Billy, at least she owned it and told Billy that it was over instead of perpetuating the affair with more lies and deceit.
imo I don’t think it’s appropriate to lump her in with everyone else in the film who rubbed you the wrong way.


DITDark, I agree with Thomas! The 'attractive' psychologist was NOT as attractive on the inside as she was on the outside. I'm older so I don't think with my 'small head' as much as I used to! It's a freedom I now REALLY enjoy, bcuz I save myself SO much aggravation in life!
Just about ALL the characters in this movie were POS to be brutally honest! It mirrors life. (Sometimes life mirrors art) "Monkey see, monkey DO." It's a Scorsese trait that we see in a lot of his films. He is a TOP 'earner' in ShowBiz I'll bet, bcuz "Sex and Violins"lol SELL...PERIOD. BTW, I stole that line from Barth Gimble on "Fernwood Tonight". (Martin Mull). That was a VERY funny 1970s show. A spinoff of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman". Yup, I'm.....OLD. L0L.


DITDark, Methinx it's safe to say that adultery is NOT on the same level of EVIL as murdering, extorting, and robbery! These are probably THREE of Marty's (Scorsese) FAVorite things! L0L He's done a TON of Mob Movies over the years!


There were quite a few scenes where Matt Damon would start to initiate intimacy right when he knew they were going to be interrupted i.e. the phone already starts ringing and he snuggles up to her for kisses or when the movers already rang the doorbell and he does the same.

Also, there was a scene at breakfast where Vera Farmiga mentions to Damon about not being able to perform in bed the night before and said it's no big deal and " actally quite common."

I think it was starting to show that Damon wasn't exactly head over heels over her and Farmiga's character could feel it. I think she was actually a bit lonely, so she was easily attracted to DiCaprio. The framed-picture scenes mentioned above by Etxpeme also showed this.


Speeed, Methinx the term is "emotionally ABSENT"! Colin S. was guilty of that with the Head 'Doctor'.("MAD"olyn lol) Being a dirty cop, and a snitch probably wouldn't exactly get him "Man Of The Year" awards himself! lol
Like I said earlier...Jack Nicholson MADE this film what it is! Try to imagine this story without him in it...Methinx Jack just plays HIMSELF in many of his roles! L0L I don't beLIEve much from the media, but they showed Jack a few years ago, outside his apartment and he was wearing his PJs, and looked disheveled!
I've seen MANY of his movies over the decades, and I distinctly remember him STEALING scenes in "Easy Rider" way back when! He was just a 'supporting actor' in that one too. I just watched a bit of "Cry Baby Killer", which was Jack's FIRST film in 1958. The video quality is almost unwatchable tho, esp. the night scenes!


@ fkc, The messages from most films out of Hollywood are intended to LOWER our standards. It's called 'social engineering' (among other labels). I've researched this since 1996, and I have some pieces of the puzzle that make a NOT so nice picture!


why does she cheat on Matt Damon with Leo Di Caprio ?

Because she wasn’t getting, ahem, certain needs met.
