MovieChat Forums > Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) Discussion > Zathura is an awful piece of crap

Zathura is an awful piece of crap

This movie is so boring that I rather sit trough Message in a bottle rather than see this again!



I felt like,
"This guy's really hurting me."
And it hurt.


Well, first of all, to the people who say "Why did you watch it?" or "Don't watch it if you don't like it", I'm assuming that if someone didn't like this movie that they aren't going to watch it again, and obviously did not know prior to watching it that they wouldn't enjoy it. That's just ridiculous.

I'm in the middle of watching this movie right now. Hadn't really ever intended to but Jumanji was on TV and I got curious.

I have no problem with the fact that this is supposed to be a sequel to Jumanji or the fact that they have similar plots. However, I find that the "problems" that arise are very poorly written. Now, someone mentioned a book and I'll admit I've never read it, and I don't know if these events are what are in the book but they seemed overdramatized and rather stupid. Biggest example is after the robot appears and has his arms stuck in the wall, the older boy notices the key to the game near a hole in the floor. I thought that was played up unnecessarily. I get that there was a robot right near by, but really, that key was not very close to that hole, and did he really have to drop to the ground like that? Not sure if thats the fault of the writers or the actors, but I found it to be, honestly, laughable.

Thats just one example. Obviously, I haven't finished watching, so I can't make an overall statement about the movie. I do agree that the characters aren't very likeable. Not necessarily UNlikeable, just.... boring. And it keeps bugging me, and distracting me, that other than when she falls down the stairs and they bring her back up, theres no real mention of the sister. No "Only 1 more turn and she'll be un-frozen" or "Holy crap I hope that meteor didn't go through her head". *shrug* I keep saying to myself, 'Wait, was that 4 turns or 5? I coulda sworn they already hit 5 turns already'

I'm doing my best to ignore the fact that they're in space and don't need air (yet its mentioned), and theres gaping holes in the side of the house and they walk out on the front porch. Not to mention the fact that the astronaut shows up with a helmet on. A little odd, but hey, its a kids movie.

Well, thats my bit. :)


The topic of this thread made me laugh -- because I really couldn't agree more!! I have to admit I didn't know this movie was meant as the sequel to Jumanji when I saw it, and it bugged the ***** out of me that it was such a rip-off! It wasn't only inspired by Jumanji, or using some of the plotlines, it was a complete copy! Just without fun or surprise, or any common sense -- and I don't care that it's a kiddie's movie. I mean, come on: great big gaping holes in the side of the house, but the atmosphere's still breathable... I think I fast-forwarded through about 75% of it and I STILL felt like I'd wasted time!


its a magical board game that sends a house into deep space and zorgons exist and tiny robots grow and try to kill you, if it was real space normal physics would apply but they are actually inside the game, the laws have changed, it possible inside it to breathe inside a house and stay on the ground, the house also does not get destroyed by the gravitational pull and fire burns in space. It is a fantasy really, you can't pick holes in this film because the board game is making it all happen

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"


I liked Jumanji better, but this movie was far from crap


I think it was a good movie , but a movie for kids.


I liked Zathura. I had no intention of seeing it when it came out but then I borrowed it from a relative and it was good. I wouldn't mind seeing a Jumanji 2. Or even a prequel to Jumanji about Benjamin and Caleb.

Slimer! That was my clean uniform!" Winston Real Ghostbusters Episode Lost and foundry


I hate going on to message boards to bash things (I'm all about the power of positivity), but I had to come online and find someone that agreed with me that this movie is HORRIBLE! I'm an elementary school teacher. I watch movies that are intended for children all the time. This was just bad all over. Let's go over some of the reasons:

#1) Jumanji was way better. Even though we all knew they would live and finish the game, there was still an element of suspense in Jumanji. What was going to happen next? Poisonous plants, monkeys, a stampede, the hunter, a lion, spiders, and a monsoon with crocodiles. Zathura? A robot and lizard aliens. Oh, and Dax. That was it.

#2) Did anyone actually like the characters? The younger brother just whined the whole time and couldn't read. The older brother was unnecessarily bossy (I have two brothers, I know from experience it was unrealistic). The girl was useless and had a creepy crush on the guy who was obviously going to turn out to be her younger brother. All they did was argue and not listen to each other and get themselves into deeper trouble. Dislike.

#3) Plot holes!!! Taking more than five turns to unfreeze the sister; the kids knowing what cryogenic freezing even is; glasses, pans, and the fire extinguisher being in place even after the furniture and people are moved by the gravitational force of the star; the astronaut has on a space suit when he arrives, but goes to save the older boy without it; one boy get caught "cheating" when he tries to fix the game, but the other doesn't get caught actually cheating.

I tried changing the channel but there was nothing else on. I even muted it a few times. I still couldn't stand this movie. On a scale of 1 to awful, I'd have to give this... like, a 47. Terrible, terrible, terrible...


You're absolutely insane. This movie was a cut above most kiddy film fluff.


We loved this movie....sorry you didn't enjoy it.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


This could have been a bearable movie for me if it wasn't for the completely annoying littlest boy. Oh my God, was he annoying.

"I watch a lot of movies" - Me.
