Re-watching season 1
No disrespect to Firefly or The Expanse but BSG is the best space Sci-Fi TV show.
shareNo disrespect to Firefly or The Expanse but BSG is the best space Sci-Fi TV show.
shareyeah... got a bit weird towards the end though didnt it?
If NuBSG was the best Sci-fi show ever. Than im Mary Poppins. It had one decent Mini-series and one o.k. season. Before it devolved into a shitty soap opera about backstabbing narcissistic assholes being backstabbing narcissistic assholes. I watched the first couple season. Before i realized i only liked the concept and not the unlikable asshole characters. Then after the Space Muinty episode the show got dumber and dumber with more soap opera relationship shit and more dry humping. Thank god i stop watching it before everyone turned into angles and ferries. Maybe you should try to watch Blade Runner, Gattaca, Snowpiercer or something.
shareThe characters on BGS had flaws, but I think that served to make them more complex. Also, it's hard to have a show about people in such close quarters without doing soap opera stories. People have drama. It just happens.
shareI can hardly think of any dramatic production of anything that doesn't have elements of what might be termed "soap opera." I think Soap Opera is more of a flag that indicates poorly presented relationships, hackneyed and/or over-wrought, rather than characters going through troubled and very human personal tumult regarding their feelings toward another person.
shareThat's interesting. Personally, I don't associate the term "soap opera" with bad writing. But I think that originally bond998 used the term to refer to romantic relationships and sex.
shareSeason 1 was amazing, it's basically perfection for a show like this, especially the 2003 MiniSeries and the episodes that immediately followed.
i'm actually thinking about doing a full revisit. i'm pretty sure i haven't watched the entire series in a good 8 years or so.
i think the run from the beginning up to the 5th or 6th episode of season 2 was one of the best runs of any show i've ever seen.
they didn't sustain that all the way to the end, but who could, really. and whatever complaints i have about the directions they sometimes took, & i definitely have some, it was always a quality show that had lots of rewards.
however, i will always think the last 10 minutes of the final episode are unforgivably stupid.
"however, i will always think the last 10 minutes of the final episode are unforgivably stupid."
BSG has been available on COMET lately but I'm having a hard time getting into it. The overall look is kind of muddy, and since I only see episodes haphazardly, I don't have a good feel for the story line. McDonnell seems an odd choice for president, Bamber as Olmos' son is not convincing, (I don't insist that TV relatives resemble one another but it does help), Callis has his tortured one-note, and introducing new characters seems to make it more confusing.
I sort of agree with the comment above that states the concept is interesting, but I'm having trouble with the execution.
i've been watching an episode a night for the past few days, and am currently on s1e5 - you can't go home again.
& just got to the scene where starbuck cuts into a cylon ship and says 'are you alive?'
and was reminded that this is something they never revisited i'm pretty sure, and i really wish they would have. with all the gobbledygook they arsed around with regarding cylon religion & such stuff, surely they could have given a little time to discussing whether the cylon attack ships had consciousness.
This is a series I enjoyed for the most part upon its initial run. I tried to rewatch it a few times but it just doesn't hold up well on repeated viewings.
shareAgree completely. Yes it got kinda odd at the end but for once a show I love had an ending I was ok with.
shareBSG was fantastic. They made some risky creative decisions in the later seasons and I think some hurt the show but overall it was a very fun ride.